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No problem dude! U don't gotta worry about bothering me! Some advice that I would have wanted when I was starting out would be like

1. Invest in audio monitors & an interface (i would recommend the jbl lsr 305's) (get good headphones NEXT)

2. Worry about composition first, if you can make stunning compositions acquiring the skill of making great sounds will only benefit said composition. (not really the other way around tho, composition is one of the hardest parts!)

3. Analyze the structure of artists you like, analyze every piece of audio that hits your ear in general, ask questions about it (ex. "what makes this sound like that", "what is he doing in his arrangement", "how is he using the stereo field in this track") and then try to replicate!

4. Don't copy people necessarily, replicating does help you learn a lot but that doesn't mean you should try to copy an artist, be influenced by what you are replicating and then utilize what you've learned to make something that is YOU.

It's another really hard thing in my opinion, there's tons of great pianists that can play basically any challenging piece but have never composed anything original!

5. Ask yourself if this is just a hobby, something you do for fun or if it's something you want to pursue. That's not to say you can't have fun while pursuing it, it's just good to know!

6. If you are to pursue, you must practice a lot. It doesn't have to be hardcore practice but try to learn at least one new thing a day. Over years this will all add up. The more you can get done without getting burnt out, the more you should do.

Rome was not built in a day and neither will your skill. It's the act of making mistakes and learning constantly that will make you great.

7. Find good quality sounds, listen carefully to the samples you have and compare them to professional mixes. Since anybody can put out a sample pack nowadays there's a whole bunch of crap! Crap in = Crap out! I cannot recommend any sample packs to you, you must actively search for said things (in this case google is your ultimate friend).

8. Again google is your friend, have a question? i always type it into google and see what comes up, usually I learn something from this!

9. learn synthesis, pick one synth and learn everything it does VERY well... (id recommend massive, then serum, then FM8)

10. google some music theory, pick up the piano and learn some songs

11. Do not use compression until you completely understand what it does.

12. limiting is generally fine if you see around 3db of gain reduction

13. dont mess with multiband compression until you know completely what compression does

14. again, have monitors, it's essential that you are hearing the music completely unhyped, you want a flat SPEAKER response. If your headphones have +5db at around the bass, how could you make accurate decisions about the level of the bass? Monitoring is CRUCIAL and one of the best things you can do for your sound. Also you get badass speakers in the process.

15. Calibrate those speakers to around 80db spl at -12 db in your daw. this is where the ears frequency response is the most flat. (at low volumes you hear more mid) (and at high volumes you hear more bass and treble) so you wanna monitor at a somewhat constant level *so you can make accurate decisions without your ear influencing the sound without getting into some bad mixing loop* maybe even under 80db! (73-75 is comfortable to me) this was really important to me. Your ear is not a flat response and depending on the level of volume your ears response changes!

16. Louder will inherently sound better, but in reality anything LOUDER will usually sound better but only at first. This is how the ear works, so if you are making a volume change with compression you must match the output so when compression is bypassed it is equal volume to the original that way you can accurately hear what the compression (or any volume changing effect) does in general.

i hoped some of these tips helped u and remember just to keep working on stuff and keep trying to improve!
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