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How you doin' Builderall affiliates?
I'm sending you today an email that covers my exact game plan strategy to effectively get affiliates, so you can make money not only off of your clients but If your leads get theirs you're going to make passive income off of them as well👌

So what exactly am I doing to get affiliates registering to Builderall?

You're going to use the templates that I've sent you to get affiliates using Instagram dm's, If you don't have them yet, then hit me up wherever we texted with each other. Btw, testimonials is a great way to get people registering, so hit me up I'll send couple of mine's so you can use them👌

What you want to do with the templates?:

I'm sending at least 60 dm's a day to people that liked affiliate marketing niche posts, money online niche posts and entrepreneurship niche posts, like Millionaire mentor, wealth or Warrenbuffetquotes
In that way you have warm audience that is either interested in affiliate marketing, or making money online💯

You don't need to spend whole day doing it, I'm texting back people that responded to my dm's 2 times a day and it works fine

The best people to target from my experience are the ones that are from more wealthy countries, like United States, Canada, Australia or Europe. It's difficult to know where is somebody from when it comes to Instagram, but looking just at their profile pictures is helpful.

You don't want to target people that are from Arabic countries or India, as most of them aren't willing to invest in Builderall from my experience. Absolutely nothing against them, especially that I have 2 clients from India and UAE, but I'm talking about majority. We're here to make money and I already lost a lot of time promoting Builderall to them so you don't need to👍
What you want to do, once somebody registers?

You're going to send them my templates, first the sales process strategy and after they register, you're going to introduce them the second strategy, the one to get affiliates with.

Good luck in implementing the first strategies, if you have any questions, let me know!

Target: people that like affiliate marketing posts, money online space posts and entrepreneurship type of niche posts, like for example Millionaire mentor

Hello, I've seen, that you've like an affiliate marketing post, are you interested in making money with affiliate marketing? I can show you how you can set up a new source of passive income implementing my strategies that helped me achieve financial freedom and quit my 9-5. If you'd be interested in setting up a new source of passive income, let me know! :)
-Sure, I'm Interested
Alright, so the method Im going to show you is about Affiliate marketing. What we're going to promote is a software that pays 69-99$ a month for every client that you have, If you'll have for example 5 clients till the end of first month, you will make 350$, If you'll have 20 at the 3rd month then you're making 1400$, etc.
The software is called Builderall. You can build websites, funnels, or marketing for e-commerce business inside of it. What I like the most about it however is their affiliate program that is not only paying us for your clients, but If your clients get their clients, you're making commissions as well. So If your client makes money, you're going to benefit from it too, cause Builderall is going to reward you for bringing your lead to the software

What I'm going to show you are my strategies that took me to making (your number of dollars you're earning, If you're not yet write something appealing for your potential lead) on a monthly basis. If you're making money with the program I'm promoting, I do too, so it's beneficial for me to share with you as much as I can, so you can become successful with Builderall as well. Win-win😎

You can check out a cool tool as Builderall earnings calculator, to see how much money you can make with it. You'll find it on Google. When you'll be ready to start, register to Builderall with my link, (I'll send it once you'll be ready to start) then you're going to grab your affiliate link and you'll be ready to start looking for your first leads with ready to go templates I'll send you to your e-mail adress. Matter of fact, you can send me your e-mail adress right now, so you'll see that everything here is for real💯

Just sent them(emails)👌 When you'll be ready to start, register with the link below and you'll be ready to start making your first commissions!

(Your affiliate link)

We're not using paid traffic here and Im sharing the strategies for free, though the only investment is in Builderall itself, as it costs 69$ for the cheapest plan and you need to be on paid plan to become an affiliate. That's the only start up cost to start getting your first leads and making commissions with it. One lead you bring to Builderall is paying you 69-199$, so it's enough to break even on your initial investment. That's why you're getting 7 different strategies that took me to making (your number) after just (some time)/the results I'm generating right now step by step with ready to go templates so you can promote Builderall successfully and not make the same mistakes I've done on my journey. (Advanced but very effective option, One lead per month for your leads) If you'd like to, I can even get you your first lead, so you'll be able to use Builderall for free in the first month, or even proffitably in reccuring months with only those leads I'm going to get you👀 One lead is paying you 69-199$ and 30% of that a month.

Remember that you can request a refund within 30 days, so you won't lose any money if you wouldn't get any leads, we can say it's risk free and potential is huge. In the first months it's more of a side hustle-ish money but after some time you compound your earnings and you'll be able to scale it some real business type of income.

Different options (test what works for you):

When it comes to becoming an affiliate with Builderall, the cheapest plan costs 69$ (marketer) and that's the plan that plan is enough to become an affiliate. That's the only start up cost to start getting your leads and making your first commissions with it. It's a small investment compared to how much you can make with it.

(Optional and more advanced, but very effective, One client in the first month for your clients)
However, If you'd like to work with me, you are going to use the software for free, because I will get you your first client in this month, so he /she will pay you 69$ back and Only one client for the first month is enough to break even.
Those leads you'll get by yourself are going to make you proffitable and even financially free in the future, If you put in the work and some patience to it👌

You want to retarget people that you've lost contact with once a week

No interest (at the beginning)

You sure? I can help you set up a new source of passive income so you can make recurring commissions every month for free. Would you like to at least learn more before you give up on this opportunity?

If you're on the premium plan you can use the 14 day free trial link for your leads. If not, then that's cool too, because once somebody registers you make instant commissions without having to worry about If somebody is going to stay registered or not.
I believe that would be it my affiliates :) If you have any questions, simply dm me wherever we text with each other. Let's get this money!

hit me up If you'd like to have some testimonies you can use to build trust with your affiliates
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Regards; Team

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