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5 Things You Should Know Before Renting Email Lists
If you are looking to rent email lists, there are a few ways to go about doing so. In fact, it's probably more economical than buying your own lists and tracking them! Without being able to have a clear understanding of how these lists were assembled, nurtured and sometimes even beaten to submission, it's hard to know if your investment will produce any tangible ROI at all. So, whether or not you contact an email list owner or contact an email list broker directly, here are a few questions to ask that will definitely save you money when you rent email lists

Who are the people behind the email lists? Do they come from an organization or think they do? Is the list owner a highly known marketer or someone who is just starting out? This is key because often, people who are renting the lists aren't sure what the intentions of the email list owner are. If you don't know who the person is behind the emails, then you can't be sure that the list will produce tangible results for you.

Will the emails you rent be customized? The only way to really guarantee results from renting email lists is to make sure that all emails you receive from the source are going to be right on target. Some lists do allow the subscriber to modify the subject line, body and even the overall body of the email for little additional cost. The problem here is that a lot of the email marketing community frowns on these types of customized approaches. It's pretty bad business when the marketer is effectively renting their leads to other marketers for the sole purpose of building huge lists with little or no discernible return on investment. There are certainly other ways to go about marketing online, but purchasing email lists isn't one of them.

Are the subscribers on the rent email lists really interested in what you have to offer? Again, this is where it's difficult to tell if the email list you are looking at is truly interested in your niche. A large number of the emails you receive will likely contain very well worded sales pitches. These emails may sound great, but how many of them will actually be opened or read? The ones that are opened will likely not result in any kind of sales for the time you spend promoting the products on the list.

Are the email addresses on the email lists targeted? An important factor to look for when renting email lists is whether or not the addresses you are getting are truly targeted. When marketing emails to a highly targeted audience, you can almost count on obtaining a high level of response. In other words, you know that the subscribers to the list are truly interested in the topic. If you aren't seeing the responses from this target audience, or if the response you are seeing is from a mass audience of random email addresses, then there is little reason to invest in renting the email addresses.

Bounce rate is another thing to look for when renting email lists. The bounce rate is the percentage of people who open the emails and then leave the page within a few seconds. The higher the bounce rate, the less likely you are to see any real revenue from the purchased email lists.

Is the contact information easy to find for the email marketing lists you are looking at? Even though you may contact several people with the links in the emails, you still need a way for the people on the list to contact the person sending the emails. This means that the contact information may be in the emails, but it may also not be on the actual web site. If this is the case, then you may want to pass on making more than one payment for the lists. You don't want to waste your money by paying for lists that have no way of being used.

Lastly, make sure that the contact information you are getting with the email lists is relevant. If you are buying email lists strictly based on who has the highest sale price, then you are going to be getting mostly irrelevant lists. The best lists are the ones that show relevance to the customer. The more relevant the list, the more likely you are to see an increase in sales.
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