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On page 21:

"When looking for reviews on softwares, they were not enough or not even existing. The
biggest drawbacks that were found were based on user interface or pricing of the software
itself. It was assumed that sharing this type of information by a company may be seen as
stating a weakness in their work, so that it may be the reason this information is not available."

We can get rid of this paragraph, I always thought the rest of the world don't care about our problems :P

On page 22:

"After concluding this unsatisfactory research of our project we realized that maybe we should
not focus on the PLM software itself. Changing our approach was our solution, and focusing
on the big picture."

"Due to lack of relevant information about PLM software, it was decided to change approach and focus on the big picture."

On page 23:

"We have stated" to "It was tated"

On page 23:

"This makes one application’s languages readable and understandable to the other application.
But the other application also has to have a SOA platform in order to interpret the service that
was shared from the first application. That is, the other application also needs a SOA protocol."

It is actually ability of the software to integrate, rather than having a SOA platform. But let's leave it like that.

On page 24:

Jan's comment: "Sure it is ERP here?" Imo, it should be PLM-System. Rasmus?

On page 24:

I see Jan pointed out Wikipedia... Just remove the "Source: Wikipedia 2009" line there, we designed it together with Rasmus using MS-Word. The picture isn't a copy. There is a little server icon (bottom right) but it doesn't need a reference.

Page 24:

"As the illustration above shows, the services which have similar services could get connected
and thereby will data updated in one of the application will automatically get updated in the
others connected to it."

It should be:

As the illustration above shows, the software which have similar services could get connected and thereby in case data gets updated in one of the application will automatically get updated in the others connected to it.

Page 25:

"Search for a solution that is small and scalable for both for PLM and MES-system, "

Should be:

"A small and scalable solution is required to handle the prototype manufacturing planning and execution."

But why "small" Johan?

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