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CHAPTER FIVE: Greater Group

After about a week, we hadn't made any progress with the trackers, even so we all decided to get Ava and Avery in on the plan, they were some of the oldest kids here apart from us, so they'd take it better than the others I figured, we all got together at midnight, we were inside the library.

"So what is it you guys wanted to talk about?" I felt bad we had to tell them this, "Well... It's about, the orphanage," Ava smiled at me, "If it's about the fact that you have to leave soon since you're going to turn 12 in only a few months- then don't worry about it-"

"It's not that," Angel got tired of our conversation going back and forth, "We don't get adopted, we get killed, Father, Brother, and Sister aren't what they seem like," it was silent for a moment, then Avery spoke up, "Alright, you guys dragged us here for this? I swear I almost fell for it for a second there-" She stopped when she saw our faces, clearly we weren't lying.

"It is a joke- right? G-guys...?" I shook my head, "They just hand us over to these- demons... they eat us for the sake of their own survival, we have tracking devices on our bodies and- and we have to leave before someone else dies... Alyssa, she's next, it'll be someday around January, we have to leave before then..."

Avery was taking this better than Ava, that was surprising considering she was younger, Ava almost broke down and Lewis was desperately trying to calm her down, "So, how do you-"

Angel quickly responded, "Sal told us, the night Liam left, she went down to the gate, she saw it... his dead body, Sister talking to the demons..."

"No way..." Avery was confident, more than usual, "We'll help you escape, all of us, first we need a plan, and we need to tell the others,"

"We won't necessarily take EVERYONE," Lewis's eyes widened, "But you said-"

"There was a part in the letter I didn't show you... only kids over 6 get shipped out, we can take only kids from a specific age and over, and then we'll come back for the rest... also, the babies can't even walk... so, we can't take them all..."

Ava, Angel, and Avery agreed it was the best idea, we waited on Lewis's answer, "Alright... so we should probably take those who are 5 and over,"

"FIVE?! What- why not 6 and over?"

"Taking those who are 5 gives us about- I'd say 2 whole years before we have to come back for the others," I realized it wasn't a bad idea, he's right, the more time we get the better it is.

"So all we need now is a way to get rid of the trackers, we can't break them or HQ will know... but we can't get rid of them either without knowing how..."

"Didn't the letter say something about cutting off your ear?"

"CUTTING OFF OUR EARS?!" Ava and Avery yelled simultaneously, "Our main focus now should be telling the other kids, Rosa already has a plan worked out, right?" Lewis looked at me, "Right," I answered, "We just have to hope they don't take the news the wrong way..."

Morning came quickly, and we all went through the normal day, we focused on spreading the word about the truth, first we told the older kids since they'd take it easier, we started off with Adrien, Keith, and Zach, thankfully they believed us and agreed to help.

I personally told Alyssa and Hope who always hung out together, they agreed to help as well, thought Alyssa didn't take it the best way, knowing she was supposed to get killed and all.

Angel was the one who told Noah and Leo, Lewis dealt with some of the younger kids, and he got help from Ava, for now we were doing great, all the kids that we were taking knew about the plan, and the truth, and they did a good job pretending to not know, some of the youngest ones were a little off on the acting but I don't think Father noticed.

I covered up for everyone, making sure Father still trusted me, and now since we all knew, there was no reason to talk in secrecy at the wall, we could talk here, just quiet enough for Father to not notice.

We all passed along the plan, the problem was that most of the youngest kids weren't too good at- well anything physical really, and we needed to be prepared to run, so we had to train, somehow, we needed to know how to do that without Father figuring out what's going on.

"Tag! We can play tag," Ava enthusiastically said, "Tag?"

"Yes! We make Father think we're playing while we're actually teaching the kids!" I was really surprised that Ava of all people came up with such a good idea, of course I wouldn't say that out loud.

Now all we needed to do was get rid of the tracking devices, but I found out that the trackers aren't our only problem.

"Rosa?" I was reading at the library when I turned around and saw Sal, "Oh, Sal, hello," I smiled at her, "You told the others?"

"Yeah, I'm making a plan to escape... but we only decided on taking those who are 5 and older, though even so I have to ask..." she sat down on the chair next to me, "We can make an exception, do you wanna go with us? Or would you rather stay here and wait for us to come back and get you with the rest of the kids?"

Sal looked down at the table for a second, "I.." she seemed deep in thought, "Whether you decide to come or not, we will come back for our siblings, we're only making this exception because you were the first one to find out... and, I don't want you to suffer here, so please, take this seriously, Sal, do you want to accompany us on our journey?"

To my surprise she shook her head, "I can stay here with the rest of the kids, I'll be fine! Promise! I believe that big sister Rosa will come back for all of us!"

I smiled and pat her head, "We're not leaving until January, so this offer will be open until then, please, think it over, if you decide to go with us, even if it's at the last minute, we'll take you... okay?"

"Okay! But I already know, I wanna stay here and wait for you! All of you!" She smiled throwing her hands up in the air, "Alright then, if that's what you want,"
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