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The Advantages Of A Digital News Initiative For Your Reporters And editors
agency (DNI) is a European organization established by Google to "promote high-quality journalism across the globe". It encompasses an "innovation fund" of Euros 7 million, that in the next coming year issued grants to 4 61 projects from different news organizations around the globe. But what exactly are the DNI? And why is it important for news organizations? Let us find out.

The goal of the Digital News Initiative/DNI is to promote quality news across the globe through the Internet, especially on digital verticals such as blogs, podcasts, video, and wikis. However, they have adopted a policy of selective prioritization to ensure a better result for less valued content. In this way, they encourage new, innovative forms of digital news such as video blogging. Their other projects are focused on original social news websites.

What is great about the digital news initiative? It is a source of news for a very wide range of communities: from highly localized communities, such as the residents of a specific country or region to global audiences from all over the world. For news organizations, this means that they can now reach people from very different cultures and backgrounds without the extra work involved with local or cultural translation. Moreover, the core competence of this initiative is to create a bridge between digital news and audiences.

This is indeed very useful. Imagine if you will a large multinational company that has branches in different countries of the world, but somehow gets ignored by most media due to the language barrier. That would surely be a disaster for any news organization. On the other hand, if a news organization has managed to launch a local digital site where it can reach people directly, then it is also a very valuable tool.

Now, let's talk about the impact of the digital news initiative on news organizations themselves. There are several ways in which the digital news platform can have a positive impact on news organizations. One of them is that it will provide them with a chance to broaden their horizons and gain a new perspective about their own industry. Perhaps one of the biggest advantages that digital news has brought to newsrooms is the ability to create stories that might not otherwise be covered by mainstream media. Now a reporter can explore topics like alternative energy, natural disasters, or even personal issues that people may be interested in.

They can also add a personal touch to the stories by putting a face to them. This way the readers will get to know the story more and feel that they know the reporter personally. This will definitely add some amount of trust into the story and hopefully the interest of the reader. Also, this will increase the possibility that the story can get picked up by other media sources, especially those that are more interested in covering the stories that are most interesting to them.

By providing these stories in digital format, newsrooms can also be given the chance to expand their market share and reach a wider audience. This is because today, more people are relying solely on online sources for their news. It can be difficult for newsrooms to compete directly with news websites because the former are more focused on updating their readers with the latest news and breaking news stories, while the latter tend to focus more on generating traffic and providing relevant content for their readers. If newsrooms can offer a platform where they can publish interesting stories that are not only relevant but also breaking, then they can surely draw more readers.

Digital news has certainly provided newsrooms with many benefits that they can truly enjoy and benefit from. Newsrooms don't have to worry about budget constraints and sacrificing the quality of their journalism. They can now use a cost-effective news strategy that not only attracts a broader market, but will also allow them to develop more personalized relationships with their readers. With a digital news initiative, newsrooms will be able to make their news worthy of reading by anyone anywhere. All they need to do is to encourage their writers to create engaging content that everyone can relate to.

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