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Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5), Characters and Voice Actors

I was blissfully retired and lounging at the swimming pool a few weeks ago. My best friend, a psychotic psychotic, appears out of nowhere and tortures me for my mistakes. I made honest mistakes I made over a decade ago. Keep him away from me, Bulow and my children Bulow. My mom was quite a skank when I was growing up. Todd you're, embarrassing me. These are my buddies. They shoot pornos all over town, mom, rented our house to them last summer. An overriding sense that you are in futility is part of the embrace of we have the Sun, the Morrible toy. Now we begin to put sex toy who the hell know what the [ __ ] y'all want me to do: kill the president [ __ ], his wife, or some on vase on [ __, ], [, __, ], [, Music ]. I'M the girl who hates me. I'M beautiful [__]. You might have gotten rid the Yee ass hairstyle. It's time to get some [__] on you're dead! Yet maybe Tanisha call your dog ass and [ __ ] stop [ __ ]. That brain surgeon. The lawyer. She [ __ ] with I know little [ __ ], like you've, been turned out on the daily talk about being hit up Nick, I swear man, you ain't got no [, __ ], respect. You tell me what you want, my boy. I will explain it to you very clearly. You cowboy, do you mind that I [__]?, your old lady? What was that? No! No! No! No! Well, thank you very much cowboy I'm independent thinker living out here away from the man. Oh Trevor babe. look at here got all over yourself, your own reg, you got, you got sheriff [ Music ]. I had a huge penis. Some girls find it funny that he was an Eastern European guy who made moves in Liberty City. He way quiet. Trevor? If the fruitcake finds out that you're still alive, it will eat you [ __]. According to my sources, there is a plot in international affairs. You are familiar with the agency. They're using this facility for a serious nerve time. Nothing increases funding for fighting terrorism more than successful acts of terrorism. You and Michael were once good friends. We will continue to be friends. I appreciate your honesty. You'Re a big guy - I can clearly see that you need to get real in this situation. Bro. Take me right. I am chance. I'm security on fast car, [, _____ ]. The world is my plate. We have access the L, SPD helicopter. The computer onboard can identify pedestrians using a chip in a driver's licence. I used to have three secretaries, but now I make my own coffee. Let's face it, I'm just a stupid a-list celebrity trying entertain America. You know what? I have a lot going right now. You are trying to kill me, dude. I was subject to multiple sexual harassment and a lawsuit. I'm also an addict, and I've relapsed. I cannot stop jacking dude. I jack it in traffic. Let's go! All right, I want to see your high standards. This is not a time to be joyful. Zin Empire will bring salvation to the most brilliant among you.

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