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How to Increase Sales Using Multi-Channel Fulfillment Solutions

Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment isn't your ordinary fulfillment service; it's a full-fledged fulfillment service offering the full functionality of an online retail website as well as an s web based ordering portal. Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment works by using Amazon's multiple warehouses to stock products and have orders completed for both an Amazon site and a brand web site. This offers a more comprehensive form of ecommerce fulfillment than Amazon's standard Point of Sale (POS) system. Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment consists of three separate components: Amazon Web Services, Amazon Digital Product Service, and the Amazon Virtual Retail Solutions. These are:

The Amazon Web Services part of multi-channel fulfillment network doesn't offer the multi-store capability of its sister companies. Instead, this part delivers the standard features of ecommerce fulfillment networks: drop shipping, order management, analytics, and account processing. The advantage here is that customers don't need to know or care anything about the inner workings of an online retail site. What matters to them is the overall experience, including the ability to purchase, pay, and receive their purchases on their phones, tablets, laptops, and social media devices. They also want access to the many tools, like customer support, that a traditional ecommerce site provides.

Amazon Web Services offers multi-channel fulfillment centers that include dropshipping services for its customers. Dropshipping is when an online vendor not only stocks the product, but also "shops" it for the customer before placing an order with Amazon. It allows the vendor to fulfill orders without having to keep a large inventory, which is often a liability for ecommerce sites. By using the Web Services option in conjunction with Amazon, ecommerce sites can enjoy many of the benefits of traditional fulfillment center operations without all of the hassles and expense.

Ecommerce fulfillment companies can also offer their clients remote services in addition to their onsite capabilities. This is an especially attractive option for client warehouses and service providers that might not otherwise be able to fulfill all of their business needs from their own locations. This multi-channel fulfillment can provide inventory, order management, returns, analytics, and paychecks. This streamlines several functions that might otherwise prove problematic to a warehouse operator.

One of the challenges of using multi-channel fulfillment options is keeping enough inventory on hand to meet customers' needs. Even though an ecommerce Web site may have thousands of products, keeping up with sales and replenishment requirements can be difficult. In order to meet customer demands, many ecommerce Web sites operate at the leanest level possible, stocking only what is needed to perform their jobs. Amazon uses its extensive network of dropshippers and web masters to make it easier than ever to keep track of inventory levels and keep products in stock.

Using multi-channel fulfillment services from Amazon and third party Web sites like Shopify reduces warehouse labor costs and shipping time. Fulfillment centers can now scan barcodes on products to know when they are out-of-stock and en-route to the customer. They can make sure that the warehouse is not too full or too low shelves or racks. They can even detect whether or not a particular item is in stock and moving out before it gets shipped to the customer. The reduction in shipping time and labor costs provided by multi-channel fulfillment order fulfillment is a significant advantage for small businesses.

Many of these multi-channel fulfillment providers partner with online merchants to provide them with a streamlined shopping experience and allow them to add interactive shopping carts to their websites. Merchants no longer need to have a separate shopping cart software solution. Instead, all of the inventory management and fulfillment processes are combined into one simple interface for the merchant. Because multi-channel fulfillment works hand-in-hand with the e-commerce shopify software, a merchant does not need to worry about installing any special server software on his or her own server or having a network of servers. With e-commerce software and the WoCommerce fulfillment software solution, it's possible to easily manage inventory and save money on e-commerce software purchase and shipping costs.

As many sellers have found, the best way to increase sales and build relationships with customers is to use social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and MySpace. By using multi-channel fulfillment vendors such as Amazon and third-party Web sites like Shopify, many sellers have experienced quick growth in their business. And these benefits don't just apply to the merchant or his or her customers. The reduction in cost and time and multi-channel fulfillment services provided by Amazon and other e-commerce shopify software solutions also benefit the buyer, the seller and the entire multi-channel fulfillment industry.

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