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Destination Wedding Invitations

Wedding invitations tend to be the main topic of much discussion and where Destination Weddings have concerns need special consideration and far greater detail than traditional invitations.

Normally wedding stationery are sent with the bride's parents, inviting guests to celebrate the marriage of their daughter, but also in today's more liberal society it may somewhat be bride herself who sends out your invitations, especially if she gets been married before or perhaps is already living with her future husband and never at her parents home.

When a destination wedding is involved it's only natural to send out invitations, or possible Save the Date Cards, with plenty of forethought to be able to give invited guests sufficient notice to tidy up days off, organize a vacation to coincide with the wedding and possible conserve the funds needed to make the trip. Brides need to understand that not everyone they wish to attend could possibly achieve this and should not take offence if their invitation is politely declined.

A destination wedding invitation will include the next information:-

Date; and duration of the ceremony if known.

Country, venue and site with directions and website address.

Proposed duration of remain at the venue, both before and after the wedding ceremony.

Accommodation facilities available for guests attending along with prices and specifics of any discounts negotiated using the venue.

Recommended Travel Agent or Airline with estimate of ticket costs if group travel discounts are already negotiated or are available.

Transport details from airport on the venue with estimated costs if not within the accommodation prices.

Costs of meals, drinks as well as other facilities if not in the accommodation prices, and confirmation of that happen to be paying for the reception and rehearsal dinners if they are being held.

Continue Reading for that venue, including telephone number and email address contact information, if possible the local coordinator.

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Dress code during the period of the booking but particularly for the marriage ceremony itself to ensure guests can ensure they bring the correct clothing with them.

Local specifics of the venue, resort, available facilities etc. particularly when some guests are elderly, disabled or have special dietary requirements.

All this may manage to have to have a very complicated invitation but using the growing interest in Destination Weddings many suppliers are now able to provide invitations especially ready to include each of the necessary details.

Your locally based wedding planner will be able to help out with providing high of the data you'll need or recommend reputable sources. In the Dominican Republic, where we concentrate on Destination Weddings, our resident Wedding Planner and Villa Manager are invariably open to help you organize, not only your wedding reception, but all the requirements for the invited guests right down for the smallest detail.

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Regards; Team

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