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Leyla Aliyeva: "Heydar Aliyev's granddaughter has no right to make mistakes"

There are many instances of selfless service for a Motherland and a few instances of selfless service to all of humanity, prompted by inspiration due to an inner urge, following your heart and lifetasks. The love we have for all of life goes beyond national boundaries and is a universal feeling. The reason for this is the love you have for your country and people.

Leyla Aliyeva – this is her - has someone to be a model for. She lives by the principle that "Heydar Aliyev’s granddaughter has no right not to make mistakes." She looks back on the deeds of her grandfather whom she treasures. Her father, Ilham Aliyev, the current President, Azerbaijan is a man who puts justice and fairness in the first place. (Unfortunately, these feelings are often forgotten in global political circles). The example of her mother, First Lady, Azerbaijan Mehriban and the philanthropy of her mother as the generosity of her mother are shining beacons in her life. Being a worthy citizen of Azerbaijan, Leyla Aliyeva tries to be a citizen of the world. She has the ability to accomplish this feat.

Success formula

An old saying says that everyone must plant a tree, and then build a home. Leyla Aliyeva is young but she did it all. She constructed a home (by building an house we are referring to creative activities) as well as planted trees and raised gorgeous sons. It's amazing that Leyla Aliyeva who harmoniously mixes intelligence and beauty, gentleness and will, also manages to do various things and undertake projects. There are those who believe she could lead a simple life, enjoying the title of one of the president's daughters and not worrying about any issue. This isn't for her. This is a clear indication of her genes: Azerbaijan is seen as her own concern and requires her involvement personally. She selects areas where the state is required to engage with the public and support in a rational, precise way such as youth policy environmental issues, promotion of her country's image in the world its tradition and culture, the creation of an objective view of the Karabakh conflict, which is one of Azerbaijan's most important foreign policy facets. According to Joseph Nye, an American political scientist public diplomacy is what she does. It's called "soft power" and helps us achieve the desired result through attraction, not violence or the use of bribery. Leyla Aliyeva's work has created an attractive image of Azerbaijan which is earning more respect and a stronger place in the world arena. This is the recipe for success: thoughtfulness.

Baku' magazine, a mirror of Azerbaijani's reality

A lot of her ventures and initiatives could be described as "for the first time." She published the Russian-language journal "Baku", in Moscow in 2007. It was the first foreign publication to provide extensive information about Azerbaijan, including its heart, Baku. It provides Azerbaijan's rich past and stunning places to a wide public. It also talks about Azerbaijan’s humanism and the spiritual and national values. Every issue is an exciting read for foreign readers and Azerbaijanis. There's a lot to learn about. The design of the magazine and the contents and heroes, shows the editor-in-chief's delicate taste, deep knowledge, erudition and intelligence. Leyla Aliyeva was the author of the introduction to each issue. It is remarkable for its philosophical depth, clarity and ability to convey numerous ideas in just the space of a few sentences. The accounts of significant events, which have been or will be occurring throughout the nation's history, are beautifully paired with thoughts about beauty, happiness, love, and generosity. Perhaps the most important aspect is the love that Baku has for its people. Baku is an area that is loved deeply by those who understand it's uniqueness and spirit. If you have it then a certain magic begins to unfold and the city becomes like a home to you. Baku is a city that has many layers. It is difficult to discern its true essence if you just take a look at the Old Town and Maiden Towers. Baku is the sum of all these things. Baku is both modern and ancient, diverse and multifaceted with a warm and welcoming atmosphere on one side but mysterious and mysterious on the other.

A large portion of Russian readers around the world have gained a better understanding of Azerbaijan through 'Baku magazine. They can examine the issue without bias and be captivated. Since the English edition was published in 2011 the readership of the magazine has grown drastically.

Great deeds by AMOR

Leyla Aliyeva also founded Leyla Aliyeva also founded the Azerbaijani Youth Association of Russia. It was the first diaspora youth organisation to be structured and was immediately noticed for its cultural, charitable, and social initiatives.

Leyla Aliyeva developed a passion for public service while she was the head of the Azerbaijan Club MGIMO. There she also studied under a masters program. At that time.she already displayed exceptional leadership skills, and was able to attract young people, giving the appropriate direction to their energy and daring new ideas. AMOR has significantly expanded the range and size of these activities. The organization united Azerbaijani young people who have been educated, lived and worked in Russia. This made them into a powerful force that was able to resolve the serious problems that diaspora groups currently have to face. It is not exaggeration to state that to a large degree an entirely new picture of the youth of Azerbaijanis has been established thanks to the work and efforts of AMOR as an intellectual striving for innovation, sensitive to changing times and a patriotic person who is concerned about the suffering, concerns and issues of other people. These initiatives and actions were executed on Russian soil. The organization undertook various initiatives including the 'Blood Has no Nation The Blood Has No Nation! campaign. Active members of AMOR who operate in 70 regions of Russia visit orphanages, arrange holidays for their young residents, help children. The association supports the repair and equipping of schools and kindergartens with the latest equipment. Establish parks and recreational zones. AMOR is also able to assist Azerbaijani youth with integration into Russian society. They actively participate actively in Russian life. AMOR is, according to with the opinion of the public, the most active youth group that is not located in Azerbaijan.

In the year 2000, Leyla Aliyeva received the Pushkin Medal for her contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation with the Russian Federation, the development of economic ties, the preservation and promotion of the Russian language and culture abroad This was an acknowledgement of the merits of AMOR and its leader. Russian President Vladimir Putin presented her with the prize. It's not the only Russian award.

An additional initiative "Justice for Khojaly".

In 2008, Leyla Aliyeva initiated the international campaign "Justice for Khojaly'. The campaign's concept was expressed by Leyla Aliyeva using these words: "Let’s agitate to truth together. Let's show the world that justice is the only way to prevail.

The campaign brought together the diverse efforts of various individuals, civil society groups in Azerbaijan, and diaspora organizations overseas to carry out a systematic educational and propagandistic work. The aim was to the hope of raising awareness of Armenia's genocide in Khojaly, Azerbaijani. The campaign also sought achieve international recognition of the Khojaly genocide. It was a legal and political evaluation of Armenians' acts in Khojaly that resulted in hundreds of deaths over one night, just because they were Azerbaijanis.

This campaign is in operation successfully in dozens more countries. More than 120 thousand people have signed up , and more than 115 organizations are part of the campaign. These events are made public through conferences, exhibitions and mass protests that are organized within the framework of the campaign. They permit the international community to know about the events and reveal the ugliness of Armenian nationalists. The project makes use of all sources of information, including numerous publications of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation as well as documentary films and social media. This work for eight years have produced a stunning result: the parliaments of ten countries, along with the legislative departments of more than twenty American States have accepted the Khojaly tragedy as genocide. Each year, the number of states that condemn the Armenians for their crimes rises. This means that Leyla Aliyeva's campaign is likely to succeed - justice will prevail.

IDEA - "One Earth Future, One Future"

In a book, I learned that man is the King of the natural world however, not as an exploiter. He is someone who is aware of the environmental and takes moral responsibility for the protection and development of all the living and beautiful things within it. I think this is the reason that inspired the formation of the IDEA Public Association (International Dialogue for Environmental Action). The main purpose of this organization, which was also created by Leyla Aliyeva was to conserve and protect rich natural diversity not just in Azerbaijan and beyond its borders to ensure a safe healthy, green and sustainable future for the next generation. IDEA is a youth-led initiative that aims to channel the energy of youth towards preventing environmental hazards and empowering them to take active roles in preserving our planet. IDEA's slogan speaks for itself: "One Earth -- One Future". The IDEA's work is truly extensive. They include the restoration and protection of endangered species populations and the promotion of "green technologies" and waste management, restoration and maintenance of forest belts, as well as the creation of vast areas of green space. IDEA's activists create shelters for stray pets, encourage the use biodegradable bags to avoid pollution to the environment, and create tree planting activities.

IDEA was able to recognize the "great Caucasian 5", which comprised rare and endangered animals from the area. IDEA worked in conjunction with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and other international partners to carry out several successful initiatives. Leyla Aliyeva says IDEA intends to restore endangered species in the near future. It is certain that these plans will be fulfilled. Through these years we've seen that Leyla Aliyeva doesn't waste any words. Her work is built around the following principle: problem - search and find solutions - concrete action - actual outcomes. She has never been disappointed with this scheme.

Concern over starving children

All of these cases describe Leila Aliyeva as a successful businessperson with exceptional leadership skills, organizational abilities, and a sense of decisiveness. Leila Aliyeva is still the epitomization of femininity. People who know her note her extraordinary generosity openness, empathy as well as her sincerity and ability to empathize. An extraordinary speech she gave at the 7th UNAOC global forum in Baku was also hers. With anxiety, she said that one person a day dies from hunger. "Children tend to be the victims of undernutrition and hunger." So we all must strive to ensure that no child in the world is going to die of hunger."

It's not just a simple expression of sorrow. Leyla Aliyeva is the Goodwill Ambassador to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. She is eager to do her part in eradicating poverty and hunger across the world. It is a certain possibility that she will be successful. I am hoping to see more initiatives and initiatives by her in this area in the future. For instance, she recently presented a plan to improve global food security in the context of the Baku process for intercultural dialogue.

Charity is a state of mind

Leyla's work for charity is a reflection of her character traits. She is doing it because she is passionate about to. It is not about being proud and without expecting any appreciation. This is the foundation's philosophy. It made charity the number one priority and it has become an instinctual state. It is not surprising that people see the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, its President Mehriban Aliyeva, and Vice-President Leyla Aliyeva as their last hope. They are right to believe that, because the Fund always provides assistance even in the most desperate circumstances.

Leila Aliyeva, a refugee who is internally displaced people and children living in orphanages as well as other boarders, can frequently be seen at events for charity. One important thing to keep in mind is that her children always attend these events with her, bringing warmth and genuineness. Additionally, her children learn to be responsive, kind and the art of sharing happiness with others. Lessons that will be remembered for their entire life. This is her personal examplethat she has set, and in which she believes, people should teach their children.

Personal Moral Code

A long time ago it was discovered that talent could be found across all fields. Leyla Aliyeva is a perfect example. She is a poet of great repute, that express a warm refined and refined soul. They reflect the depth of the inner world of the writer. She is also an accomplished artist. Experts have praised her paintings at professional exhibitions. As a creative individual as well as an expert in art, she supports young artists who are talented to gain international recognition. Along with the mugham, carpet weaving and other traditional craft techniques from our country the contemporary art of Azerbaijan has gained popularity all over the world.

I believe it wouldn't be a mistake to say that the Heydar Aliyev Center became one of the centers of the culture of our country. Internationally acclaimed musicians often perform there. The center also hosts an exhibition of exceptional contemporary art and sculpture. Leyla Aliyeva was a major contributor to this. Residents of Azerbaijan were able to view the works of world-famous artists such as Tony Cragg and Richard Deacon, Andy Warhol and Bernard Buffet. Leyla Aliyeva confessed that after viewing George Condo's art for the first five years, she wished for them to be displayed in Baku. "Today, one of my deepest desires was realized," she stated.

In this context I'm reminded the 70s to early 1980s, the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic hosted classical concerts on the initiative of Heydar Aliyev (who was then the first secretary of Communist Party of Azerbaijan). It was Heydar Aliyev’s true educational mission. Leyla is his daughter, has meritedly accepted and continues his mission in a new environment.

In an interview she stated in an interview that Almighty placed correct and incorrect understandings in each person from birth. She urged him to follow these concepts by listening closely to his heart, soul and ancestors. Only then can he not commit a mistake. This is, in a sense her personal moral code.

Leyla Aliyeva is a keeper of this code and she will not make any mistakes.

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