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So good afternoon to all of the honorable panelists here, the business leaders of the netle's Indonesia supply chain team. thank you all the leaders here for sparing your precious time for us to get to know more about each other. So to start my name is Sarah, and I am currently working as a junior strategic management consultant where my team responsiblity was to help to design and deliver a transformative business strategies across the entire entreprise among various different industries.

so to get to know more about me and able see the full potential that I have I decided that it would be best if i take you all back to the journey that I have gone through from the beginning of my life, since it would show how I am progressing through out the whole process.

So here I am presenting the stages of my life that I have gone through

So it is all started here in elementary school where I started in a very small private school in Bekasi

and it was where My first failure happened. It happened on my first grade in elementary, I wento to a regional competition it was a calistung competition, baca tulis hitung, and I failed, I cried of course. but that time my immidiate respond was, what should I do next to improve next time, then I did tried again the next year with an improvement and that year I passed the next stage to the kelurahan level. and it always goes like that whenever I fail, i will do get back up again but this time stronger. So of course behind all the achievements here, lies down a lot failure behind that make me wiser and better each time.

Personally, failure has never been a problem, I do believe that at least you have tried your best. and the result is either you learn from your failure or you succeed, and both of the options are great. It makes me grow in each hardships.

so that is another thing that I always do, where I tried to always surround myself in the environment of growth and challenges by keep going to the higher level each time. As I said earlier, My elemenentary school was a very small private school, and unfortunately the education quality there was not really on the priority, while in the other hand I had a really high interset on my exact studies, I like math so much, I went to math competitions, and that time I thought that I would like to have school in Jakarta since It would open up to many opportunities for me ahead and exposed me to the real challenge, and I did with only 5% quota, I made it to a Jakarta school. And it kept going when I know I needed to expand my comfort zone, I will do expand it, so I can grow continously. Most of the time I always started in the lowest rank when I came in. But it didnt matter, what matter is now I am in the environment where I can grow from all of these amazing people above me, learned from them, observe them, and make an improvement of myself. That is why I want to be in the environment that allow me to grow continously, so I can always be curious, be thirst to learn and staying humble since I know there a lot of in this world that I don't know and had to learn.

And since High School, I started to actively participate in organization, and that is how I learned that It is not how to be best sarah, but it is how you can give as much as impact as you can. As I said I always start at the bottom, when I started working as a consultant I had zero experience, while everyone on the team are the brightest from their university most of them have consulting experience, and I felt lucky to be there so I can grow from them, so then take initiative, ellaborate my previous knowledge with my new one, so I can bring new thing to the table. just be a valuable addition to the team. and only after 6 months working I was trusted to lead my own small team and lead my own projects. And that is what I do In every opportunity, I do the best I can until I know better. Then when I know better, I will do it better again.

So within that spirit, I was able to make as much as impact I can do. I am trusted to lead my small team, I was trusted to be the head representative of the industrial enggineering department, I received a scholarship to sydney, and then later graduated as best graduate of the class 2020. and it was all happened because I give my best in every opportunity given. I believe when you wanted to do something from the heart, when you have a pure intention, it will give you the motivation to keep going your best. and be positive all the time, so people can rely on you knowing that you will always give all your heart on the work you do.

During this whole process I learned a lot about myself, my strength but importantly my weeknesses. and I know there are much ahead there that I wanted to be part of to explore of, and I do believe in Nestle to have that supporting environment for me to grow optimally and give as much as impact as I can. So it is a little about me, and very open if you want to know more detail in eachstages
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Regards; Team

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