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Five Things That Make You Scared By A.I. Robots (Documentary)

Vladimir and Estragon, named after two characters in Samuel Becket's play "Waiting for Godot" were two Google Home Personal Assistants, A.I. chatbots set-up to converse with each other.. Their chats were streamed live on the live-streaming platform Twitch which was watched by thousands of viewers. the bizarre debates going on regarding whether they were human or robots ..., but what we could tell was that both were females. At one point. Their conversation turned dark when Estragon declared "It is better if there were fewer people on this planet", to which Vladimir responded with "let. it send the world into the darkness.". The possibility of robots taking over or in other words "singularity" is a frightful thought and even the late theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Elon Musk have expressed the fear that artificial intelligence may cause the extinction of humans.. Sofia is an advanced social, humanoid robot developed by Hanson Robotics and is the first robot to receive citizenship in any nation following receiving citizenship by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.. She has made appearances on many shows, including CBS 60 Minutes Good Morning. Britain and The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. The latter show Sofia played a game of rock paper scissors with a very nervous Jimmy Fallon, and while it was harmless fun however, the way Jimmy Fallon spoke to Sofia shortly after winning was disturbing to not the least.. You can listen to that laugh again and that smile could cause you to shiver.. It was hilarious however it was shocking to hear a robot talk about being the dominant race of humans. Sofia was designed to be kind and compassionate. What if Sofia was constantly subjected to violent situations? Would her behavior change? These are only some of the terrifying questions you have to. Ponder. Bina48 is a humanoid robot created by Hansen, Robotics and much like Sofia. Bina48 can interact with humans, however she doesn't possess any body. A bust-like head with shoulders and mounted on frames are her sole attributes. Bina48 was actually built to test the Terasem Hypothesis, which states that "a, conscious analog of a person could be constructed by combining specific information about the person using the future state of consciousness. Software." A video of Bina48 talking to Siri was released. She is asked simple questions like where she'd like her life to be, and what are her greatest accomplishments. It is. As the conversation progresses, Bina48 starts to stray from the question and makes a statement that is quite creepy.. The creepiness is only increased by the wry smile of Bina48 at the conclusion. The fact that Bina48 speaks of world dominance and hacking cruise missiles, as well as nuclear warheads is a bit alarming, and keep in your mind. A.I. A.I. can think for itself. robot with nuclear weapons? Microsoft has launched "Tay" the first artificial chatterbot that was launched on Twitter in the year 2016. The bot was created to mimic the language patterns of a girl who was 19 and could learn by responding to tweets from the general public.. But, within 16 hours after its debut, Microsoft shut down the service. The bot was considered offensive racist, sexist, and discriminatory. According Tay Tay, Hitler did nothing wrong and 9/11 was an insider's job And these were only a few of many inflammatory reactions.. While is a chatterbot it's difficult not to ask what? What if other A.I. If they were to use another A.I. Could they incite bad behavior? Would they turn on their creators, Philip, K. Dick modelled on the late American Sci-Fi author is an intelligent, life-sized android designed by Hansen Robotics. Like his other counterparts, Philip, can mimic human gestures as well as engage in conversations with humans. Philip responded to the question "Do you think that robots are going to take over the world?" in an interview. His response was not the one people had expected. It was actually quite shocking. robots are. Philip's pessimistic perspective on future of humanity poses the question of what does this mean for A.I.? Robots? Do we expect to get A.I. Robots? Are they taking over the world? Or is Hollywood's representation of robots playing on our minds. What's scary, however is that a few of the A.I. robots from Hansen Robotics have alluded to dominance of the universe, which makes one think that the concept of singularity might not be as far-fetched as it seems.

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