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The Joker 92 joined the room.
DragonSlayerGray joined the room.
andresSweg24 joined the room.
TrollCo joined the room.
TrollCo: gg wp
andresSweg24: damn
andresSweg24: got set so behind
andresSweg24: by shaco
andresSweg24: i even pinged u too
Malvero: and then set yourself further behind by being horrible
andresSweg24: and this uc was like
Malvero: and blamed everyone else
andresSweg24: "i didnt see him o nthe map"
andresSweg24: this lux lol
TrollCo: vs shaco
andresSweg24: of course u dont see him on the map
TrollCo: some one should allways help on blue
Malvero: you cant get over something that happened 2 minutes in?
andresSweg24: hes in a fuckin bush lmfao
andresSweg24: i know wat shacos do
andresSweg24: so i warded river
andresSweg24: & sw u
DragonSlayerGray: ou guys got outplayed
andresSweg24: pinged this lux like 10 times
DragonSlayerGray: Deal with it
andresSweg24: "I DIDNT SEE HIM O NTHE MAP"
Malvero: DUDE
TrollCo: XD
Malvero: shaco OWNED YOU at jungle
andresSweg24: so she didnt help LMFAO
Malvero: stfu
Malvero: you were horrible
Malvero: get over ONE thing in the game
TrollCo: sorry gragus
andresSweg24: ya
Malvero: and take responsibility for fucking up the whole rest of it
andresSweg24: it sets u behind
DragonSlayerGray: Its ok you two
andresSweg24: just like a lanr
DragonSlayerGray: Calm down
andresSweg24: laner
Malvero: you were the worst gragas ever hahahha
DragonSlayerGray: You both tried
DragonSlayerGray: That is what counts
TrollCo: set you behind and you were only one i was scared of
TrollCo: XD
andresSweg24: u need to listen to ur jungler
andresSweg24: lux
Malvero: hahaha okay dude!
andresSweg24: thats all iwas saying
Malvero: and u need to practice and play better
andresSweg24: idk why u were so mad in game
Malvero: thats all i was saying
TrollCo: lux you need to help your jungles
andresSweg24: i need to learn how to ping louder on the map i guess
Malvero: you came and took my cs after
andresSweg24: lol
TrollCo: l2p
DragonSlayerGray: Shaco
DragonSlayerGray: Never play shaco again
DragonSlayerGray: You ruin peoples lives
andresSweg24: ya bcuz my xp so behind
Malvero: He was a good shaco
DragonSlayerGray: 0Look at this chat
The Joker 92: his name is trollco
DragonSlayerGray: you caused it
The Joker 92: what do u think
Malvero: Such a funny game
DragonSlayerGray: Gj tho shaco
Malvero: gragas was so angry the whole game over one death
Malvero: you killed it shaco good job!
DragonSlayerGray: Was some nice ganks on your part
TrollCo: gg guys wp
andresSweg24: lol
Malvero: I can only wish to have a jungler like you in the futur
andresSweg24: i was mad
andresSweg24: bcuz i pinged u so many times
andresSweg24: and typed u to come
DragonSlayerGray: I am just happy I killed graves before game ended
Malvero: and you need to get over it that i didnt for ONE KILL
The Joker 92: lol wut?
Malvero: and then move on and play better
The Joker 92: i think i killed u first
andresSweg24: 1 kill
DragonSlayerGray: When I ulted
The Joker 92: how
The Joker 92: ....
andresSweg24: at lvl 2?
andresSweg24: gets u so damn behind
andresSweg24: u dont understand
DragonSlayerGray: And you were at like 2 health
Malvero: Dude
Malvero: you need to move on
andresSweg24: & it limits ur ganking
andresSweg24: early game
DragonSlayerGray: I feel like I was useful for that one thing
andresSweg24: which was wat we lost
Malvero: one kill at 2 minutes in doesn't determine the whole hame
andresSweg24: dont u see lux?
Malvero: game*
Malvero: learn to play
The Joker 92: lol the only mistake i did
The Joker 92: was in the jg
The Joker 92: got caught
andresSweg24: it determines the early game
andresSweg24: in which this case we lost in
andresSweg24: & lost the game
Malvero: Are you this whiny in real life?
andresSweg24: im just trying to teach someone who thinks they are in challenger
andresSweg24: sorry
Malvero: I dont think im in challenger
Malvero: well aware im in gold v
andresSweg24: ur in gold 5
Malvero: and thus will deal with whiny junglers who die one time and cant recover cause theyre so angry
andresSweg24: i recovered
Malvero: you did not!
andresSweg24: but bot lane did the same thing to me
Malvero: you missed ults
andresSweg24: so i got mad again
Malvero: you didnt gank for anyone
Malvero: you were so bad!
Malvero: just accept you played bad
Malvero: we all have those games
andresSweg24: lol kill urself
Malvero: just dont go around blaming me for it
Malvero: good one!
andresSweg24: ur parents must be so mad they had u
andresSweg24: lol
Malvero: Actually I'm pretty awesome
andresSweg24: once im in the FBI in 6 years
andresSweg24: i wil find u
Malvero: And probably have way more friends and people that care about me than you
Malvero: You probably live in your parent's basement
Malvero: Congratulations
andresSweg24: Prom king bitch
andresSweg24: suck deez nuts
Malvero: Hahaha sure you were
andresSweg24: u wanna pic?
andresSweg24: gimme ur email
Malvero: Sure go google one
Malvero: I'm not giving a whackjob my email
andresSweg24: or i can just use the pic i hav here on my wall
andresSweg24: i will see you in 6 years
Malvero: What are you trying to prove?
Malvero: lol
Malvero: PLEASE DO
Malvero: I look forward to it
andresSweg24: you wont know it
Malvero: By then you'll be a mall cop
andresSweg24: when it happens
Malvero: Wishing you were FBI
Malvero: SIX YEARS
Malvero: does that mean you're 18?
andresSweg24: ive gone to DC twice
Malvero: holy fuck that exxplains your maturing
andresSweg24: for the agent in training porgram
andresSweg24: lol
Malvero: Congrats!
andresSweg24: im 17
Malvero: Except you're not in FBI
Malvero: and you don't go to FBI training at 17
Malvero: Can you justt shut up
Malvero: bai
andresSweg24: but a promised position right when im out of college
andresSweg24: lol
andresSweg24: thats why 6 years
andresSweg24: after i have a masters in criminal justice
Malvero: hahahahahaha you are a nutjob
Malvero: congratulations
andresSweg24: unless i show promise
andresSweg24: which i have twice
andresSweg24: & will again during the summer
Malvero: lol this story is the most ludacris thing I've ever heard
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