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Grand Theft Auto V SUCKS! Most OVERRATED Game of 2013!!!

Gta5 is gta 5 out of memory overrated pile of crap. Oh, my goodness, this is easily. Not only is it the most overhyped game of the year. It is easily one of the most overrated over pushed most pathetically forced game down our throats type of game. I can't even express myself right now, but the fans have spoken. The reviewers have spoken to user score. Ladies and gentlemen, GTA 500mg has a user score of an eight point: zero, an eight point: zero out of ten, which is basically an eighty percent for the 360 version. The ps3 version right now on Metacritic has an eight point: two user score and the meta scores. You could not be any more different anymore, in contrast, the reviewers, the official so-called reviewers. The meta scores themselves are 4d, 360 and 98 out of 100, which is basically a 98 %, and the ps3 version is 97 out of 100. So all in the really high 90s, like near perfect, flawless near flawless scores by the Metacritic scores, but the user scores have spoken, 8.0 out of 10 and an eight point two out of ten for the ps3 and 360 versions. And this a what? What did? I tell you this is an overrated sack of crap, a pathetically overhyped game too much hype too much nonsense too much expectations. I mean the way. Did you really expect this to be any better than an eight? I mean really. Did you expect it to get any more than a freaking, 8.1 or 8.2? I mean this game gta5 more like overrated five, I mean this is: let's take a look at the user scores because we're just going to get straight to the point we're going to get to it we're going to get to the reception. So this is the 360 bar ER or beret or 91 gave it a zero course. Nice, a zero, that's a fitting score, awful graphics, awful controls, awful camera, bad theme. This is pretty mediocre release in every way. Graphics are like welcome to five years ago. Of course, where they blindfolded, while making the lazy, ass camera and well the whole hip-hop theme of the game is just an awful idea. After the brilliant 80s Scarface ripoff, I guess he's talking about the Vice City. Stuff main character is just so boring. Hopefully this is the last one of the series. Gta 4 should have been the last one time to move on and yeah I mean that's definitely and I totally agree man I mean this should have been never even made. You know it should. Gta 4 should have been the final game and the end of the GTA series we get nothing. This is a rehash. There'S nothing original about this game. It'S the same. Crap we've seen from Rockstar the most the biggest hacks in gaming, the crappiest developer. All they do is recycle the same nonsense, the same tired gameplay, the third person riding in a vehicle, crap, we've seen way back in 2001, I mean, don't I mean, there's a lot of sheep, there's a lot of pathetic, better sheep. You know still like giving in a perfect ten just just freely giving a perfect ten. You know I, I love how these [ __ ] gamers and he's idiots easy to please numbskulls just easily hand out. You know tens like perfect tens and here's a perfect end to this game. Oh here you go right away, you know flaws. I mean I questioned the intelligence of people. Oh, these pathetic noobs, because you know you give on a ten to something. A perfect ten is a flawless score. It suggests and implies that there is nothing wrong with it, absolutely nothing wrong with the game. Meanwhile, the user score is a clear eight. I mean this is an 80 % versus a 98 % meta score. That'S a that's! Nearly like a 20 % difference that differential, different difference. That'S deference! Yeah! It'S a vas, deferens yeah geez! Now I mean even you know, lyric on gave it a 7. They work on 34, first I'd like to state that I have been a GTA fan since Vice City has been released. I work in a well known gaming magazine. I'Ve decided to write this review because I want people to know what this game is really worth. In. My official review, I wasn't allowed to give the game a score of less than 90 out of a hundred. Let me say that I've played the game on both ps3 360. I must admit the graphics are really beautiful, even though when compared to other games, graphics, like battlefield, 3 or Crysis 2, it doesn't really stand a chance. Of course it doesn't. It looks like crap from seven six years ago. I also have to say how disappointing the animations are, especially in a game of this size. I will give the graphics a 6 point 5 out of 10. If there is something the Rockstar has done really well is the controls. This one will take a perfect score for obvious reasons for those who have already played a game as far as the story is concerned, I don't think there's the strongest point of GTA 5. I don't feel connected to the characters at all. In the story is a bit boring I'll, get a 5 out of 10. Of course, of course, absolutely the story was never good in any of the GTA games. You know it's always been taking a backseat to the actual open-world nough, some of the games and the simulation feel of it. After many hours of gameplay have come across too many bugs even more than Skyrim. So playability will take a three out of ten Wow Wow. I'M not gon na rate the AI, as it feels too much scripted into a. I was never the strongest point of the GTA series. Well, they I mean the AI is very important. That'S the artificial intelligence, that's how the enemies react and how the characters move that when you shoot at them and when you interact with these things, I can't believe I mean a seven out of ten, so the guy gave it a seven overall and that's a very Disappointing score: that's a really low score that might as well be an F considering a GTA II rockstar game silver. T 27 gave it a 5/5. That'S a very mediocre score, as ever. Overrated. Give it a few months and it'll be forgotten. Just like GTA 4 was unbelievable, unbelievable, so he also mentioned how it's very shallow, moronically, immature or politically confused and takes its joy out of its mean-spirited nature, a perfect reflection of the current generation. No wonder it's so popular yeah I mean it's. You have to realize. There'S a lot of pathetic D riders when it comes to GTA. These idiotic fan losers that keep buying this and blindly blindly giving these games a perfect score, the same type of moronic noobs that give other games. You know like a perfect game just because it's got a brand name, whatever franchises they like whatever brand name. It is because they have that sheep mentality. It'S a sheep mentality, it's a idiotic and colony, like type of mentality, brainless idiots that can't think for themselves. So they just like a bunch of sheep, Lambada or lambda 360, gave it a 5 out of 10. I'M sick and tired of the rock star cycle deliberately holding back in previous games so that, instead of going out all out initially and pushing the boundaries even further, they deliberately put out a subpar product to the sequel so that the sequel feels more sequel to the Sequel feels mostly gta4 had no planes. Why? Why did Rockstar have airports with planes you could not fly? Did they think nobody would want to fly them no V, they put them there, so you say damn I wish I could fly that in glorious HD, very first screenshot of GTA 5. What do you see a damn crop-dusting plane blatant marketing ploys. Gta 4 was crap in GTA. 5 is what four should have been it held back when for knowing HD, graphics and new physics, engine would be enough to garner critical acclaim and massive sales. If they were right this, then the sequel is much easier to make to make it look like a massive leap forward when in reality it wasn't that's right, I'm I I've said this. You know this looks like a game from six years ago. They could have done this before GTA 4 instead yeah. I love that he mentions how it's you know. Gta 4 was a massive step back from San Andreas. I mean this is an absolute mess. This is a this is a crappy under underperforming game. It is just playing catch-up with games like San Andreas. At this point, the game is nothing new. It is Grand Theft Auto 4. What san andreas was by city exactly just a much bigger game and more editions and more expanded in just away the exact mass of this. That'S exactly what it is! Absolutely horrendous, horrendous scores! I mean a lot of D riders, a lot of pathetic losers, that's giving it a perfect 10, but I mean you can't really. There is a lot of sheep that follow Rockstar. You know, Rockstar has a lot of drones and these mindless sacks of crap and just keep buying into this nonsense all right. So that's pretty much it I mean all. The scores have basically shown you. This is not a game you could even consider purchasing. You might want to hold back on this if you do want to buy this game, wait until the greatest hits of version comes out for half the price at least $ 29.99, instead of the full price and even better when it comes out. Finally, for 20 bucks, or even the best way to buy this, is should by use from Craigslist or something like that, buy it for maybe 10 to $ 15, but but don't be putting your money in rockstars pocket, meaning don't buy it from retail, so that you're, Not actually directly supporting rock star in any way shape or form, but you still get to play the game. You know you're still buying it, you're still owning it. You know, but you're not you're, buying a used copy, not a retail copy, where the money goes directly to the freaking company. All right, so that's pretty much it. If there's anything else, there's the the best way to spend your $ 60. If you have it still you're considering getting this, don't do it get this other game, I'm trying to remember what it was. I think it's called a cook cow of doot-doot. I it's spelled CA, ll and then Oh F and then D uty, and then I think it says book costs cost the call of duty ghosts or something like that. Anyway, it's a kind of a shooting type of game and looks very, very good. It'S got amazing. Looking graphics, it's kind of under the radar right now, you know not a lot of people are talking about it, but it's set to release for all the systems. All the consoles multi plats, the the next-gen, your Xbox one ps4 yeah, even though we you, I think, is getting it so very good. Looking game Carla, oh yeah, yeah. So if I think it's called Call of Duty ghosts, that's the one way better than GTA 5 GTA 5 is overhyped, garbage, don't even buy it. That'S it for this episode of fanboy Road and until next time he fanboy yang

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