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Dear Melinda,
I wanted to thank you for taking the time to talk to us last night after the show. Before I get into that, though, let me tell you how great you were on that stage. You really engaged the audience and had such a fun stage presence! I loved the songs you chose for the night- and even though I don't like Christmas music, I was so happy to hear "God Bless Us Everyone" live for the first time. It was beautiful. I also loved what you said before "Home" about your friend who has found a community and that has been his saving grace. My dad will tell you the same thing about his cancer, and my family can echo those statements. To find people who support you and encourage you is the most important thing. Home means something totally different for me now, so thank you for that. My dad was so happy to be able to see you. A few months ago, we thought we were going to lose him. Maybe not physically, but the way he was in the hospital (unresponsive, seizures, hallucinations, etc) wasn't going away and we were so scared that he would be like that forever. It was Hell, Melinda. I have never in my life experienced something so terrifying, anxiety ridden, and heart breaking. All those years when I was struggling with anxiety and self esteem issues are nothing compared to what we dealt with in September with my dad. It tested my faith, my patience, and my strength in every possible way. We would have moments where he was clear, and then it would disappear again and we would lose him. We weren't sure what it was, and the doctors were not very confident. By the grace of God, he pulled through and slowly got back to baseline. He was in the hospital from September 5th-October 5th, and then at a nursing home from October 5th-October 17th. He'll never be the same daddy I've always known- he's suffered too much trauma to the brain. But Now that he's home, we cherish every moment. Getting to see you with him by my side was a very, very special moment. My dad has a special place in his heart for the backups and thinks that our relationship with one another is something really special. He knows that you played a large part in bringing all of us together and he is truly grateful for that- as am I, of course.
It was so good to see you again- it's been two years...and a LOT has happened in those 2 years. Most of which even the backups don't know. I can't possibly begin to list all of them, but I think the most important is that in the last year or so, I finally stopped chasing happiness and I found it inside of me, where it's been this whole time. I realized I was so busy searching for happiness and for my "dreams to come true" that I never really got to know ME. I used my loneliness and sadness as motivation. I decided I didn't want to be that way anymore. Spending my nights alone, sad, eating pizza and drinking wine was taking a serious toll on my mental and physical health. So I began to change. And my, it's been beautiful. It's not what I imagined, but I am happy. So, very happy. Thank you for being such a positive role model for me. The impact you had on my life is one that will never be forgotten, and know that you continue to inspire me. You are such a gracious, kind, humble person. I am so impressed with your passion for life and for serving others.
I love you, Mama. Please, please know that I will always support you. You should have seen me when I read that you were coming to Detroit. I jumped up and screamed, and Tom said he could physically see my heart beating. I hope it's not too long before I can see you again, but know that I'm not going anywhere. You've got me as a cheerleader/fan/BACKUP for life and I will jam to your EP as I always do. :)

Have fun in Charlotte, please please please PLEASE give everyone a hug for me. I really miss everyone so much! LOVE YOU!

PS: Tom said "As soon as Melinda started to sing I knew why you love her". That says it all, right? Also, he and I are going to try to come to Nashville in the summer/fall of next year :)
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Regards; Team

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