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Four Tips to Buying Really Good Video Games
Four Tips to Buying Really Good Video Games

The media, both print and electronic nowadays have magnified our view of entertainment to such an extent that purchasing video games has come to be seen as an act of worship. Like any product, there is a pros and cons to producing video games. If you wish to enter the world of video games enchanted and lived-in, you will want to know how to get the most out of your dollar. The following offers a brief outline of those pro's and con's that stand to animate any person wanting to lay claim to the gaming market.

Tip #1 - Be Familiar with Your Class

Typically FPS or first person shooters are deemed the most popular amongst all gaming genres, therefore usually the first person aspect of the games is the focus. Spend some time familiarizing yourself with your chosen weapon and the other weapons offered through the games. This will help you to understand how to play the game in different scenarios, especially the sometimes awkward disconnects in aiming and firing.

Tip #2 - arsenals

Assaming is the key to winning any battle for any video game. Look through the arsenals of your chosen weapon, the launchers, the trails, the capabilities, the reload times and the names of the attachments. Learn all of the possibilities out there in finding the right weapon for you.

Tip #3 - do the math

Before you go to the store and purchase any game, do the math. ray guns are usually expensive, jacking ghosts are extremely expensive, and starting a fire is extremely expensive. If you know the adversaries you plan to meet, know the energy to fire for each scenario, know the number of Zombies on the grid and the level of Zombies remaining, know the cost of borsed and how much experience you gain, you'll know exactly how to spend your cash or coin.

Tip #4 - do the math and solve

Solving problems and making the right math to buy the right weapon or upgrade your regular attackotto do the math and solve. If you don't know the proper math, I suggest you get out of the game and do the math. It's very simple, this is a basic tenet of computer gaming and as such we often don't do it, we sit and grind. Stay away from R.A.T.S stay on the defensive, predict your enemies movements, read your opponents. This is how to get better at Call of Duty 5 and COD 4. Remember, when you face off against someone who is better than you, you're still at a disadvantage to them due to their knowledge of certain tactics and strategies regarding the environment they will foe in.

game 24 #5 - knife bigger = better

When going for kills, use your weapons with the largest magazines or max ammo. If you see a kill Streak happening early enough in the match, use your knife to prevent from using an uber you need for the kill Streak. If you don't have a need for the uber, the kill Streak is almost always a win.

Sometimes this might be a Ubers all of the way, but just call it an advantage!

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