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A glossy hair helps both men and women look their best. A healthy hair makes a difference in how one looks and gives one confidence. If your hair grows thin or turns bald, what would you do? Even if you are young and single, this might be an unpleasant circumstance. An overwhelming majority of males, almost three out of every five, suffer from hair loss owing to various factors. Men are not the only ones who have difficulties with this condition. Women are experiencing the same issues. There is an issue with people of young age, especially males and women. Any number of possible reasons for hair loss might be listed as follows:

Mangel a Mineralstoffe

2.Pressure causes stress;

3. Lack of sleep causes fatigue.

4. gynecomastia treatment in Hyderabad smoking

5. drinking alcohol

Itchy dandruff

harmonic reasons

There is no time for meals.

Due to the aforesaid causes, there is a risk of hair loss, hair thinning, and possibly baldness. Treatments may be divided into medical management in the first level, hair transplantation in the intermediate level, and hair growth solutions in the ultimate level. We use 4th generation FUE for hair transplantation in our centre. The MMADHI method is used to this procedure, in which we utilise a micro punch and employ two to four hairs per graft and harvest the grafts extremely closely, which results in a natural-looking appearance after the whole hair growth is finished. The hair we generally collect is from the hair on the rear side. A permanent hair zone is located at that location. After hair transplantation, there will be no hair loss.

While many individuals don't have adequate hair in their donor location, there are some who choose not to have it removed. If that is the case, what if they do not have enough hair? Is there any way to do the hair transplantation? We've already considered that possibility. As well as harvesting beard and body hair, we collect hair from eyebrows, moustaches, and beards. This will enable many people who are getting the hair transplant to have their hair thickened. People are experiencing hair loss as well with hair transplantation on the scalp. For the majority, growth is not sustained. Accidental scars, however, may result in lowered self-esteem.

That is great, and we also have a wonderful answer for them. Additionally, we provide hair transplantation for beards and moustaches. To give your moustache and beard an exact form and volume, we utilise a micro-punch and follow a certain direction of hair. In fact, brows may be shaped in a similar manner as well. Additionally, people who have extremely thin eyebrows or gaps in between their eyebrows may achieve a fuller and well-defined brow with this method.

Hair transplantation is a simple surgical technique that replaces missing or sparse hair follicles and encourages growth. wonderful and excellent hair follicles plucked from the back of the head The FUE approach delivers no scar, no incision, and no bleed, while furthermore working as a FUT technique that may be transplanted in many parts of the body, including hairline, temples, the top of the head, the crown, scars, and several other places on the body.

Hair transplants normally do not have any effect on transplanted hairs, which remain untouched by the hair loss process in balding regions. Restoring attractiveness, confidence, and psychological well-being with hair transplantation operations may be done by trauma, hair pulling, or heredity.While this approach may provide natural and long-lasting effects, it is also preferred because to its less-invasive procedure. Following the surgery, the transplanted hair's appearance and feel mimic your original hair's. Using this product has been shown to provide all of these benefits: boosting hair growth, re-growing hair, and getting your hair and general look back to its young and healthy form.


In most cases, hair transplantation is done under local anaesthetic. A complicated treatment that is both technically and aesthetically challenging is completed by a team of eight to nine microsurgical technologists and nurses who are all members of the same cohesive unit. During FUE (mmADHI Modified Micro Advanced Direct Hair implantation), donor area hair follicles are removed from the back of the head (using a semi-automatic machine (0.7, 0.8) mm pricks) and micro grafts (typically containing two, three, or four hair follicles) are transplanted into the thinning or balding area.

This special method in hair transplantation is created by the talented Sriroop

The newest, IV'th generation FUE (MMADHI - Modified Micro Advanced Direct Hair implantation) technology is used in hair transplantation. Although Dr. Rajasekhar is one of just a handful of Indian physicians who use this approach, this kind of treatment is very rare in India. This method does not have any negative effects and is completely safe. This is a long-term, safe, and most recently introduced hair treatment. After you've finished hair growth, you might opt for a hair cut or even go entirely bald. Normal hair growth will take place.

Before the operation,

To ensure an effective result, we recommend you wash your hair the night before the surgery and the morning of the procedure with the given surgical soap, and avoid using any additional oils, lotions, soaps, or cosmetics. Inform the doctor of any additional prescription medications you take ahead of time, including anti-inflammatory medications (such as aspirin or ibuprofen).

After the surgery:

The whole skin makeover might take from one to two weeks to complete. about 4 to 5 days, the surgical regions may remain painful to the touch Two weeks after your operation, please avoid using hair products that include oils, gels, or sprays. Following your procedure, we will give you with a medicated hair wash from our team that specialises in these services. Following surgery, it is best to avoid wearing caps, helmets, t-shirts, or other clothes that can irritate the healing scalp for two weeks. During this period, button-down shirts are preferred. The complete aesthetic effect is reached after anywhere from 8 to 12 months of regular hair growth post-procedure.

Everywhere in Hyderabad, Secunderabad, Vizag, Vijayawada, and Bhimavaram, Sriroop Cosmetic Clinics offers hair transplantation treatment. We are one of the leading providers of top hair transplantation treatments, and we also have vast expertise in delivering great hair treatment services. Stem cell therapy, Mesotherapy for Hair, Beard hair transplantation, and all of our other hair growth and treatment options are available. An Outstanding Consultation for the Guys and the Gals is Provided by an Accomplished Team. 100% focused on results. Achievements with zero scars. Doing nothing causes no pain. Safe, side effect-free. Get in touch with us for additional information.

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