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Learning the Fundamentals of Reflexology

If you have ever used a loofah sponge or a message on your bottom, then reflexology probably seems like something you'd like to try. However, you should bear in mind that there is far more to reflexology than simply applying pressure to specific places on your bottom. Reflexology can help alleviate stress, but it's important to comprehend the origin of reflexology also. So as to truly understand the benefits of reflexology, you must first understand a bit about the body. Reflexology originates from China, Japan and other Asian countries, and could be traced back as far as Roman times.

What exactly is reflexology? In the most basic sense, reflexology involves the stimulation of specific nerves by using the hands or the feet. While modern reflexology uses various tools, the most common tools include the fingers, thumbs, palms of the hands and even feet . Reflexology has been clinically studied for many decades, and the advantages derived from such studies are now widely accepted. Many health practitioners now are even recommending it. Dr. George Ingham is one doctor who's now commonly seen in American hospitals prescribing and applying this sort of treatment.

So what is it that Ingham is really passionate about? He believes that by applying pressure to specific reflex points located on the soles of one's feet, it is going to help correct conditions linked to the feet such as poor circulation, chronic pain, inflammation, etc.. Modern reflexology differs from traditional reflexology in many ways. For starters, modern reflexology relies less on the use of specialized tools and equipment. As a result, its effects aren't restricted simply to the soles of one's feet. Ingham also considers that this type of therapy provides far more than just relief from pain and discomfort; it may also promote general health by improving one's position, thereby preventing further back pain and injury.

According to Ingham, the first American scientific study of contemporary reflexology came from a 19th century French study that compared the effects of applying pressure on reflex points located in different parts of the body together with the effects of eunice. The results of this study showed that when patients were exposed to Eunice, their skin tissue started to heal much faster and more completely than when they applied pressure to the reflex points located in their feet. In addition, Ingham claims that since the reflexology zones are positioned in such a way that they link directly to all the major organs of the body, the entire body begins to benefit from the effects. Thus, this non-medical process of reflexology is now known as Kidney Zone Therapy.

Today, there is widespread interest in alternative medicine, particularly when natural remedies prove to be effective and/or when the benefits are clearly evident by scientific testing. Among the most popular forms of alternative medicines (ancient and contemporary) are acupuncture, acupressure, chiropractic medicine, homeopathy, reflexology, and many more. Although the origin of reflexology remains unclear, its widespread prevalence may owe at least part (if not all) to its proven medical benefits.

The advantages of modern reflexology can be attributed to several things. For one, the concept of Zone Therapy uses the identical terminology (i.e., zones) which are used in chiropractic medicine. Moreover, the origin of reflexology itself can be traced to ancient China, where an acupuncturist was thought to have the ability to deal with certain diseases by stimulating the flow of'vital energy' through specific points located on the palms and feet. From this point on, the idea of treating disease by means of stimulating'vital energy' spread across the western world, eventually making its way into popular culture via popular television shows, like the Stepford Wives.

In the modern context, reflexology has been used as a complementary treatment to enhance and improve wellness, well-being, and general wellbeing. For example, the origin of the'Walking Remedy' which is now commonly employed by fitness centers throughout the world started with an American student of Dr. William Steiner, who was studying acupuncture in China. Upon his return to America, he began to experiment with the idea of combining the concepts of acupuncture and acupuncture. A few years after, he formed the International Institute for Acupuncture and Reflexology, which is widely regarded as the world's largest free standing acupuncture college. Today, the institute conducts training programs for health care professionals throughout the country.

The possibility of abuse of reflexology has, in fact, led to many countries restricting the practice of reflexology altogether. However, advocates assert that there is not any reason why the healing art should only be practiced by those who have been initiated to the discipline. It's claimed that everybody can benefit from the positive effects of reflexology, particularly those who suffer from stress and pain, or who are experiencing fatigue, dizziness, or other health conditions. In actuality, many reflexology schools exist around the world, allowing interested students to pursue a career as a reflexologist. If you have been looking for alternative methods of healing that does not require the utilization of invasive procedures or drugs, then reflexology may be for you!

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