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Plasma Biology

Energy is charge separation. This is not tough to observe upfront with material reality, that is to say matter. Matter has both mass, and the character of displacing space, and this subsequently is responsible for the charge separation we understand as gravity according to Einstein.

Plasma itself is charge separation, and represents the electrical equivalent accountable for a lot more than 99% in the observed universe that individuals forecast our telescopes. Almost your entire observable universe is plasma.

Electromagnetic radiation(EMR) represents the next most abundant way of energy we know of, which is interchangeable with matter in the event the conditions are correct. EMR has four components and the poles of the components are always linked to one another in pairs. The negative part is usually using the north magnetic field, and the positive part is usually while using south magnetic field. Electrical charge posseses an associated magnetic field there exists an inherent instability in EMR therefore, which has expressed itself in creation.

The single living cell operates at its most fundamental level as a possible electron trap. A healthy, vibrant cell with all of its components operating adequately seeks to enhance its charge separation through the interactions of water, proteins, and to draw on the foundation of electrons how the earth provides like a gift. Incident radiation from your sun only potentiates this pull. The cellular foundation our life is like the majority of in the rest from the universe, and has an obvious basis in plasma(charge separation).

All life organizes itself according to the way it interacts with water. Phospholipid membranes expose hydrophilic portions to water and hide hydrophobic portions from water. Globular proteins themselves hide their hydrophobic portions away from water and expose only the hydrophilic amino acids. When the hydrophilic portions of a cellular component is encountered with water it structures it in a crystal form, semi-conductor phase generally known as structured water. This water creates plasma like charge separation, ie. energy.

The electron trap model for the cell really is easy. Structured water sucks up electrons, the associated positive charge beyond it sucks up electrons, our planet itself is highly negatively charged plus it supplies electrons for the cell because the primary method to obtain charge separation. Life is a layered system of potentiating charge separation activated through the hording of electrons. look at here now is that which you do best... Energy!

Human skin is both acidic and positively charged. It is the single largest organ in the body. Most of the uptake of electrons into the body's not from ingesting anti-oxidant vitamins from supplements or food, but transdermaly using your skin. The complexity of the epidermis is second most after your mind.

The positive charge of the epidermis attracts electrons from the earth. The structured water with the next lower layer also adsorbs them. The cells themselves pump in electrons therefore of their hydrophilic/hydrophobic layers. It is an onion like arrangement inside a sense.

If you lack energy then it is likely that the flow has become interrupted? Understanding who and what you happen to be should assist you to fix this. And life is nothing over the conscious ability to self arrange through the environment?

Not only your overall health, however, your ongoing continued existence will depend on the hidden unseen forces of plasma physics. These are freebies of the environment. Abuse or ignore them at your own peril!

Velis et Remis


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