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The situation of a place

• remains constant and defined by the globe grid.
• remains constant and is controlled by environmental forces.
• can change over time as external relations of a place change. (correct answer)
• can change over time as the globe grid is adjusted. (your response)

A functional or nodal region is defined by

• internal patterns of interaction and connection. (correct answer)
• significant topographic change at its margins.
• the functions assigned to it by government or other regions.
• the physical or cultural characteristics common throughout. (your response)

The location of a place described by its local physical characteristics is called its

• relative position
• site (correct answer)
• normative locale
• situation (your response)

A functional or nodal region is defined by

• internal patterns of interaction and connection. (correct answer)
• significant topographic change at its margins.
• the functions assigned to it by government or other regions. (your response)
• the physical or cultural characteristics common throughout.

Conflict is widespread in Africa in part because

• Africa is a multinational state (your response)
• Africa is a nation-state
• European colonial powers drew inappropriate boundaries (correct answer)
• Africans belong to many tribes

Korea is a good example of a

• sovereign state
• nation-state (your response)
• nation divided among more than one state (correct answer)
• colony

A group of people who occupy a particular area and have a strong sense of unity based on a set of shared beliefs is a

• centripetal force (your response)
• nation (correct answer)
• self-determination
• unitary state

An area organized into an independent political unit is a

• colony
• nationality (your response)
• satellite
• state (correct answer)

Which of the following is not an indicator of a country's level of development?

• infant mortality rate
• crude death rate (correct answer, your response)
• age structure
• natural increase rate

The large percentage of population involved in agriculture in China indicates that

• the country imports most of its food (your response)
• few people are unemployed
• most people consume an inadequate amount of calories
• most people must produce food for their own survival (correct answer)

The shape of a country's population pyramid is determined primarily by its

• crude birth rate (correct answer)
• crude death rate (your response)
• dependency rate
• sex ratio

Which of the following rates are not typically found to be low in less developed countries?

• crude birth rate (your response)
• crude death rate (correct answer)
• infant mortality rate
• natural increase rate

A universalizing religion

• is based on the physical characteristics of a particular location on Earth
• is intentionally developed to be a world religion (your response)
• is rarely transmitted through missionaries
• appeals to people living in a wide variety of locations (correct answer)

A relatively small group that has broken away from an established church is a

• dialect
• sect (correct answer)
• branch (your response)
• denomination

For most of the past 2,000 years, most Jews have been

• dispersed around the world (correct answer)
• froced to live in ghettos
• highly clustered in present -day Israel (your response)
• concentrated in the United States

A large and fundamental division within a religion is a

• dialect
• sect
• branch (correct answer)
• denomination (your response)

Rapid diffusion of popular culture

• all three answers are correct (your response)
• is an example of relocation diffusion
• depends on modern communication systems (correct answer)
• encourages people in different places to adopt different customs

The largest numbers of recent immigrants to the United States are

• illegal immigrants (your response)
• political refugees
• relatives of U.S. residents (correct answer)
• talented professionals

Most migrants to the United States during the 1960s and 1970s came from

• Africa
• Asia (correct answer)
• Europe (your response)
• Latin America

The most important pull factor for migrants to North America is

• economic (correct answer)
• environmental
• forced
• political (your response)

English is part of which language branch?

• North Germanic
• Germanic (correct answer)
• Indo-European (your response)
• West Germanic

The language spoken by the greatest number of people in the world is

• Hindu
• English (your response)
• Cantonese
• Mandarin (correct answer)

A lingua franca is

• an extinct language that has been revived
• a language that is mutually understood by people who have different native languages (correct answer)
• an English word that has entered the French language
• an official language in a region of the world different from where the language originated (your response)

African languages are distinguished by the fact that

• even the most important language family is spoken by only a small percentage of Africans (your response)
• most belong to the Nilo-Saharan language family
• few are spoken by more than one million people (correct answer)
• most have a literary tradition

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