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2021's Intelligence trends: Intellexa presents a holistic strategy for cyber and data defense

The increased usage of encryption technology in all parts of the world has become a main issue for high-tech businesses. In response to consumer concerns about privacy, many companies have invested millions in the development of encryption technologies.

This trend has raised concern in law enforcement and national security agencies across the globe. They traditionally relied heavily upon telecom providers to assist in the implementation of legal electronic surveillance.

Encryption - Modern technological hurdles

Recent examples of how encryption of data can affect law enforcement includes the terrorist attacks that occurred in San Bernardino, December 2015.

The FBI gained access to a phone belonging to the suspect shooter following the shootings. Apple's privacy policies prevented the FBI from unlocking the phone. It took four months for FBI to obtain the evidence. This was a legal requirement as well as the help from a third-party.

The device's potential information could not always be useful in cases of lone wolf attacks. However, it can be crucial in identifying criminal and terrorist networks and deterring future attacks.

This race for encryption extends beyond the apps downloaded to the phones of people. Telegram activity that is encrypted has demonstrated that criminals want to employ encryption of data as a means to carry out illicit criminal activities.

These privacy features allow criminals to access encrypted multi-technology systems which aren't seen by law enforcement authorities to perform a variety of criminal network activities. cover human trafficking, drug trafficking, and sexual pedophilia.

This policy calls for a new response to ensure the safety of civilians. Innovative strategies for cyber defense were developed as an extension of open-source or geo-spatial information. These methods provide a more comprehensive approach to security. Data can be gathered and analyzed to provide useful insights to law enforcement authorities.

The Era of Data-Driven Intelligence

However, this is just part of a larger security system. Because of the massive quantity of data that has been created by the development of information technology, making intelligence meaningful can be difficult. In addition, the data generated is often scattered and lacking context. It is difficult to create important insights that aid in the fight against criminality around the globe.

Several companies in the private sector seek to address these new problems of data collection and analysis faced by law enforcement agencies as well as intelligence agencies. is a company that is specialized in data collection and analysis. was created from the need to break through the division of the organization by joining intelligence. Intellexa is headed by the COL (ret.). Tal Dialian, an experienced veteran of the field of intelligence. Intellexa was established by Dilian along with a number of industry colleagues.

Intellexa blends data collection and human intelligence

The team of Dilian has more than 10 years of field experience. Together, they strive to resolve the problems they have experienced in the field. The team blends data intelligence with actionable insight to create a holistic approach to cyber defense and law enforcement.

Many agencies are in the middle of hours days, weeks, or even days of data collection. The data compilations could result in poor insight and, ultimately, ineffective operations.

Intellexa's unique method of technology can increase workflow efficiency and account for human error, significantly cutting down the time needed to gather puzzling data. This allows Intellexa to preserve the ability of human insight and intuition. It ensures that intelligence operations aren't affected.

This technology offers a full image that connects insights and allows for greater operational efficiency. The objective is to create the complete picture of all real or potential incidents that occur in the physical or digital space. This allows civilian security to be protected.
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