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Google's Social Impact: Location-Based Services

Back in the early days, when somebody asked you a difficult question, you only had a few choices. However, now this article features google social impact. While it once was nearly impossible to come up with quick answers to these questions without either consulting an expert or writing down your thoughts in a notebook, thanks to advancing technology. agency has made it super simple to come up with quick answers to any question on the web, and that includes questions on the internet. Today, even those who are not computer savvy can actually hit the "return" key on their computer and get an answer to a Google search within seconds.

Another advantage of Google's latest innovation is that it allows us to better understand what might happen in the future. For example, with the help of Google+ users, we are now able to read predictions about the things that might happen in the near future. For example, it looks like Google might make its existing products more accessible through the use of its social media platform. This means that those who use devices with no Google play store access might have access to more apps in the future.

We also saw this recently with one of Google's "moonshine" updates, where one of the new features lets users post comments on images. According to Google, one can now "use their thumbs to suggest ideas and add comments on images posted by another individual or company." One can simply tap an image to suggest an idea and then enter a short comment on the image. Now, instead of simply seeing a simple "you like this" comment, readers will be able to read what others have to say about that particular image. It could make for a very rich reading experience.

Perhaps one of the most anticipated features from Google+ today would be the integration of its maps application with its social impact platform. The function currently allows one to share locations with friends, and as we've known, the Google Play app has been capable of sharing location information with mobile users for some time. Now, with the help of Google, it looks like the two platforms could combine into a single one. As the name suggests, one will be able to check on one's location on the map with the use of the provided social networking account.

This follows the acquisition of Inktomi, a developer of open-source platform for creating apps that run on Facebook's MySpace and Twitter's Twellow. Although it isn't clear whether Google plans to integrate these two social impact applications in its core platform or if it intends to make them supplementary to the core offering, one thing is for sure: It looks like these will be some of the features that the newly-anointed head of Google, Sundar Pichai, will be looking into. And along with it, he will be asking his team to come up with more ideas. Since the acquisition of Inktomi, Google has shown increasing interest in making its core search engine services more web-based. This could mean an effort to bring even more tailored solutions to its users, including its location-based services.

It would also mean that Google will be able to improve its ability to deliver customized results to its users. With agency of such an application, one could expect not only better search results but also be able to find a more precise set of queries that would fit his or her personal preferences and needs. The integration of location-based social impact would surely help further in this endeavor.

Google's other decision to integrate the location-based service, as well as its other social services, could help further in streamlining its user experience. For instance, it has recently introduced its Google Maps application, which is currently available only for Android devices. As of now, it only offers the services of mapping, while its existing Android Auto service will soon see the inclusion of its new social platform integration. In a future, though, it is expected that the iPhone and the iPad will be able to enjoy these as well. Thus, having the best possible connectivity via a web-based app could also have positive implications for Google's social impact activities.

The integration of Google with Inktomi, though limited at the moment, could become much more meaningful in the coming months and years. The social impact business of Google has become increasingly important to the success of its core business model. Adding Inktomi to its list of apps would only strengthen its grip on the mobile world, particularly in developing countries where the brand already has a large fan following. Given all these, it is safe to assume that we will be seeing great things to come from Google in its efforts to create a more social internet.

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