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Explore the Scientific Health Benefits of Rudraksha

In today’s world, almost 90% of the people face health issues due to their lifestyle choices. Due to the fast-paced life, we have fallen prey to various diseases like hypertension, diabetes, insomnia, depression, and heart and psychological problems. When we analyze these problems, we see a common source: the imbalance between our mind, body, and soul. Our ancient texts hold a magical remedy for these self-inflicted human issues, and that is - Rudraksha.

Rudraksha beads are regarded as significant in ancient times. As described in the Shiva Purana, the Rudraksha tree was created by the teardrops of Lord Shiva and had excellent scientific and healing properties. It is said that Rudraksha cures various conditions and has a therapeutic effect on the mind and body. Rudraksha strengthens our minds to fight all odds in life. Usually, due to ignorance, people associate the Rudraksha with any other religious product, but various scientific research conducted worldwide has proved that Rudraksha, due to its Electro-Magnetic properties, works magically on our bodies. It channelizes a positive energy flow and leaves a calming and rejuvenating impression on our mind and body.

Therefore, it is worshiped and worn for seeking the benevolence of Lord Shiva and the rudraksha benefits .

Scientific Health Benefits of Rudraksha:

Stabilizing Benefit
Our body is like a machine with an in-built bio-electric circuit. Each body part connects with a continuous blood flow from the heart to the brain and then to the rest of our body. In the normal system of events, the circuit in our body works correctly, but stressful lifestyles and environments play havoc on its flow. This disturbance leads a person to various diseases. Rudraksha beads help fix these problems by stabilizing our bodies and calming our hearts and senses. The Rudraksha exerts a proper force around the heart, improving its performance, controlling the heartbeat, and maintaining blood circulation. It prevents high blood pressure and heart attacks.

Personality Shaping Benefits
We usually come across people who exhibit particular personality traits like intelligence, confidence, patience etc. The reason behind the showcase of such qualities lies in the effective control and mechanism of the brain. The people who can control their minds and body are more substantial people. Rudraksha beads of certain Mukhi or face act as a personality shaper and help its wearer to send limited or only calculated (desired) positive brain signals. This allows the human to achieve and modify the desired behavioral qualities or characteristics. Like 1 Mukhi Rudraksha bead makes the individual more patient, 4 and 6 Mukhi Rudraksha beads improve the intellect of a being, 9 Mukhi Rudraksha beads improve the confidence level of the wearer.

Magnetic Benefits
Rudraksha acts as a magnet due to their property of Dynamic Contradiction. It clears all the blockages and interferences in our body circuit like blocked/ clogged arteries and veins due to its magnetic effect and makes the blood flow in our body smooth. It removes waste, pain, and illness from the body and has an anti-aging effect.

Dielectric Benefits
Rudraksha infuses us with a positive attitude. Whenever we are worried out, physically or mentally, our body produces more energy which, if not burned or stored, creates problems in our body, leading to hypertension, anxiety, and other disorders. Rudraksha beads stabilize this undesirable energy source, improve our nervous system, and balance those excessive hormones. Scientific studies demonstrate that Rudraksha beads have dielectric properties, which means they act as a storage unit for any excessive or harmful energy.

Anti-Inflammation Benefits
Rudraksha beads have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is a rich source of Vitamin C. Drinking the water of soaked Rudraksha will make you resistant to various diseases.
So, what are you waiting for? Bring your original rudraksha today and reap various health benefits.

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