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[16:07, 14/4/2022] ilaシ: EVERY ACTION COUNTS
Sustainable development is our duty towards future generations. Slovakia is devoted to add its share to the common endeavour of the international community towards reaching Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The level of ambition has never been as high as in this Agenda, which calls for no poverty, clean water and peace for all around the world, including the most vulnerable people. This level of ambition corresponds with the unprecedented level of urgency to address challenges which are hindering progress towards sustainability objectives. Slovakia, as a small but committed country, wants to demonstrate that every action counts on the way towards sustainable and resilient societies.The first Voluntary National Review of the Slovak Republic is a result of two years of concentrated effort to establish the 2030 Agenda as the core of the country’s strategic governance framework. The preparation of the Voluntary National Review provided strong momentum to bring all relevant stakeholders and partners on board, both within and outside of government. It created a sense of shared ownership of the 2030 Agenda implementation process among various groups of society, which often struggle to reach common ground.Slovakia perceives the 2030 Agenda as a tool as well as an objective. The Agenda represents a unique engine and opportunity to strengthen the elements of strategic planning and enhance coherence among economic, social, and environmental policies, domestically and internationally. At the same time, the Sustainable Development Goals are objectives in themselves. They draw our attention to a number of elements which are crucial for sustainability but tend to be overlooked. To mention only a few, one of these is the pledge to leave no one behind, which prevents countries from falling into a trap of averages. The second is an increased focus on the global implications of national policies and actions. In today’s interconnected world, shared problems require shared responses. Slovakia is eager to learn about the progress made and tools used by other countries, and offers its own best practices
in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, as well as the system of Voluntary National Reviews, significantly support this exchange, and provide the international community with an opportunity to take stock of what has been achieved and how far we are from reaching our goals. Slovakia welcomes this effort and calls for a continued open and honest exchange, involving all stakeholders, which is indispensable for making sustainability work for all.” These are the words of the Slovak Prime Minister Richard Raši on sustainable development, which show how Slovakia views.
The UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) joined the UN Office for Partnerships and SpaceTrust to co-host the event 'Space2030 agenda: Space as a driver for peace'. The event saw members of the space community, including private sector and civil society stakeholders, gather with Heads of State and other high-level government representatives for an exchange on the importance of international cooperation in the peaceful uses of space and the role space can play as a driver for peace.
The event also presented an opportunity for speakers to reflect on the contribution space is making to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and on the benefits of peaceful collaboration in space. In the context of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, speakers noted that this was the world's first data-driven approach to global development, a fact underlining the key role space science and technology is playing in supporting sustainable development. In this regard, there is a need to continue exploring how we can work collectively to…
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