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Five stores were robbed in a row, without anyone being hurt or any police officers. Guys, expert thief here. You can call my expert, ladies, okay. However, I am expert today and we are undertaking a GTA task. It's a challenge to rob five stores, and I don't have to kill anybody. Let's see if it can be done. Let me clarify this: unlike the pacifist challenges, I'm not allowed any violent actions. I just shot at this dude. It's kind of like shooting at somebody with a gun. But I'm not allowed kill anyone. Let's go, don’t shoot me, i’m watching you. Okay, one more store. Let's keep going on our way. We got a Jew come out, we got a Jew come out. Is that what they're driving down the road? Juke baby woo, it's okay! Oh there's a second one! You missed me, I'm here. OK, we managed to get out of that spot without them. Seeing us now, I got to slow the car down before we roll and get to this next spot. So, that's one out 5 - not bad at all honey. Okay. We managed to escape the police officers. Alright, number two here we go. Simeon, Oh parkour. That's right! You better! Be scared! I'll destroy this entire store, smashing all the fruit, um smashing ALL that fruit. Please give me the money. Let's make sure we have enough cash. You can. believe it. Okay, thanks so much for the cash. Please don't shoot me, get in your car and let's go! We got either two or three out of five. Jew CIM, Jew. Let'S just park it here, so we can be close to the store. Punk, while you can, that's right. I'd probably go out and make out, just in case. Oh, he has a gun and is now shooting at me. Hurry! That's it, folks! For me, it's a challenge. Man he's got a gun. All right, let's get on with it. I think he pulled out the gun. I wasn’t sure I saw three of five. We have to reach the city with three stars. We had to find this place. I think we're gon na go to the store. This is right near the ammunation. Let's go over there. We're doing well and have been robbing every place slowly, like intimidating the guy and giving him the cash. So, we're doing, I don’t know how we’re going to do these last two, but let's see what can we do and what we can do for them driving skills. Although they don’t see us, oh dear. Okay, they do see who we are. Take the shortcut and go through. The alleyways. Can we get out this way, guys guys guys? No? Yes, I can get out. I can do that. Yes, clutch! Okay! This guy won't get us killed, but we can't fight back. Four out of five, bro. You're number! Congratulations sir, you made it four out of five today. You won. You won. You lose nothing. You really lose all the money you have in your bank account. That's it. Thank you. Alright, let's go before. He pulls out a shotgun and shoots us in the back. Another shot. We are quite the killing machine. Guys, this is a challenge right now. We're really doing well. This is going na be difficult. This is gon na be tough. We don't have the time. We don't even have the time to talk. I need to get my fish out. Actually, I did. Wait. I'm afraid he will start shooting at me. Okay, get in, get in. Yes, we did it like that. Now we just got an escape. It should be simple. I'M gona take the jetski path. All right: let's do this all right, guys, whoo I'd say that was pretty successful. We could have driven into the water, and then we would have been in serious trouble. Excuse my ignorance: That doesn't count towards killing him. He's definitely not dead. We just had to rob those places without killing anyone. Let's go, let's get 'em hot. Let'S get on one of these. I got a little excited when I saw that he isn't in the water anymore. He may have gotten up and run away. Let'S go whoo that definitely doesn't count cuz. We just had five stores to rob without killing anybody. They won't be able to see us. Okay, let's just wait. Hello, oh shoot! Wait. Wait. They won't come in, but they should be fine. Now we play the waiting game. I'm aware that there will be some super critical people who are going to comment on this and say that you killed that guy. So you lose. In this very serious Grand Theft Auto game, you have to start from scratch. It doesn't count that I robbed five shops, but we didn't murder anybody. There is nothing. We are all good. All right, guys. Here it is. This has been the ultimate in killing. I don't even know what to call this challenge. Like the pacifists challenge. There was no killing or weapons challenge. I hope you enjoyed it. I will see you all when I see you. Peace, [, Music] anja. What the hell am I doing?

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