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Tear Me Apart
Chapter 1 - The First Meeting
The MC is new to town. She's always on the move because she's in foster care. She moved to Lakewood to stay with her Grandma Peggy. It's the second semester of school. Grace Bennet is the new girl. Fresh meat. The principle introduces Grace to the school. Grace leaves her office and hears the school bell. She is trying to find her class, meanwhile doing that she bumps into this boy... Archie. Archie is kind to Grace and shows her to her class. The teacher sits them next to each other. Time goes by and they've been hanging around with each other all day. Grace tells Archie a lot about her self in that time. School is finished for the day and Archie asks Grace if she wanted a ride home. Grace let him take her home since she had to walk quite a while. Grace gets home and speaks to her grandma about school. Not a lot of info was shared. She then has a shower and thinks to her self. She thought that Archie was sweet, but he made her feel uneasy. Grace didn't want to voice her concerns in case it came across rude. Archie then texts her at night. "Thinking about me?" Grace is shocked. "No. Of course not." She replies. They text for while. Then Grace reads her favourite Novel. "Romeo and Juliet." She mentions that the audience would think it is a cliché, but she finds it truly beautiful. Then she turns her light off and goes to bed. The next day she does her hair, gets changed and goes to walk to school. Archie is sitting there in his car. Grace asks him what he's doing here and he says, "To pick you up sweetheart." Grace is surprised but gets in. She tells him that he doesn't need to do this. Archie says he doesn't mind because he drives past Grace's house on the way to campus. They both walk into school together.
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