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1: Claudette Colvin was an activist in the civil rights movement in the 1950's.
2: Colvin was a civil rights activist who refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger before Rosa Parks.
3: Claudette was born September 5th, 1939, in Montgomery, Alabama.
4: Colvin was raised in a poor neighborhood, so she studied harder in school. She got mostly A's in her classes, she wanted to become the president one day.
5: March 2nd, 1955, Claudette was riding home on a city bus after school when the driver told her to give up her seat to a white passenger. She said no, saying, " It's my constitutional right to sit here as much as that lady. I paid my fare." Claudette felt as if she had to stand her ground. She said she felt as if Sojourner Truth was pushing down one shoulder and Harriet Tubman was pushing down the other— saying, " Sit down girl!" She later told the news, " I was glued to my seat!"
6: After she said no to giving up her seat, Claudette was arrested on the charges of disturbing peace, breaking the city’s segregation ordinance, and assaulting policemen.
7: As she sat in jail Colvin was completely terrified. She states, "I was really afraid, because you just didn't know what white people might do at that time,"
8: After her Minister paid her bail, she went home, where she and her family stayed up all night worrying about how people might retaliate.
9: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People thought of using Claudette's case to attempt Challenging the segregation laws but pulled back because of her age and because she had become pregnant. So, they thought an unmarried mother would attract to much attention to a public legal battle. Her son Raymond was born March 1956.
10: In court, Claudette pled not guilty which opposed the segregation law, and was put on probation.
11: Her reputation was ruined, the once-quiet student was now seen as a troublemaker because of that she had to drop out of college, and it was impossible for her to find a job.
12: Two years later, she moved to New York City, had her second son, Randy, while she worked as a nurse's aide and retied in 2004.
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