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Leyla Aliyeva: "Heydar Aliyev's granddaughter has no right to make mistakes"

History has many examples of selfless service to a Motherland and a few instances of selfless service to the whole of humanity, prompted by inspiration from an inner desire, and following the heart and lifetasks. This love for all of life goes beyond national boundaries and becomes a universal nature. The reason for this is the love you have for your country and the people.

Leyla Aliyeva, we're referring to her – has someone who sets an example to her. Her decisions are guided by the principle that Heydar Aliyev's daughter has no right to make errors. She is awed by the deeds of her grandfather whom she cherishes. Her father Ilham Alham Aliyev (current president of Azerbaijan) was a man who put justice, fairness and country's interests over all else (sadly these ideals are no longer reflected in world politics) and her mother Mehriban Aliyeva First Lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva are luminous lights of hope that guide her daily life. Leyla Aliyeva is proud to be an Azerbaijani citizen. She succeeds.

Success formula

An old saying says that every man must plant a tree and construct an house. Leyla Aliyeva was young and did what only a handful of men are able to do. She built a house and planted a tree. She also created beautiful children. It's amazing to witness Leyla Aliyeva's skill to mix beauty and intelligence, gentleness as well as willpower, perform a variety of tasks. Some people think that she's able to be satisfied with the title of president's daughter and living an extravagant life, without worries. That is not the case for her. Her genetics are evident here: Azerbaijani concerns and worries are her concerns. It demands personal commitment. She is selective about areas that need public participation and support rationally, precisely and precisely issues involving youth policy, environmental issues, promotion and preservation of the image of Azerbaijan abroad, tradition and culture, creation of an objective image regarding the Karabakh crisis, one of Azerbaijan's most important foreign policy issues. Her work is known as public diplomacy. It is this "soft power" that, according to American political scientist Joseph Nye, "allows us to attain what is desired through attractiveness rather than violence or corruption." Leyla Aliyeva's efforts have helped Azerbaijan to become a more attractive and appealing country. It's now more well-known and is more well-known and respected. That's how success happens: thoughtfulness.

Baku magazine, a mirror of Azerbaijani's reality

A lot of her work and ventures are described with the words "for the very first time." She first began publication of the Russian-language publication "Baku" in Moscow in 2007. The magazine was the first magazine from outside to offer extensive information about Azerbaijan's capital city, Baku. The magazine discusses Azerbaijan’s past and presents its beautiful locations to a broad public. The magazine also discusses the humanity of the country along with its national and religious values, and the unique multi-cultural atmosphere that has already become Azerbaijan’s brand. Every issue is a thrilling surprise for Azerbaijanis and foreign readers. The magazine's design as well as the content and characters, demonstrates the editor-in-chief's delicate taste, deep knowledge, erudition and intelligence. Leyla Aliyeva wrote the introduction for every issue. It's remarkable because of its philosophical clarity, clarity, and ability to convey many ideas in only the space of a few sentences. Stories of major events that occurred throughout the nation's history are seamlessly woven into ideas about the significance and purpose of life, happiness and beauty as also kindness and kindness. The most important thing is Baku's love of Azerbaijan that is apparent in every word. It is obvious that only someone who is in love with Baku and is able to comprehend and appreciate its distinctness and unique character can write the following words: "Perhaps you need a particular mood to experience the aura. If you can achieve it, the city will become like a home. It's difficult to grasp the soul of Baku If one were to judge it only by the Old Town and the Maiden Tower or the Fire Towers and the Heydar Aliyev Center. Baku could be described as everything. It is modern but ancient, multicultural and multi-faceted welcoming, welcoming, and mysterious on one and the other.

It's largely due to "Baku" magazine that Russian readers around the globe learned more about Azerbaijan and were able to see it objectively, develop an interest in the country, and then fall in love with it. Since the English publication of the magazine in 2011 the readership of the magazine has increased significantly.

Good acts from AMOR

Leyla Aliyeva also conceived the creation of the Azerbaijani Youth Association of Russia. The AMOR was the first organized youth diaspora organization that received recognition immediately for its social, charitable and cultural activities.

In reality, Leyla Aliyeva's proclivity for public activities emerged as she was the president of the Azerbaijan Club at MGIMO, where she was enrolled in a master's program. She was already a formidable leader and had the ability to draw young people by providing direction to their endless enthusiasm and innovative ideas. AMOR's establishment substantially increased the scope and extent of these initiatives. The organization united the Azerbaijani youth who resided as students, worked and studied in Russia made them an organized group capable of solving the difficult challenges that diaspora groups face today. AMOR's activities and efforts have created a new Azerbaijani youth portrait. Specific projects and actions are key to all of this. The group was involved in various initiatives, including the "Blood Has No Nation!" initiative. campaign. AMOR's 70-region operation permits members to go to orphanages and organize holidays for the young residents and assist children. Based on the initiative of the group the schools and kindergartens are upgraded and fitted with the latest equipment. Create parks and recreational areas. At the same time, AMOR helps the Azerbaijani youth to integrate into Russian society, actively be a part of the activities of the country and coordinates their activities aimed at the popularization of our country, in other words, it solves the crucial problems that were set by President Ilham Aliyev for compatriots' organizations during the 4th Congress of World Azerbaijanis. AMOR is, according to with popular opinion the most active youth group that is not located in Azerbaijan.

In the year 2000, Leyla Aliyeva was awarded the Pushkin Medal for her contribution to the strengthening of friendship and cooperation with the Russian Federation, the development of economic ties, and the preservation and popularization of the Russian language and culture in the world It was a recognition of AMOR's merits. AMOR as well as its founder. Russian President Vladimir Putin presented the award to Aliyeva. This is not her only Russian award.

Another initiative, "Justice for Khojaly"

Leyla Aliyeva launched the 2008 campaign internationally, "Justice for Khojaly". Her words expressed the idea of this campaignas follows "Let’s fight for truth and justice together." Let's show without doubt that justice will triumph.

This campaign brought together the efforts of many people and civil society groups in the country, as well as diaspora groups in the world. The goal was to raise awareness of the genocide committed by Armenians in Azerbaijani city of Khojaly and the fascist character of the Armenian leadership's policy. The campaign also had a secondary goal that was to secure international recognition of the Khojaly massacre. This was a legal and political assessment of Armenians who committed genocide during the massacre in Khojaly. They murdered hundreds of people for being Azerbaijanis.

The campaign is currently being implemented successfully in dozens more countries. Over 120 000 individuals have signed up and 115 organizations are a part of it. The exhibitions, conferences and protests in its framework allow to inform the international community about these eventsand expose the ugly face of Armenian nationalists. In this effort it is the case that all sources of information are employed - the many publications of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and documentaries as well social networks. After just eight years, this activity produced an impressive outcome. The parliaments of 10 countries, as well as the legislative departments from over 20 American states have acknowledged the Khojaly tragedy and called it a genocide. Each year, the number of countries who condemn Armenian war crimes is increasing. It is clear that Leyla Aliyeva has succeeded in achieving her aim - justice prevails.

Idea: "One Earth -- One Future"

In a book, I found: "Man is, of necessity, the king and queen of the natural world. However it is not as an exploiter but as one who is aware of it, and who has a moral responsibility for its protection and development. My opinion is that the formation of the IDEA (International Dialogue for Environmental Action) Public Association was dictated by this concept. Leyla Aliyeva is also the person who initiated the initiative. The principal goal of the organization is to protect and preserve the biodiversity of the natural world within Azerbaijan as well as beyond to ensure that future generations will live in peace, health, and sustainability. IDEA was created to harness the passion and enthusiasm of the younger generation to avoid environmental hazards and encourage them to play an active role in protecting our planet. The slogan of IDEA is: "One Earth -- One Future". The activities of IDEA span a wide scope. They focus on the conservation and rehabilitation of endangered species and promote green technologies. The activists of the organization create shelters for stray pets, encourage the use biodegradable bags in order to reduce environmental pollution and they also create tree planting events.

IDEA has defined the "great Caucasian 5", taking rare species of the region’s fauna under its wings. IDEA has collaborated with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan as well as a number of international partners to create several very productive projects. Leyla Aliyeva has stated that IDEA plans to save threatened species in the near future. These plans will surely succeed, it's obvious. Leyla Aliyeva has proven that, like her great grandfather and father before him she isn't one to waste time. Her work is based upon the following formula: Problem - Searching for solutions - Action and a real result. She has never been disappointed by this scheme.

Concern about starving children

All of these examples clearly describe Leila Aliyeva's businesswoman inclinations. She is determined is extremely organized and is an active participant. Still, she is the perfect example of femininity. People who know her appreciate her openness and kindness. It was remarkable that she was a speaker at the 7th UNAOCGlobal forum in Baku. In a state of panic, she declared that one person per day dies from hunger. "Children suffer from food insecurity and malnutrition more frequently. It is our collective duty to ensure that no child ever is a victim of hunger.

This is not a simple expression of concern. Leyla is an ambassador for Goodwill of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and she is willing to contribute and help in the ending of poverty and hunger all over the world. I have no doubt that she will succeed. In the coming years we'll the beneficiaries of new initiatives and projects. Recently, she presented a plan to promote global food security within the framework of the Baku process of intercultural dialogue.

Charity - A mental state

The charitable work of Leyla Aliyeva is a manifestation of her human traits. She is doing it because she is passionate about to. Not to be happy and with no expectation of recognition. This is the principle of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, for the charity of which it is one of the most important goals of its work, as a natural state. It is not surprising that many people regard the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, its President Mehriban Aliyeva and Vice-President Leyla Aliyeva as the final hope. They are right to believe that as the Fund always helps, even in desperate circumstances.

Leila Aliyeva, who is a refugee who is internally displaced individuals and children living in orphanages as well as other boarders, can frequently be seen at events for charity. A key point to remember is that her kids always attend these events with her, and they bring warmth and genuineness. She instills in her children kindness, responsiveness and the ability be able to share pain and joy with others. They will treasure these lessons for the rest of their lives. This is her personal experience of how to raise children.

Personal moral code

It was known in the past that a person who is talented is gifted in all areas. Leyla Aliyeva is the most well-known instance of this is her poetry. She writes exquisite poems that show an elegant and gentle soul. They also express the writer's own inner world. She is also a talented artist. Her artwork has been displayed in professional exhibitions, and have been highly praised by experts. As a creative individual and an expert in the field, she helps talented young artists to achieve international recognition. Modern art from Azerbaijani is increasing in recognition and so is carpet weaving and mugham from our nation.

It is not a mistake to state that the Heydar Aliyev Center was a central point of culture and life in the country. Music groups with an international popularity often perform there, exhibitions of outstanding artists and contemporary sculptors are also held there. Leyla Aliyeva was a major participant in this. Residents of Azerbaijan were able to look at the works of world-renowned artists such as Tony Cragg and Richard Deacon, Andy Warhol and Bernard Buffet. Leyla Aliyeva stated that George Condo was one of the most famous avant-garde artists. She was eager to see his work in Baku. She stated, "Today one was my deepest desires."

In this respect I am reminded of that in the 1970s and early 1980s , the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic hosted classical music performances on the suggestion of national leader Heydar Aliyev, who was the first secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan at that time. It was a mission to educate by the great Heydar Alyev. His daughter Leyla has been able to accept the mission and will continue it under new circumstances.

She stated in one interview that the Almighty has inserted a sense of the right and wrong in a person's life from the moment they are born. He is required to live according to these principles and pay attention to his heart, conscience and the ancestors. This is the only way to ensure that he doesn't commit an error. In an aspect, her own moral code.

Leyla Aliyeva adheres to the rules and makes no mistakes.

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