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How to Find the Best Fulfillment Center for Your Ecommerce Business

There are many myths surrounding ecommerce fulfillment. Some are just the misconceptions of normal retailing. Other misconceptions are the outright lies about what can and cannot be done in an online fulfillment environment. The reality is there are many options that can suit your business needs. Let's take a look at the common misconceptions and some things that can be done.

Myth: You must have your inventory in a warehouse located in your hometown or long-term hometown. Fact: In most cases, ecommerce fulfillment companies offer nationwide coverage and in many cases your inventory is not even necessary to ship. Instead of selecting a single ecommerce fulfillment provider or warehouse location simply due to the proximity to you, always use the analysis provided by your service provider to guide your selection and then follow the recommendations for the type of operations you wish to conduct.

Myth: All orders need to be shipped. Fact: As long as your ecommerce fulfillment provider ships orders to the customers who have chosen to receive them through your website, all orders shipped to you will be shipped. Depending on your products and services, you may only need one or even multiple shipments made from your customer. If you do ship orders from a customer, however, your inventory may need to be shipped to a warehouse so the orders can be picked, packed and shipped when needed. Some ecommerce fulfillment companies will even ship orders directly from a customer once the order has been placed.

Myth: I can't pick or pack my own inventory. Fact: It is entirely possible to pick and pack your own inventory. Any ecommerce businesses that are providing customers the option to pick and pack their own products can expect to see a steady increase in orders. By taking the time to carefully consider what products you have and how you plan to ship them to your customers, you can dramatically increase profits. Many of today's online stores provide a detailed online catalog of products along with pictures so you know exactly how your inventory will look when it is picked and packaged.

Myth: I can't afford to hire enough employees. Fact: Ecommerce fulfillment services can also provide a valuable staff of experts to handle the packing and picking of your inventory and shipping of it to your customer. This can significantly reduce your costs while increasing your efficiency. Moreover, by working with a professional fulfillment service, you can often choose small, low-cost packages so you never spend more than you need to. By taking advantage of these options, you can enjoy the benefits of an affordable, professional operation while simultaneously enjoying the extra comfort of knowing you have a team of professionals dedicated to taking care of your business needs.

Myth: I don't want to deal with the hassles of shipping my goods. Fact: Shipping goods is one of the most common reasons people choose to close their ecommerce businesses. An online store inventory takes up to four weeks to ship depending on the distance between your home and the store, so even if you're located near the store, there may be several days of extra time involved in delivery. By using a fulfillment center, you can avoid this hassle and save valuable time by working with a professional company that specializes in shipping.

Myth: I don't know how to setup my store. Fact: While it's true that you may not have experience managing a storefront, you do have the expertise required to manage an online store. Using an experienced ecommerce fulfillment services provider will simplify the process of setting up your store and will allow you to focus on building relationships with your customers while they buy. In fact, many fulfillment companies offer personalized support designed to match your business needs. Moreover, these companies can also help you with marketing your site and collecting sales tax, among other needs as your ecommerce business grows.

My biggest challenge wasn't finding a good ecommerce fulfillment center. It was actually figuring out how to find one that would best serve our specific needs. There are plenty of options available, so don't feel like you need to settle for the first one you find. Instead, use an online search tool to locate multiple companies that can meet customer expectations and provide you with an ecommerce business you can be proud of.

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