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Imagine we hadn’t met
I wouldve done things that I would now regret
you didn’t just become by love, but my guardian angel
set my mind straight, kept me out of trouble, out of danger
you may think I’m exaggerating with my claims
but i can prove it to you that what I’m saying isn’t insane
Remember when we first talked about my class
you gave me help and told me not to be crass
I managed to pass the test but ended up with a C
I wanted to go on a furious drive, if i had, imagine where i would be
when i went into a stage of misery and despair
you told me it’ll be over & you showed me that you care
then the new semester began to break me down
you still made me smile and laugh & took away the frown
then you finally said it
you admitted you were in love
it brought peace to my heart like Noahs white dove
I felt something that I’ve never felt before
I felt like a soldier coming back victorious from a war

now i can’t even begin to describe your godly looks
if Nizar had seen you, he would've probably published books
all titled, to Noor, the one and only Noor
who’s beauty is mesmerizing and her heart is pure
Who’s eyes, that when I look into I see the universe’s stars
eyes glimmering like a Gem, fit to be on the crown of a Czar
Lips, gushing like Iraq’s Tigris and Euphrates
that produce a beautiful smile that will freeze the fires of Hades
Lips that when I look at them, everything else disappears from the view
which make me hug her, kiss her, as i whisper, 7abibti, I love you.

I haven’t given her enough justice, but I have to end
while thanking Allah for the beautiful gift I was sent
And like all things in life, this poem ends, alas
but my love for you, will never have a “eeeeee te5las”

-To Noor, The Love of my Life
11:41 PM
Monday December 8th, 2014
Atlanta, Georgia
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Regards; Team

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