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How to Choose Between the Best Email List Rental Companies
The best email list rental companies all have something in common. They have a way of categorizing your incoming emails and showing you how to sort through them all so that you can find the ones that will best benefit your business and give you the best return on your investment. Some companies might call their own category "general" while others may call theirs "pre-approved". The important thing here is that every category has at least one or two features that your business really needs.

The best email list rental companies all have phone numbers listed for you to call and talk with someone about your campaign. If you don't know which category your business belongs to, it's okay. They will usually put you in the main category and ask questions about your business. Once they narrow it down to your specific category, they will let you know what their mobile phone number is or their fax number or direct mail address is for more convenience.

List owners are always concerned about their lists. This is true for two reasons. First of all, when a new customer joins your list, there is no way for you to get all your existing customers back to join the new one. So, if you want to use email marketing campaigns to bring new customers back to your website, you need to build another email list to accommodate the new customer list.

Second of all, your business probably needs a stronger message than just letting consumers contact you via email lists. Your message has to be better because it's the only form of communication you have with those people. Even if you're using automatic email marketing campaigns to send out messages, you have to have a reason to talk to those people. Otherwise, they'll be more likely to click away from your page without ever looking at any information about your products or services again.

So, if you're in the process of building a responsive mailing list, you're going to want to build it with a category or with a phone number first. Don't let the availability of many categories or the low cost of most list rental services tempt you into doing otherwise. A subscriber only listing has been used by thousands of business owners and is actually by far the best category option available for business owners who want to build responsive mailing lists. The only reason you wouldn't use it is if it would mean your list would be too large to support it, in which case it would make sense to use one of the other options.

Another thing you should consider when choosing your categories is whether or not it will make sense to use a phone number to rent your subscription. List owners who choose categories that don't include a phone number to subscribe to will have a problem with unsubscribers. If you have a strong customer service team, you can probably get away with not including a phone number on the subscription, but even then it's wise to put a phone number on your subscription so that your customers can use that to subscribe to your list. It may mean that your customer service team spends more time helping people set up their subscription rather than actually promoting your business. But, if you have the necessary phone support, you can probably get away with this requirement.

One way to set your customer support department up to handle all of these subscribers is to rent a category that allows you to put a phone number on your subscription. Some of the better categories to rent include auto responder, bulk parcel, business auto responder, business newsletter, and business news letter. You'll find all of these categories to be incredibly useful for your business, and all of them allow you to put a toll free phone number on your subscription. By renting a category with a toll free number, you can be assured that any issues that may arise with your subscribers will be dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Finally, another way to set up your support department to handle your email list rental services is to add in an area where you ask your customer service representatives to enter in their name and phone number so that you can contact them. By adding this feature to your business, you are asking your support team to do what they do best - deal with problems and help you resolve them. This makes it very easy to stay in touch with your customers, and it's a simple solution to the problem of "where do I put the phone number?" Just by adding an area where your customers can enter in their information, you've automatically increased the efficiency of your customer service department. And, this area might even encourage more of your current customers to sign-up for your list. Once they see how easy it is to unsubscribe, they'll be more likely to do so, which will ultimately help you grow your list.
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