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Energy Enhancement, Energy Obstructions and The Removing Of Fear

The fear of having little or nothing. The fear of death, even when this is not likely to happen rapidly, may cause you to be able to take the ridiculous slave-like path in life.

As Jesus Christ said -"Look at all the lilies in the industry. They toil not, neither do these cards rewrite.... " they do not concern.

Fear is one of the major symptoms of energy blockages in the particular Base Chakra.

Chakras are processors inside the computer perception, the multi-chakra'd individual being is a multi-processor computer, and as everyone understands, all the supercomputers are usually multiprocessor.

However, human beings have chakras which can be blocked by strength blockages or Nafs in the Sufi sense, and therefore do not purpose.

These energy blockages cut down the functionality of individual beings, cut along their IQ, offer them negative feelings like anger, fear, addiction and major depression and give them wrong thoughts involving existentialism, separation, anomie, no heart, not any love.

Many Historic and effective Strategies of Meditation will work on the Uncomplicated Integration of the Earth connection.

The removal of obstructions inside the base chakra will remove most fear. Further that will start the removal of obstructions inside the rest associated with the system will increase Kundalini, Love, objective, will and the benefits of doing. The removal of blockades in the foundation chakra will support us to become useful, to help provide us with the capacity to be able to "DO", to support us make our vision an affordable actuality.

ΑΠΟΦΡΑΞΕΙΣ ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥΠΟΛΗΣ The Source involving Kundalini Energy is obviously noted as becoming within the base chakra, so as you get rid of all those blockages after that Kundalini Energy can start to wash away all the other energy blockades in the program.

We also will need to remove Blockages below the base chakra and the center of the particular earth, "these sorts of energy obstructions create the De-Feeted or defeated" which may have reduced our energy and make it probable we might depend on other people, be a servant, do what we all are told.

Typically the Earth Connection allows the baby in order to know that it is going to return to the particular Soul whether that is successful using its integration with typically the Earth or certainly not. Helps it to learn to Master the physical environs of this planet. Often this Initiation may make problems with this Earth connection but this integration wants to start to be able to happen before regarding progress to be made.

Even with zero major evolutionary "Fulcrum Point" problems, because we evolve through paradigm shifts of evolution, every pupil needs to enhance this earth connection through these Sophisticated Techniques of Meditation, available in every traditions since the Base Chakra is the base plus foundation upon which usually can be created the Temple of Solomon.

Symbolising Evolutionary Integration. Symbolising all of your levels of typically the Auric Body which often need to get fed and produced, so that we may function at each of our full capacity.

Learn to build your own house on the particular Rock; The Philosophers Stone or Guijarro from which emerged Peter the Apostle.

We need to be able to learn the Contact with inorganic matter, our planet, the Inorganic creatures of Don Juan and Carlos Castenada from where we all get the energy to be able to build our clairvoyant bodies. The generation of Gurdjieff's "The Body Kesdjian" and to access the Soul Plane and Increased. The next Amounts of the Matrix!!

I Felt Very hot In My Vertebrae, Several of My Blockages Were Burned In addition to Removed, And Once more At The End Of The Yoga I Felt Some sort of Higher Level Of Energy.

We need to learn how to be able to expand the energy orbit to the centre of the globe, and to ground and burn up blockages. Blockages can easily be grounded and even burned, and you need not relive traumas or even remember the source of trauma.

It is possible to discover ways to free Up our Powers With advanced deep breathing techniques!! These sophisticated meditational techniques display how to Transmute stress, pain in addition to negative energy which in turn is held psychically inside you.

Practical Ancient and Prosperous Guided Meditations which often will put a person in touch using your own globe energy connection.

Producing the Earth Link is one regarding the Core Strength Techniques like the meditations of the Taoist Masters, The Kundalini Kriyas or the particular Guided meditations associated with Emerald Tablet associated with Hermes Trismegistus.

Typically the Painless Grounding of Negative Energies is an Ancient, further and more innovative technique going on from Energy Circulation. Is it doesn't Earth Flow with the Five Essential Taoist Circulations- Pathways with the Chi.

The particular Base chakra plus the Crown Chakra are intimately linked. What is performed to one intimately affects one other.

Typically the Alchemical V. We. T. R. My partner and i. O. L involving Hermes Trismegistus is definitely the First Formula of Alchemy - the hidden meaning involving V. I. Capital t. R. I. To. L which provides the hidden Meditational meaning of the particular Philosophers Stone.

A Guided Meditation for the transmutation of Energy Blockages because the dots indicate the particular center of our planet. This "dot" or the Sufi arabic origin NQT, is the Freemasonic "point through which a man are not able to err", an offer from the ritual creating the Get better at Mason.

The dots also indicate that will each in the correspondence of the Latin word V. We. T. R. I. O. L will be the first letter involving another Latin term, together giving the initial formula or well guided meditation of typically the Alchemy of Hermes Trismegistus, and of Alchemical Taoism.

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