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Where to Donate Clothes to Help the needy

With winter looming, finding a place where to donate clothes and other items can be tough. But don't give up hope because you may be able to find something local. Many places accept donations all year round from clothing and household goods. If they do accept your donations, you will want to know what the process involves so that you are sure everything goes through smoothly.

For those who donate regularly, there are a few options. You could go to a place like Planet Aid, which has many branches around the country. They have a drop-off point for your donations and they make sure all clothes are picked up and sent to charities. There are always volunteers at every store, so you don't have to worry about standing in long lines. In addition, they have a lot of different types of clothes to choose from. Just because they're labeled with Planet Aid doesn't mean they have to be poor quality or low priced.

Another option is the United Way shelters. There are many branches around the nation and they accept almost any type of donation. They have a variety of different locations including shelters for women, children, elderly, and so much more. Their motto is to "spread warmth and happiness", and that's what they do. They have a location near you, and some even have a phone so that you can call them if you have any questions. It's an excellent way to donate clothes because the proceeds from the sale go to help those in need.

There are also places like the Red Cross where you can donate any type of clothing, and some things are even donated collection boxes. All they require is that you fill out a form saying where it should be donated and how many. And yes, they will charge you a fee for the red cross membership, but that's okay as there are many places that don't charge extra. And remember, all clothing donations go through the red cross and will not go directly to the red cross.

If you really want to find out where to donate clothes, the first place to go is the main charity in your area. Most large charities have clothing storage or distribution centers where people go to donate unwanted or unused clothes. One of the most famous is American Cancer Society. They have a large storage facility in their headquarters building where people go to donate and get clothes and other items. In agency , they have a drop off location where you can pick up your items and to get them to a local charity.

If agency want to find out what kind of clothes can be donated, it might be a good idea to check out your local chapter of the American Red Cross. The American Red Cross does a lot of great work with people who have cancer. If you live in the area, you can contact them to see if they have a program that you can participate in. The good thing about the American Red Cross is that they accept any kind of donation - no matter what it is.

Another place that you might want to look into donating your unwanted items would be a local used book store. A lot of the time, there are a lot of used books that are being donated to these kinds of stores because of how much a person can actually save by buying a book rather than donating it. You can usually find the used books by looking in your local classifieds in the phone book or online. The used books are then put in a storage facility for people like you who can't sell them on their own.

Another way to find out what kind of clothes can be donated is to go to your local donation center. Many places do this every day. You can call up and find out what kind of things they'll accept, whether it's school supplies, computer equipment, jewelry, and even furniture. Just make sure that you give them as much information as possible about your circumstances so that it will be easier for you to get an idea of what you're going to need to do with the clothes you donate to them.

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