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How to Fix the PS3 Red Light of Death
How to Fix the PS3 Red Light of Death

The PS3 red light of death is the bane of many Ps3 owners. If you are unlucky enough to be experiencing this problem you have many options as to how to fix your PS3. The first option many owners choose is sending their console to Sony. If gameloop is under warranty the PS3 Red Light of Death may be simply fixed for free. If not, the cost is $150 and 6 weeks to get your console back. Many people who have experienced this have reported that there is no guarantee of a fix. There have even been cases of people who have received their console back only to encounter the same problem a few weeks later.

If you are experiencing this problem you have a few options. If it is under warranty, you can easily send it to Sony and have them fix it. The downside to this is that it can cost quite a bit of money to have Sony carry out the repairs. Also you will have to wait quite a bit of time to get your console back. On top of this, if your console is not under warranty you will have to fork out $150 to have Sony fix your PS3.

If you determine that your console is not under warranty you can still send it to Sony, however, you will be expected to pay them $150 to fix your PS3 and be without it for more than 6 weeks.

Fixing your PS3 by yourself can be very easily done. Many PS3 users who have done this realize that it is really easy and does not require any special skills. You simply need to be comfortable opening up your console and fixing problems such as the PS3 Red Light of Death. A few tutorials are also provided in the market which can help you fix various problems with your PS3. Such tutorials are very helpful for PS3 users who do not have technical skills themselves.

Many users also say that once they become familiar with the insides of their consoles, they become an expert at fixing problems with their PS3. Such an experience can help you to save lots of money should your console fall under warranty and you need to have it repair. However, if you choose the option of fixing your console yourself, learn about the various PS3 problems and possible fixes. You can always seek help from other experts in fixing problematic consoles. This is also a good option since you can fix the console of your friends. However, you need to see to it that you yourself have got all the necessary knowledge on how to fix the console.

If you choose the option of fixing your console yourself, first learn about the history of the console. Familiarize yourself with all the features of the various consoles and then decide which console will be the best to repair. Choose a reputable website where you can get useful information on how to repair the console. Do not go by mere information on websites. Before you decide to invest in a repair guide for your console, first check to see if it offers video tutorials to provide assistance to fix any kind of errors.

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