NotesWhat is

Notes brand slogan

Notes -

* + [Unknown]
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 53 Domain Name Server
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ HTTP/1.1 302 Found..Location: text/html..Pragma: no cache..Content-length: 0..Connection: c
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 443 https MCom
|___ 1723 pptp
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ HTTP/1.1 200 OK..Content-Length: 689..Content-Type: text/html..Last-Modified: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 10:41:19 GMT..Accept-Ranges: byt
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 135 DCE endpoint resolution
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 443 https MCom
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
* + OPS2013
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 135 DCE endpoint resolution
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 135 DCE endpoint resolution
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 5800 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ 5900 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ RFB 003.008.
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 220 Microsoft FTP Service..
|___ 53 Domain Name Server
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ HTTP/1.1 200 OK..Content-Length: 689..Content-Type: text/html..Last-Modified: Thu, 03 Jan 2013 08:30:42 GMT..Accept-Ranges: byt
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 135 DCE endpoint resolution
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 5555 Personal Agent
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 220 TASKalfa 3050ci FTP server..
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ HTTP/1.1 200 OK..Content-Length: 1558..Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 18:57:39 GMT..Server: KM-MFP-http/V0.0.1..Content-Type: text/html
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 443 https MCom
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 515 spooler
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
|___ 9100 HP JetDirect Printer Server
* + SOS
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 22 SSH Remote Login Protocol
|___ SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-9etch2.
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 111 SUN Remote Procedure Call
|___ 113 Authentication Service
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 2049 ?
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
|___ 10000 Network Data Management Protocol
* + [Unknown]
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 5800 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ 5900 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ RFB 003.008.
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 220 Microsoft FTP Service..
|___ 22 SSH Remote Login Protocol
|___ 220 Microsoft FTP Service..
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 82 XFER Utility
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 1433 Microsoft-SQL-Server
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
* + G-11
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 5800 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ 5900 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ RFB 003.008.
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
* + BRN30055C5E61E1
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 220 FTP print service:V-1.13/Use the network password for the ID if updating...
|___ 23 Telnet
|___ .[2J.[1;1f
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 443 https MCom
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
|___ 9100 HP JetDirect Printer Server
* + technika-wsp
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 135 DCE endpoint resolution
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 5800 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ 5900 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ RFB 003.006.
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
* + W122757
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 135 DCE endpoint resolution
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 1610 taurus-wh
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 5800 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ 5900 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ RFB 003.008.
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 135 DCE endpoint resolution
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 5800 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ 5900 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ RFB 003.008.
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
* + C-119
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 135 DCE endpoint resolution
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 5800 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ 5900 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ RFB 003.008.
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
* + [Unknown]
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 5800 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ 5900 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ RFB 003.006.
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
* + SEC001599EC7E30
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 443 https MCom
|___ 515 spooler
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
|___ 9100 HP JetDirect Printer Server
* + W122759
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 1610 taurus-wh
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
* + G-02
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 135 DCE endpoint resolution
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 5800 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ 5900 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ RFB 003.008.
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
* + ERAS
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 2221 Allen-Bradley unregistered port
|___ 2222 Allen-Bradley unregistered port
|___ 2223 Allen-Bradley unregistered port
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 5800 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ 5900 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ RFB 003.008.
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
* + G-07
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 135 DCE endpoint resolution
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 5800 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ 5900 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ RFB 003.008.
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 135 DCE endpoint resolution
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
* + [Unknown]
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 23 Telnet
|___ ...
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ HTTP/1.1 302 Found..Location: 0..Server: Allegro-Software-RomPager/4.01....
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 443 https MCom
|___ 513 remote login a la telnet;
|___ 514 cmd
|___ 515 spooler
|___ 771 ?
|___ 1027 ICQ?
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
* + G-08
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 135 DCE endpoint resolution
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 5900 Virtual Network Computing server
|___ RFB 003.006.
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
* + [Unknown]
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 22 SSH Remote Login Protocol
|___ SSH-2.0-dropbear_0.52..
|___ 23 Telnet
|___ ............
|___ 53 Domain Name Server
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
* + [Unknown]
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ HTTP/1.0 501 Not Implemented..Server: CAMEO-httpd..Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2000 19:38:42 GMT..Content-Type: text/html..Connection: cl
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 3128 Squid Proxy
|___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy
|___ 21 File Transfer Protocol [Control]
|___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP
|___ 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
|___ 135 DCE endpoint resolution
|___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service
|___ 445 Microsoft-DS
* - [Unknown]
* - C-10
* - [Unknown]
* - [Unknown]
* - [Unknown]
* - C-12
* - [Unknown]
what is

Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 14 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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