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Adana 2.258.718 1.127.516 1.131.202
2020 Adıyaman 632.459 318.755 313.704
2020 Afyonkarahisar 736.912 367.399 369.513
2020 Ağrı 535.435 276.800 258.635
2020 Aksaray 423.011 211.232 211.779
2020 Amasya 335.494 167.624 167.870
2020 Ankara 5.663.322 2.805.877 2.857.445
2020 Antalya 2.548.308 1.281.943 1.266.365
2020 Ardahan 96.161 49.811 46.350
2020 Artvin 169.501 85.523 83.978
2020 Aydın 1.119.084 557.066 562.018
2020 Balıkesir 1.240.285 619.765 620.520
2020 Bartın 198.979 98.451 100.528
2020 Batman 620.278 312.137 308.141
2020 Bayburt 81.910 42.002 39.908
2020 Bilecik 218.717 111.190 107.527
2020 Bingöl 281.768 142.670 139.098
2020 Bitlis 350.994 180.982 170.012
2020 Bolu 314.802 156.340 158.462
2020 Burdur 267.092 134.124 132.968
2020 Bursa 3.101.833 1.550.767 1.551.066
2020 Çanakkale 541.548 271.456 270.092
2020 Çankırı 192.428 97.065 95.363
2020 Çorum 530.126 262.590 267.536
2020 Denizli 1.040.915 518.742 522.173
2020 Diyarbakır 1.783.431 899.516 883.915
2020 Düzce 395.679 198.032 197.647
2020 Edirne 407.763 205.775 201.988
2020 Elazığ 587.960 291.461 296.499
2020 Erzincan 234.431 119.325 115.106
2020 Erzurum 758.279 378.661 379.618
2020 Eskişehir 888.828 443.227 445.601
2020 Gaziantep 2.101.157 1.060.820 1.040.337
2020 Giresun 448.721 223.738 224.983
2020 Gümüşhane 141.702 71.943 69.759
2020 Hakkari 280.514 148.967 131.547
2020 Hatay 1.659.320 833.146 826.174
2020 Iğdır 201.314 103.059 98.255
2020 Isparta 440.304 218.526 221.778
2020 İstanbul 15.462.452 7.750.836 7.711.616
2020 İzmir 4.394.694 2.187.226 2.207.468
2020 Kahramanmaraş 1.168.163 592.920 575.243
2020 Karabük 243.614 121.875 121.739
2020 Karaman 254.919 127.829 127.090
2020 Kars 284.923 147.150 137.773
2020 Kastamonu 376.377 187.264 189.113
2020 Kayseri 1.421.455 712.710 708.745
2020 Kilis 142.792 72.652 70.140
2020 Kırıkkale 278.703 139.281 139.422
2020 Kırklareli 361.737 184.250 177.487
2020 Kırşehir 243.042 119.725 123.317
2020 Kocaeli 1.997.258 1.009.533 987.725
2020 Konya 2.250.020 1.118.850 1.131.170
2020 Kütahya 576.688 284.575 292.113
2020 Malatya 806.156 401.610 404.546
2020 Manisa 1.450.616 728.724 721.892
2020 Mardin 854.716 428.780 425.936
2020 Mersin 1.868.757 933.368 935.389
2020 Muğla 1.000.773 508.504 492.269
2020 Muş 411.117 209.647 201.470
2020 Nevşehir 304.962 151.134 153.828
2020 Niğde 362.071 181.692 180.379
2020 Ordu 761.400 380.031 381.369
2020 Osmaniye 548.556 276.776 271.780
2020 Rize 344.359 172.469 171.890
2020 Sakarya 1.042.649 522.388 520.261
2020 Samsun 1.356.079 670.675 685.404
2020 Şanlıurfa 2.115.256 1.066.402 1.048.854
2020 Siirt 331.070 168.939 162.131
2020 Sinop 216.460 107.689 108.771
2020 Şırnak 537.762 279.486 258.276
2020 Sivas 635.889 318.771 317.118
2020 Tekirdağ 1.081.065 552.587 528.478
Tokat 597.861 297.311 300.550
Trabzon 811.901 402.224 409.677
Tunceli 83.443 44.815 38.628
Uşak 369.433 184.225 185.208
Van 1.149.342 585.854 563.488
Yalova 276.050 138.860 137.190
Yozgat 419.095 209.257 209.838
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