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What are an Activist and What is an Institutional Investor?

What is an Activist? I've been reading a lot of books written by different people claiming to know the answer to this question. Some say it's a person who cares about social justice, equal rights, animals, nature, and so on. Others say it's an artist who fights for political, economical, and environmental causes that are important to him/her. Still others say it is a blogger who writes about politics and culture in general and promotes the idea of a "greener" world.

I'm going to suggest that there is more to being an activist than caring about the environment or animals, because we have to keep in mind that one of the definitions of an "activist" is someone who cares deeply about something that they are passionate about. Activists aren't concerned with being politically correct, so that they can get funding or credibility. agency concerned about ending cruelty and other wrongs in their communities, and they are using their platform in the form of blogging and social media to bring about change. The end result is that all around the world, people are living better lives because of those who came before them.

So what is an activist anyway? An activist is someone who cares deeply about the world and who believes that we need to care about the world. I was exposed to the term "activist" while participating in an environmental protest in Costa Rica when the government there wanted to increase tourism. There were hundreds of local organizers and indigenous groups who were peacefully demanding that the government allow native communities to build tourist resorts on their land. I am always reminded of the phrase "One man's trash is another man's treasure."

Activism is all about taking action, regardless of the situation. It is also about being willing to sacrifice personal comfort and safety for the greater good. All too often, some environmentalists and activists will claim that they are concerned about environmental issues but then choose to ignore or pass up opportunities to do something about it. Activists and eco-friendly folks oftentimes say that they only go beyond what the law allows them to do.

What is an activist? Well, you can put it this way...if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Some environmentalist groups will claim that they are only advocates for the animals, trees, and the environment but what they fail to understand is that they have also taken on the role of legal representative for the animals, the trees, and the environment. Activists and eco-friendly folks also take on the role of teachers and guides to inspire people to take responsibility for their actions (or lack of actions) and do what is necessary to stop further destruction.

In other words, what is an activist is a guy who has been privileged enough to be able to use social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to show his or her grievances (by using the wrong tone, of course). What is an eco-friendly person doing is using Facebook to show pictures of burning cars caused by climate change. That does not make them a terrorist or an eco-activist because they didn't purposely set out to hurt anyone or anything.

There is one thing worth noting about these folks. They know that they have certain rights (and obligations) that they cannot go beyond in terms of what they post on their social media pages. They know that they are accountable for the things they say on their pages, whether it is offensive inflammatory, or just silly stuff. As a result, they speak with caution and try to have good, civil discussions online. They know that what they say online cannot be taken lightly and they don't hesitate to get it off their chest if necessary. It makes them appear more thoughtful and articulate than regular individuals who have never voiced any form of political opinion before.

Unfortunately, agency and Facebook users share this point of view. Some people still believe that such vocal activists are little more than whining teenagers who care more about their status on Facebook than they do about the real world. But it would behoove such people to re-evaluate their perceptions about what is an activist and what is an institutional investor. Activists are a vocal bunch. And yes, there are folks on both sides of the aisle saying nasty things about each other. So, when you hear the words' corporate America and progressive liberalism mixed together, know which side of the aisle you're on.

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