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The New Instagram Shop Feature (New Instagram update 2021)

Here's my video. I'll be giving you an in-depth walkthrough of Instagram's newest feature, "Music". I want to start by saying that not everyone will get access to this particular feature. This is something that has been slowly being rolled out to different accounts, uh in test groups and all sorts of things over a period of time. If you don't have access to this feature, or your instagram looks different from mine, you can just continue updating your app in the App Store until you do. We have a video stepping you through all of instagram's newest updates in this latest update. We talk you through all the features from the reels, a brief overview of the shops and where your notifications and dms now live. That video is available right here. However, I want to show you how to use the Instagram shop feature. It's the icon at the bottom that looks like a shopping bag. Instagram shopping was an option that was integrated into users' profiles. In other words, if your business sold items you featured in photos, you could tag it into your photo so someone could shop from your website. This is how instagram has made it even easier. They have merged it with the shopping features of facebook. You and your brand. If you're also selling here on instagram, so this is broken up into four different categories, so, let's go through these together plus i have a bonus feature for you. If you stick to the end, i'll show you how to access that. Let's start by clicking the first option: browse shops. You can also find these options if you press the top three lines at the top. Browse is now possible. Shops is what you'll see first. It will show you accounts you have already followed that are selling items. So in the past you kind of had to know which accounts you were following that had items for sale so that you could go to their specific page and find them that way. I didn’t know some of these pages had items for purchase until I saw the browse shop option. It's a fantastic way to now be visible. You can sell items on instagram if someone is already following you. They might not be aware that you sell things all the time so this will demonstrate that you do. Let's take the first example. I follow this page called Australian plays. We'll go to their shop, and we will see that they do sell plays. You can find separate books and plays here. Let's take some time to look around. There is one. You can see it at the top. Clicking that button will take me to a product webpage for this item. There'S just the one for this one and then the next options down you have are the dm option, which means you could send that directly to someone or add it to your story. And then there is this save icon here, which i'll show you exactly how to best utilize, your wishlist at the end of this video. We'll get back to the view on website button if I scroll past it. There is an option to view the description for the page I am following. I can go straight to their page and view more from their shop by pressing that or i can just scroll down and see other items that might be for sale that are similar to the one that i've just clicked on and when you get to the bottom. You will find the continue shopping option at the bottom. It will take you back directly to their store. Let's continue. I'm going to take a look at the second section right here. This is the clothing brand that I follow, and you can see it instantly. It already looks quite different from the previous one because this place does not sell jewelry but clothes. Let's just say that we have been looking at this bracelet for a while and are not satisfied. It's time to go to the website and view it. It's as simple as clicking the button. This will take you to the exact purchase webpage on this website. From there, you can simply add it to your cart or create a wishlist on this website. You see here the messenger icon pop up at the bottom means i can connect directly with this brand. This will take me to messenger, where I can ask any question to the brand from their website. Chat with the brand, or any other brand, on their website. Let'S go back. If i scroll past the accounts that i follow, i start to get to this category, which is shops for you. These are things that the algorithm believe that i would be interested in based on who i follow and who they are shopping with, and let's say that i want to view puma's shop right here. I can go in and find a pair of runners that i like the look of - and i might want to pin that to my wish list and you can see down the bottom. I have added that item as a wish list. Now you can browse the items. That is the first one that you see up the top here. Next is the editor's choice. This one is a fun one if you're coming to have a browse and look at things that have been sort of curated by someone else. So it looks like there are sort of collections set up with some really. You know eye grabbing content at the at the front of it. Let's look at this one. It says "The gifts of good skin." This bundle includes 30 products. It is clearly a collection of products from different websites that focus on skin care. This list was put together by someone else. The items they like are inspirational. You can have a whole board or look at the entire collection. That way, i can add an item any time to my wish list by clicking on it and pressing that tab on the right hand side. This is a great option if you are looking for inspiration or something to add to your wishlist. You can also access the editor's choice option. Another option is collections. You can access them by pressing the lines on your right-hand side and clicking the right button. Collections are brand collections made up of individual brands. These are definitely going to be single brands, mixing together their own products, which is also great to do. If you already love a brand, or are searching for a specific style or thing, Let's take a look at some of these brands and have some fun together. Let's look at this one together. It appears to be a cosmetics brand lush facial mask. This is all going to be different kinds of face masks offered by this brand here, so they've put together their own collection, which is also great. You can visit the website of a brand you like to see what they have, and see if any other products you might be inspired by. This is the eyeshadow palette. I may pin this to my wishlist. The algorithm can find brands and bargains better if you pin more. And the last option here is the Explore Guides. So, let's click that one together and this is going to be the most aligned to the user generated content that you can find so we've had brands that have collected things. Instagram editors have picked and featured brands, and this guide here explores the content of these lists. These are tailored to the items that people think I will click and they are probably right. This user will have created this list based on dog mom products so i can take a look at their board. If anything jumps out at you, let's say this adorable bandana. The same thing applies. When I click on it, i have the option to save it or send it. Or, i can look at it online and make a purchase right from the gate. So, that's how the instagram shops works. I have added a new tab at the bottom. However, i wanted to show you how you can locate your wish list. Let's suppose you visit the store to shop as follows. There are two options. I have two choices. It's almost like my own private shopping lists, so it's easy to see my wishlist. Of course is recently viewed in case you viewed something and forgot to pin it the other way i can access this is by going into any of these tabs. You can access the editors pic by clicking the icon to the right. This will take you straight to your wish list. You won't see anything you've viewed recently, but all items added to your wishlist will appear here. This allows you to return to purchase the item from a website. Let me know what your opinion is about the new shopping feature on Instagram. It occupies the exact same spot on the dashboard as the activity panel. The Activities Panel can be found on the top right hand side of your home page (Music ).

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