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Descendants 1

Every morning, we made a scene, dancing, singing, it was all a good way to let time pass here on the Isle. Mal grabbed a baby's lollipop and held it up in the air like a victory trophy, everyone cheered and then suddenly ran, and I bet I can guess why. "Hi, mom."

Maleficent stepped forward, pushing her knuckleheads out of the way, "Stealing candy Mal? I'm so disappointed,"

"It was from a baby?" It sounded more like a question than a statement, she held out the lollipop, "That's my nasty little girl!"

She took the candy from Mal, spit on it, and put it under her armpit for about a second or two before handing it to a knucklehead and saying, "Give it back to the dreadful creature."

"It's the deets, Mal, that make the difference between mean, and truly evil," she waved to the mother of the baby who waved back, "When I was your age, I was-" Mal joined in, "Cursing entire kingdoms," she gave a small laugh before being serious again, "Walk with me."

They walked away and whispered some things, the five of us stood in silence waiting for Mal, she walked back to stand next to us and her mother announced something, "You five, have been chosen to go to a different school..." she made a small pause, "In Auradon."

Evie, Carlos, Jay and I tried to make a run for it, but Maleficent's stupid knuckleheads were there and they stopped us, they let us go but stood behind us so we had no escape, "What? I'm not going to some boarding school, filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses."

Evie stepped up, visibly happy, "And perfect princes," she stopped when she saw Mal raise her hands, "Ugh," Jay started complaining as well, "Yeah, and I don't do 'uniforms', unless it's leather, you feel me?"

My turn to talk, "I like hurting people, okay? If I went there they'd send me right back here, so it wont make a difference for me."

"I read somewhere that they allow, dogs, in Auradon," I saw Jay sneak up behind Carlos, "Mom said they're rabid pack animals who eat boys that don't behave..." Jay tapped his shoulder, "WOOF!" Evie and I laughed amusedly.

"Yeah mom, we're not going!" Maleficent led us back to a room, where all our parents were, "You will go, you will find the fairy godmother, and you will bring me back her magic wand, easy peasy."

"What's in it for us?" I was interested in the answer to this question, "Matching thrones, hers-and-hers crowns," I took a step forward, "'Us', Maleficent, 'us' as in not you,"

She pretty much ignored me and talked with her daughter about world domination and all that crap, they then had one of their stupid little staring contests, and of course, Mal lost.

"Fine, whatever," the Evil Queen simply wanted Evie to find a rich prince, Cruella de Vil needed her slave- I mean son, to stick around, and Jaffar just wanted Jay as his thief because he was too old to steal things himself.

"Well I'd be glad to let Harley go, under one condition," I turned my attention to her, I knew exactly what she wanted, "You will get your clutches on that Alice... and once you do..." I got ready for my ears to bleed, the one I can't stand from my mother is all the yelling, she clenched her fists, "OFF WITH HER HEAD!"

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL?! People, used to cower, at the mention of OUR NAMES!" A few of us backed away, "For 20 years, I have searched for a way off this island, for 20 years they have robbed us from our revenge!"

She pointed at the Evil Queen, "Revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men!" She pointed at Jaffar, "Revenge on a lack of clothing genie!" She walked towards Cruella de Vil, "Revenge on every sneaky Dalmatian that escaped your clutches,"

"Oh but they didn't get baby- they didn't get the.. they didn't get the baby!" She laughed between her sentences, "Revenge on Alice and all her little wonderland friends!" My mother stood up, "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!"

"AND I- Maleficent, the evilest of them all," she took the Evil Queen's mirror and sat on her lap, looking into the mirror, "I will finally have my revenge on Sleeping Beauty, and her relentless little prince... VILLAINS!"



"Our day has come, E.Q," she handed the Evil Queen the mirror, "Give her the magic mirror," she handed Evie a small mirror, "This is your magic mirror?"

"It ain't what it used to be, it will help you find a thing," Evie's face lit up, "Like a prince,"

"Like my waistline,"

"Like the magic wand! Hellooo?" She grabbed a spell book out of what they called a 'safe',

They talked about the book for god knows how long, and we heard a car horn, we all packed our things and headed outside, I said bye to my mom, and I was the first one in the car, I could hear distant voices, "COME BACK HERE NOW!"

Seriously that woman needs serious help, Carlos got in the car, probably trying to get away from his mother, and Evie went in right after he did, Jay was already here with us, so now we waited for Mal.

I could hear our parent's distant voices, "Bring home the gold!" Jaffar yelled, I could hear Cruella's voice right after, "Bring home a puppy!"

Then the Evil Queen, "Bring home a friend!" And lastly my mother, "Bring home a head!" I thought she was joking, I hope she was.

There was a bunch of candy in here, of all kinds, we never really had that many things in the Isle, almost instantly Jay and Carlos fought over the candy, which sucked for the rest of us who had to deal with their fight.

"Oh, these, it's salty like nuts, but it's sweet like.. I don't know what," Jay almost immediately took the chocolate from him and ate it.

"LOOK!" We all looked over Evie's shoulder, we were headed straight for the ocean, "IT'S A TRAP!" We all held onto each other like our lives depended on it, because they pretty much did.

Evie crawled up into a ball and Mal held onto her for dear life, Jay was pretty much strangling Carlos, and I held onto the nearest person, which just happened to be Carlos.

We stopped after realizing we weren't falling anytime soon, "What just happened?" Evie squealed, "It must be magic!"

"Hey, did this little button just open up the magic barrier?" The driver looked back at her, and held up a button, "Nope, this one opens the magic barrier, that one opens my garage, and this button..." he pressed the button and a window rolled up, completely blocking him from us.

The rest of the ride wasn't as bad as we expected, when we arrived there was a band and a bunch of people cheering, as soon as the door was opened, Jay pushed out Carlos, stepped on him, and pulled the scarf away from him, "YOU GOT EVERYTHING ELSE! WHY DO YOU WAN'T WHATEVER THIS IS!"

"CAUSE YOU WANT IT!" The band stopped playing and people stopped cheering, I got out along with Evie and Mal, we walked around Jay and stood there looking at everyone.

A woman in a short sky blue dress with her hair up walked towards us with her hands up in the air, I turned back towards them, "Stop fighting or I'll behead the both of you," I whispered-yelled, Jay smiled at the woman, "Just, cleaning up!" He pulled up Carlos.

"Leave it like you found it, and by that I mean- just leave it," they threw everything back into the limo.

Jay walked towards a girl with a short sparkly pink dress and short brown hair, "Hello foxy, the name's, Jay," she chuckled nervously probably not wanting to be here right now.

"Welcome to Auradon prep! I'm fairy godmother, headmistress," this was getting interesting, "THE fairy godmother? As in... bibbidi-bobbidi-boo?"

"Bibbidi-bobbidi, you know it," she nodded slightly, "Yeah I always wondered, what it felt like... for Cinderella when you just, appeared out of nowhere, with that... sparkly wand, and warm smile," she clasped her hands together, "And that sparkling wand.."

"That was a long time ago, and as I always say, don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future!" A guy in a suit took a step forward, "It's so good to finally meet you all, I'm Ben,"

The other girl cut him off, "Prince, Benjamin, soon to be king!" Her voice was annoyingly high pitched, Evie stepped towards them, "You had me at prince, my mom's a queen, which, makes me a princess,"

The other girl shook her head, "The Evil Queen has no royal status here, and neither do you," Ben chuckled nervously, "This is Audrey-"

"Princess Audrey! His girlfriend," I took a step towards them, "So, do you usually speak for him, or does the king get to finish his own sentences?" She glared at me.

Fairy godmother stepped in before anything happened, "Ben and Audrey are gonna show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow," she stepped in between Ben and Audrey and towards us.

"The doors of wisdom are never shut! But the library hours are from 8 to 11 and as we have heard I have a little thing about curfews," she walked away and the whole band followed her.

Ben went towards us, "It is so, so good to finally-" He stopped for a second when Jay playfully punched him in the chest, "-meet you all,"

He shook Mal's hand with lasted at least one whole second, "This is a momentous occasion," he shook Carlos's hand, "And one that I hope will go down in history," He shook me hand, quickly, and lastly he shook Evie's hand, "As the day our two peoples began to heal,"

"Or the day you showed five peoples where the bathrooms are," I giggled at her statement, "A little bit over the top?" Mal nodded, "Little more than a little bit," they chuckled nervously, "Well so much for my first impression."

Audrey invited herself into the conversation, "Hey, you're Maleficent's daughter aren't you? Yeah, you know I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff," she chuckled, "Oh, my mom's Aurora, 'sleeping-"

Mal cut her off, "Beauty! Yeah, I've heard the name, you know and I totally do not, blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to their stupid christening," Audrey chuckled, "Water under the bridge!"

"Totes!" They laughed for a bit and then sighed, Ben clapped his hands, "Okay! So how about a tour?" We all walked and stopped at a statue of the king, Ben clapped his hands.

Suddenly the statue changed form from a man to a beast, Carlos suddenly screamed and grabbed onto me, everyone turned to look at us- no, at him, "Carlos, it's okay, my father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man, to remind us that anything is possible,"

"Does he shed much?" I could tell she was being sarcastic, "Yeah, mom wont let him on the couch," we all looked at him confused, but he smiled and kept walking.

Carlos stayed behind, he looked at the statue and clapped his hands, "Chill, it's a statue, it's harmless, come on the others are waiting," we ran back inside towards the others.

Everything they said was so boring, all I could think about was getting my hands on that wand.

"Come on guys, let's go find out dorms," we all walked upstairs before being stopped halfway through, "Oh- uh- yeah, your dorms are that way guys," he pointed to the opposite direction of where we were going.

Only two people could share a room, but because we're from the Isle, no one wanted to share with any of us, and there was five, so they had to put me in a room with Mal and Evie, which I really don't mind.

"Wow, this place is so amaz-" Mal cut her off, "Gross," Evie's smile soon faded, "I know right? Amazingly gross!" We closed all the curtains, "That is much better,"

It was now late, really late, we went to boy's dorm, Carlos was playing some game, we went towards Jay, "Jay, what are you doing?"

"It's called stealing," he put out everything he had stolen, "Okay, what's the point?"

"Well, Mal, it's like buying whatever I want, except it's free," Mal laughed as he opened a laptop, "Okay, so, you could do that, or, you can leave all of this here, and pick it up when we take over the world!"

"You sound just like your mom," she put a hand on her chest, "Thank you," Jay closed the laptop, "You do it your way, and I'll do it mine,"

"DIE SUCKERS! Jay, come check this thing out, it's awesome," Jay started playing which irritated Mal, "Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?"

"Fairy godmother, blah blah blah, magic wand, blah blah blah," all of us laughed, except Mal, "This is our one chance, to prove ourselves to our parents, to prove that we are evil, and vicious, and ruthless, and cruel," we all turned to look at her.

We gathered around the table searching for the wand, it was at a museum, snuck out and when we made it we stopped at the door, the door was locked and the guard was on the lookout for intruders, we then spotted Maleficent's spinning wheel.

"That's your mother's spinning wheel?" They started laughing, "Yeah, it's kinda dorky..."

"It's magic, it doesn't have to look scary," Mal defended, "Magic spindle, do not linger, make my victim prick a finger," nothing happened, "Impressive," "I got chills,"

I glared at them, "Better trying than standing around and criticizing a spinning wheel, which had the sole purpose of killing an innocent girl but made her sleep forever instead." They stopped laughing and Mal went back to her spell book.

"Prick the finger, prick it deep, send my enemy off to sleep," the guard got up and pricked his finger on the spinning wheel, he then fell asleep, Mal laughed slightly, "Now so dorky now, huh?"

We tried opening the doors, and they were locked, of course, "Stand back," Jay took a few steps back as Mal read from the spell book, "Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick," the doors flung open and Jay ran towards them falling down in the process.

We laughed at him and made our way through the museum, we stopped at a room filled with statues, of our parents, "Mommy?" Evie stared at the Evil Queen's statue.



"I'll never forget mother's day again,"

"Well, wand's not here, let's bounce, let's go!"

We walked through the building for a while, we realized Mal wasn't with us and Evie went to go back for her, "Hey, guys, what do you think will happen after we open the barrier?"

They both looked at me, "We'll rule the world! What do you expect?"

"What about everyone else here? What do we do with them? Lock 'em up in the island like they did to us?" They stopped to think for a second, "I don't know, I guess that's up to our parents,"

Evie and Mal returned, then we all headed towards where the wand was.

We stopped in front of the wand and Jay was looking at it, ready to take it, "Jay- don't!" Despite her warnings he reached for it anyways, suddenly an alarm went off, "A force field and a siren?!"

We all covered our ears, "That overkill!" Mal uncovered her ears, "Let's go!" We all started running, we got all the way downstairs and the phone started ringing, Carlos answered it, "Hello? Just give me one second,"

"Carlos what are you doing?" He deactivated the alarm, "Yeah, false alarm, it was a malfunction in the... LM714 chip in the breadboards circuit, okay, say hi to the missus," he hung up, "You idiot! Come on!"

"You're welcome."

"Way to go Jay! Now we have to go to school tomorrow!"

We were now sitting in remedial goodness 101, I was sat between Carlos and Jay so they wouldn't fight during the class, I wasn't even paying that much attention though.

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out it's heart?" She saw I wasn't paying attention.

"Harley," I looked up, "B, lock it in a tower," I smiled at my answer, I knew I was wrong, but giving it a bottle wasn't any fun. "Oh- okay, uhm- anyone else?" She looked at Mal, "Mal,"

"C, give it a bottle," fairy godmother smiled, "Correct, again"

"You are on fire girl," Mal scoffed, "Just, pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun," everyone then understood what they were doing.

A girl with a short bob and light blue dress that matched fairy grandmother's dress walked by, she squeaked as she quickly walked through us, "Hello dear one," she walked towards fairy grandmother, "You need to send off an early dismissal for the coronation.

"Everyone here remembers my daughter Jane," she said something that I couldn't hear, "It's okay, Jane this is everyone," she smiled nervously, "Hi, that's okay, don't mind me, as you were," she quickly left.

"Okay, let's continue, you find a vial of poison, do you, A, put it in the king's wine? B, paint it on an apple? Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?"

Everyone except me and Mal raised their hands, and Jay tried to get Carlos to put down his hand, "Jay," she pointed at him, "C, you turn it over to the proper authorities,"

"I was gonna say that," Jay smiled, "But I said it first," he grabbed Carlos by the neck and they started fighting like always, "Jay, I can and might bring your head back to my mother when we get back to the Isle," he let go of Carlos.

"I am gonna encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field,"

After my very boring class I went back to my locker which was next to Evie's, who's locker was next to Mal's, so we all had our lockers close to each other and we could talk during passing time, "Bye Mal, bye Harley," Evie walked away.

"Bye," I searched through my locker, "Hey, do you ever, miss the Isle?" Mal looked at me, "What do you mean?"

"You know, don't you miss doing whatever you want, not having a school, no princesses or princes, breaking rules, stealing candy- from babies of course,"

She smiled at me, "Don't worry H, we'll get back home soon, we just need a little more time, we'll get the wand, I know it,"

"Thanks..." I saw Ben walking towards us, "Uh, Mal?" She hummed in response and closed her locker as Ben came up to us, "Hey," I faked a smile, "Hey," he smiled at us, "So, how were your first days?"

"Super," I paused for a second, "Well, let me think, I'm a VK in a school full of princesses and princes who rather hate us, or are scared of us. Best day ever," I said that last part sarcastically, he laughed nervously, "Well, I'm sure they don't hate you, it just takes time getting used to-"

I spotted Jane walking past us, "-The children of villains who have destroyed lives, of course it takes time to get used to," I walked after Jane, I walked into the bathroom where she was.

I had years of practicing, when it came to acting of course, "Hi," she looked back at me clearly shocked that I was here, and probably scared, "Jane, right?"

"Uhm- yeah..." she started walking away, "Leaving so soon?" She stopped and looked back at me, "No, it's fine, I get it, 'don't talk to villain kids', every Auradon kid must know that,"

"No, that's not it at all-" I smiled, "No, it's fine, I mean I'm the daughter of a terrible person, it's not crazy to assume I'm just as bad as her," she seemed to feel guilty all of a sudden, "That's not-"

"Guess I was just hoping to make some friends here, I mean, your friends would probably judge you for it," she looked down at her shoes, "Actually, I don't have many friends,"

I acted as if I was shocked, "Really? You don't? I mean, your mother is the fairy godmother, and headmistress, and you seem like such a great person!"

Mal walked in, "Hey, Harley I was looking for you everywhere!" I smiled at her, Jane kept talking, "I just, I'd rather be pretty, like- look at my hair!" Mal opened her spell book, "Actually, I have just the thing for that!" She flipped through the pages.

"Beware, forswear, replace the old with brand new hair," she moved her hand and suddenly Jane's hair changed completely, she looked at the mirror and smiled, "You almost don't notice your..." I saw she was out of compliments.

"-Your eyes! Your amazing eyes!" She smiled, "Do my nose!" I stepped in, "The spell book could only do so much, Mal's been practicing but..."

She started talking, "I can't really do, you know, big magic, not like your mom, with her wand, I mean one swoosh from that thing and you could probably have whatever features you wanted."

"She doesn't use the wand anymore, she believes the real magic is in the books, and not the spell books, regular books with history and stuff," I scoffed, "What a rip," Jane nodded, agreeing with me.

"You know she used magic on Cinderella, who wasn't even her real daughter, doesn't she love you?"

"Well of course she does, it's just, you know, tough love, work on the inside, not the outside, you know that sort of thing," she looked down, visibly dissapointed.

"That's the face! Yeah, and then you just look, as if your- your heart was about to break," she seemed confused, Mal looked at me, "Ahem! Mother... I just don't understand why you can't make me beautiful as well... don't you love me?" I went back to smiling as if nothing happened.

Jane's face lit up, "You think it'll work?" Me and Mal laughed, "Yeah, I mean that's what old Cindy did, right, and your mom bibbidi-bobbidi-boo the living daylights out of her,"

I put a hand on Jane's shoulder, "Oh and, if your mom, you know, actually decided to, break out the old wand, invite us," Jane smiled, "If I can convince mom, you guys are so there!"

"Yay!" Mal clapped, Jane picked up her bag and walked out after giving us a small wave, Mal and I shared a look, and I left for my next class, except there was no next class, it was free period.

I went out to the field to see Ben training Carlos, I ran up to Ben, "Hey, what're you guys doing?" Ben smiled at me, "Just some training for the tourney game," I hummed in response, "Okay, Carlos, we're gonna do some sprints, you ready?"

He started running, from a dog, and he ran into the forest, so Ben and I went after him, he held onto the trunk of a tree, "Ben, help me, this thing is a killer! He's gonna chase me down and rip out my throat! This is a vicious, rabid pack animal!"

Ben picked up the dog, "Hey, who told you that?"

"My mother," he said acting as if it was the most obvious in the world, Ben seemed confused for a second, "Cruella," he looked at me, "Cruella?" Okay, this prince was getting annoying, "No, I totally didn't just say that,"

Carlos was still hanging onto the tree for dear life, "She's a dog expert, a dog yeller, WHY ARE YOU HOLDING HIM, HE'S GONNA ATTACK YOU!"

"You guys never actually met a dog have you?" Ben pet the dog, "Of course not," he looked back at the dog, "Dude, meet Carlos, Carlos, this is Dude, he's the campus mutt," Carlos let go off the tree.

"He doesn't look like a vicious, rabid pack animal," he got down from the tree and carried the dog, Ben looked back at both of us, "I guess you guys have it pretty rough on the island,"
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