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billing department 888-516-2614 , option 1

Hello! I hope you are doing well today.
How may I help you today?
Hola!, Espero estes teniendo un excelente dia hoy.
¿Como te puedo ayudar hoy?
I recommend you to contact us again in business hours. (7:00 AM to 9:00 PM CST.).

I really hope that I have covered everything all you need in this interaction and my effort has been enough to resolve all the issue or please let me know if is there anything else I can assist you with today?

Is there anything else I can help you with today?

I'm really happy to know that I was able to assisted you today, please don't hesitate to contact us again if you have any question. We will be more than happy to assist you. Please remind that always is a pleasure to assist you, I wish that you have a great day.

It's been my pleasure helping you today. I’ll be ending this chat now. If you need any help in the future, please remember that you can also visit the Help Center on our website for answers to frequently asked questions and concerns. Thanks for chatting with me and have a great day!

wait for 48 hours
Thank you for your time. I was checking the package and I could see the package says delivered as you mentioned above, but we need to wait for 48 hours, to determinate if the package is lost, that means the package can still be delivered tomorrow, that is why it's necessary to wait. I'm so sorry for this, I do apologize for the issue and the long time, but this time it's necessary to wait.
Can you please wait until tomorrow?

Lost in transit
Thank you for your time. I was checking the package, and we could see the package was lost, we call lost when the package doesn't have any movement in the last hours, the carrier doesn't provide us a reason why the item was not delivered, I do apologize for this and I will report this to prevent another issue like this, but don't worry, I can offer you a replacement for the package. Would you allow me to process the replacement?

Lost after delivery
Thank you for your time. I was checking the tracking number of the package. I’m so sorry, the tracking number shows me the order was delivered but according with the information that you have confirmed me, we can determinate item is lost after delivery. Please accept my sincere apologies but don’t worry. I can process the replacement for the item got lost. Would you allow me to process the replacement?

Replacement done
I've issued a replacement of ____ , in the order, the estimate delivered date is on ____ , You will receive a confirmation email with your new order number soon.

Refund done
I've issued the refund of $ __ , in the order. The money will back in the same payment method within 10 business days. You will receive an email about it within a few minutes.

Discount done
I've issued a discount of $ __ , in the order. The money will back in the same payment method within 10 business days. You will receive an email about it within a few minutes.

Thank you for your time. I was checking this for you. Please accept my sincere apologies because the order has not arrived yet. I was able to verify that the item is sold by our marketplace called ____ , this time it's necessary to contact to them. Please don't worry. You don't need to deal with them. I can escalate the request with them and they should answer to you within 48 hours. So, if they don't answer to you within 48 hours. Please contact us again and we can check this with our higher department and they can provide you another solution. Would you allow me to process the escalation?

Thank you for your understanding. I really appreciate it. Please contact us again if you don't receive the answer within 48 hours.

Cancel marketplace.
I was checking the order and I was able to see that the item is sold by our marketplace seller called ____, and this time it's necessary to contact to them to cancel the order. Don't worry. You don't need to deal with them. I can escalate your request with them and you should receive the email within 48 hours, but if you don't receive the email within 48 hours, please contact us again, we can verify this again with our higher department but I need to you contact us in business hours, (7:00 AM to 9:00 PM CST.).. Would you allow me process this for you?

cancel fraud
I'm sorry that your order was canceled. Our security check system stopped this order during processing. This system checks for unauthorized use of your credit or debit card. Since this happened, you won't be able to place an order online right now, but you can check your local store's inventory to see if they have the item in stock.

customer insult
I'm sorry your order canceled. All orders go through an automated security system that catches fraud. Sometimes the system cancels orders by mistake. I can alert our validation team to manually review your order, but you will need to place a new order. Please wait at least 30 minutes, but no longer than 24 hours, to place your new order. You'll have to use the same device and Walmart account to place your new order. Our validation team will contact you or your order will begin processing within two business days.

marketplace Wrong state
Thank you for your time. I’m sorry tracking shows your item is going to the wrong state. I will process a refund today for you. Your item may still arrive, but you do not need to contact us if it does. You may donate or dispose of it as you wish. Your refund will go back to the original form of payment method within 5 business days. I am very sorry for any inconvenience.

I can process the cancellation now. The process of the cancellation takes 48 hours. That means that you will receive the email about the cancellation within 48 hours. Don't worry if the order is not cancelled. You can contact us again and we can process the return of the item and we can process the refund.

Promo code
I am creating a unique code for future credit which is good for the next 90 days. It will give you $XX off a future order. Your new order must be ($XX) or more to apply the code]. It will work only in this account, and you enter the code in the promotion code box at checkout. You'll receive an email with the code on it shortly including details on how it can be redeemed.

On hold
Your order has been placed in a finance hold. A finance hold is when Walmart reviews your payment information as an additional verification measure in order to ensure your financial safety and protect you from unauthorized charges. At this time you may see a pending charge on your account, but this just an authorization hold. The actual charge does not occur until the package ships. Please allow up to 48 hours for our finance team to complete the verification process. Another option it's to call us at billing department 888-516-2614 , option 1, and they can update this information and you can receive the email at the moment. I understand the importance of the order for you but please understand me, this process is for your security. I really appreciate your patience and your understanding. They are available to assist you since 7:00 AM, you can call us. or I will understand that if you don't want to wait and call us, and we can process the cancellation of the order now.
Do you prefer to call us?

Cancel for buying edelivery with gift card.//
I was checking the order for you. The order got cancelled due you want to buy a digital item with a gift card. This means that any digital item that you place in the order, you would receive by email. Unfortunately it's not possible to use the gift card to buy any digital item. I can recommend you to change the payment method and the next order it will be processed. You can use credit or debit card to buy this digital item that you want to buy. Can you please reorder with another payment method?

Cancel deny fraud.
I was checking the order for you and the order got cancelled due the payment method it was not accepted. Walmart has a process for security to prevent any fraud, the system shows us that the order got cancelled due the information in the payment method. It's necessary to call to our billing department at 888-516-2614 , option 1, and they can verify what information is incorrectly and they can fix the issue. Can you please contact to them?

Delivered in the store
Thank you for your time. Please accept my sincere apologies because the order is not ready to pick up yet. According to my records the package was delivered at the store on ____ , but the system didn't scan the package. That is the reason why the package is not ready to pick up yet. It's necessary to scan the package, you could call to store at ____, and they can scan the package, and the package will be ready to pick up and you will pick up the order, or if you prefer you can go to store and you can ask to them scan the package at the moment. I'm so sorry for the issue. I will send an alert to store too, and I will ask to them scan the package, but the process can take 24 hours more. Would you prefer to go to store? or you prefer to wait for the email of the order is ready to pick up?

Gift card fraud
Thank you for your time. I was checking this for you. I was able to see that the order it was delivered to you but according to you have confirmed me the order is lost after delivery. I do apologize but the system shows me that you have reported the same issue with the same gift card and this time it's necessary to investigate the issue with our higher department due the system doesn't allow me process anything. This time our higher department will verify the previous orders with the same issue, in order to provide you a resolution, you will receive an email within 48 hours. I really appreciate your understanding.

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

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Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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