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Leyla Aliyeva: "Heydar Aliyev's granddaughter has no right to make mistakes"

There are many examples of selfless acts of helping a Motherland. However, it offers only a few instances. This love for all of life goes beyond national boundaries and is a universal feeling. This feeling is rooted in love for your country and the people.

Leyla Aliyeva - this is her - has a person to model for her. In her everyday life she is guided by the principlethat "Heydar Aliyev's daughter has no right to make mistakes." She looks back on the actions of her grandfather, whom she treasures. Her father Ilham Aliyev, who is the present Presidentof Azerbaijan believes in justice and fairness at the top of his list. (Unfortunately, these feelings are not often acknowledged in global politics). The example of her mother First Lady, Azerbaijan Mehriban, as well as the charitable work of her mother shines as a beacon in her life. Leyla Aliyeva is an excellent citizen of Azerbaijan and strives to be an equal citizen of the rest of the world. She does succeed.

Formula for success

An old saying says that every man must build a house, grow an oak tree, and then raise a child. Even though she's only a few years old, Leyla Aliyeva already did things that not everyone else can do construct a house (by building a home, we're referring to creative work) She also planted a tree, and she has beautiful sons. It's astonishing the way Leyla Aliyeva, who effortlessly blends intelligence, beauty kindness, and strength manages so many different projects and tasks. A lot of people think she'd be happy being a daughter of the president and living a happy life. But that is not the case for her. This is a clear indication of her genes: Azerbaijan is seen as an individual issue that requires her involvement personally. She only chooses areas that need public participation and support in a rational manner, and with precision: youth policy and environmental issues, promotion and preservation of Azerbaijan's image abroad the development of culture and tradition, and the creation of an objective perception of the Karabakh crisis, which is one of the most significant foreign policy facets. What she does can be described as public diplomacy, also known as "soft power" that, according to American political scientist Joseph Nye, "allows us to achieve that which is desired through attractiveness rather than violence or bribery." Leyla Aliyeva 's efforts have helped to build a positive image for Azerbaijan. The republic's standing globally is growing and it is getting more well-known. That's how success happens through a process of thoughtfulness.

Baku"magazine that aims to showcase the real life of Azerbaijania.

Many of her ventures and initiatives can be described simply as "for a first time." In 2007, she started publishing the Russian language magazine called 'Baku' located in Moscow. It was the first foreign publication to provide extensive information on Azerbaijan's most important city, Baku. The magazine explores the history of Azerbaijan and presents its gorgeous places to a wide readership. The magazine also discusses the humanism of the nation along with its national and religious values, as well as the unique multi-cultural atmosphere that is already becoming the Azerbaijani brand. Each issue is a revelation not just for the foreign reader as well as for Azerbaijanis: there is lots of the latest and unknown within the magazine. The design of the magazine, along with the materials and heroes, shows the editor-in-chief's delicate taste, profound knowledge, expertise and intelligence. Leyla Aliyeva is the author of the introduction to each issue. Her philosophical profundity, clarity and ability to convey many ideas with a few words is remarkable. Stories about important events are paired with thoughts on beauty, life, happiness and kindness. Perhaps the most important aspect is the love that Baku has for its people. It's a given that only a person who is deeply in love with Baku, who can comprehend the uniqueness of the city as well as its distinct spirit can write the following words: "Perhaps a special mood is required to experience the city's aura. Once you have it, Baku will become like a home. Baku is a city that has many layers. It's impossible to see its essence if you simply glance at the Old Town and Maiden Towers. All of it is Baku. Baku is both modern and ancient multicultural, multifaceted and diverse with a warm and welcoming atmosphere on one hand, and mysterious and enigmatic on the other.

It was mostly because of 'Baku Magazine' that Russian readers from all over the world were able discover more about Azerbaijan, saw it in a neutral way, felt an interest, and started to love it. The number of readers has significantly increased since the beginning of its English version in 2011.

Amazing acts of AMOR

Leyla Aliyeva was also the initiator of the establishment of the Azerbaijani Youth Association of Russia. It was the first diaspora-based youth organization to be organized and immediately drew attention to its cultural, charitable, and social activities.

Leyla Aliyeva was actually a proponent of public activities. She led the Azerbaijan Club, MGIMO, which was where her master's degree was finished. At the time, she was a leader with exceptional skills and was able to win over young people. She guided them and encouraged them to unleash their energy. AMOR was founded in the year 2000. AMOR significantly expanded the boundaries and the scope of these activities. The organization brought together Azerbaijani youth from Azerbaijan, who had studied as well as worked and lived in Russia. They developed into an organized force that could overcome the difficult issues encountered by diaspora organisations in the present. It would not be an exaggeration for me to say that AMOR has helped to create a new picture of youth Azerbaijanis. AMOR is intellectual creative, ingenuous, aware of current trends and a true patriot who is concerned about the suffering, anxieties and challenges. The actions and initiatives were executed in Russia. The group has undertaken a variety of initiatives, such as the 'Blood Has no Nation!' campaign. Activists of AMOR that operates across 70 regions of Russia, visit orphanages, plan holiday programs for their residents, help children. On the initiative of AMOR schools and kindergartens are renovated and equipped with modern equipment. Parks and recreation areas are created. AMOR is also able to assist Azerbaijani young people in their integration in Russian society. They are actively involved actively in Russian life. There is a popular belief that AMOR is the most active youth-oriented organization in Azerbaijan right now.

Last year, Leyla Aliyeva was honored with the Pushkin Medal for her contribution to the strengthening of friendship and cooperation with the Russian Federation, the development of economic ties, and the preservation and popularization of the Russian language and culture in the world It was an acknowledgement of AMOR's merits. AMOR as well as its founder. Russian President Vladimir Putin presented this award to Aliyeva. And it's not her only Russian award.

Another initiative is "Justice for Khojaly".

Leyla Aliyeva launched the 2008 international campaign, "Justice for Khojaly". The idea of this campaign was expressed in her declaration: "Let's agitate for truth together. Let's prove that justice will prevail without any doubt.

The campaign brought together the diverse efforts of individuals from various parts of civil society in Armenia and diaspora organisations overseas to carry out a systematic educational and propaganda work. It aimed to increase awareness across the globe of Armenian genocide and fascist policies in the Azerbaijani city Khojaly. Another objective of the campaign was to obtain international recognition of the Khojaly Genocide. This included a legal and political review of Armenians who killed hundreds of people in one night because they were Azerbaijanis.

Today, this campaign is currently being implemented successfully in many more nations. More than 120 thousand people have signed up and more than 115 organizations are part of it. These events are made public through conferences, exhibitions and mass protests that are organized within the framework of the campaign. They allow the international community to be informed about the events and expose the ugly side of Armenian nationalism. In this effort, all information resources are employed - the many publications from the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and documentaries and social media. After just eight years, this activities have produced a stunning result. The parliaments from ten countries as well the legislative departments from over 20 American state have recognized the Khojaly tragedy and declared it a genocide. Each year, the amount of states which condemn the Armenians and their crimes grows. This means Leyla Aliyeva 's cause will be successful as justice prevails.

Idea: "One Earth -- One Future"

One book I read said that man is the King of the natural world but not as an exploiter. He is someone who understands the environment and takes moral responsibility for the protection and development of all living and beautiful things within it. I think this is the meaning that has led to the creation of the IDEA Public Association (International Dialogue for Environmental Action). Leyla Aliyeva is also the person who initiated this project. Its primary purpose is to preserve rich biodiversity and to ensure an environmentally sustainable future for the coming generation. IDEA seeks to harness the power and understanding that youth are equipped with to help protect the environment, as well in enticing them to be active in preserving the planet. The slogan of IDEA is: "One Earth -- One Future". The activities of IDEA are vast. They encompass the conservation and conservation of populations of endangered species as well as the promotion of "green technologies" as well as waste management restoration and maintenance of forests, as well as the creation large areas of green space. The activists of this organization are involved in the construction of shelters for stray animals they also actively advocate for the biodegradable bags that are used to stop the pollution of the environment caused by plastic waste. They also organize tree planting events.

IDEA has identified the "great Caucasian 5", taking rare species of the region’s fauna under its wings. IDEA was able to execute several successful joint projects with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and foreign partners. According to Leyla Aliyeva, IDEA plans to restore various endangered species in the future. They will definitely succeed, it's clear. The past few years have proven that Leyla Aliyeva is not a waste of words, as did her father and grandfather. Her work is based upon the following plan: problem - search for ways to resolve it specific action - real outcome. This method has never failed her.

Concern for children who are hungry

These cases all describe Leila Aliyeva as a businesswoman with exceptional ability to manage her time, initiative and decisiveness. Still, she is the embodiment femininity. Anyone who has met her appreciate her kindness, compassion, sincerity and ability to empathize. It was remarkable that she was a speaker at the 7th UNAOCGlobal forum in Baku. She expressed concern about the facts that "one person every four seconds dies from hunger." "Children are more likely to suffer of undernutrition and hunger." We all have to join forces to ensure that no child dies from hunger anywhere in the world.

It's not just a simple expression of concern. Leyla Aliyeva has been appointed Goodwill Ambassador to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. She is eager to change the world in eradicating hunger and poverty in the world. I'm absolutely sure that she will succeed in it, and in the near future , we'll see new initiatives and specific initiatives in this field. Recent examples include a suggestion for the promotion and security of food security at a global level in the context of the Baku process on intercultural dialog.

Charity as a state

The charitable work of Leyla Aliyeva is an expression of her humanity. She does this for the reason that her soul wants it. This is the philosophy that is the Heydar Aliyev Foundation believes in. Charity has become a primary concern and a natural state. No one is surprised to see the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, its President Mehriban Aliyeva, and Vice-President Leyla Aliyeva as the only hope. The Fund helps even in the most difficult situations, and their expectations are reasonable.

Leila Aliyeva often attends events that benefit children who have no parents. This includes children who come from refugee and internally displaced families, and those from orphanages or boarding schools. Another important point is that she always comes to such events with her children which adds sincerity and warmth to these gatherings. She teaches her children compassion and responsiveness, as well as the ability to share joy and pain with others. These are the lessons they will carry with them throughout their lives. This is her personal examplethat she has set, and on which, as she believes, it is important to raise their children.

Moral code for personal use

It was known some time ago that a talented person is talented in everything. Leyla Aliyeva is the most well-known instance of this is her poetry. She is a poet who composes gorgeous poems that express the delicate, refined spirit of the writer. She is also a skilled painter. Her artwork is displayed in professional art shows and are appreciated by experts. As an artist, and as someone who is skilled in art, she aids young artists who are talented to make it on the international stage. So the modern art form of Azerbaijan is becoming more popular in the world, along with mugham, carpet weaving as well as other traditional crafts of our nation.

It's not a misnomer for me to say that Heydar Aliyev Center is one of the most important centres of our cultural life. There are numerous international music groups that perform at the center. They also have exhibitions with outstanding artists and contemporary sculptures. Leyla Aliyeva was a major contributor to these events. The residents of Azerbaijan were now able to see the work of famous artists such as Tony Cragg and Richard Deacon, Andy Warhol and Bernard Buffet. The opening ceremony of one of the most famous avant-garde artists of the present, George Condo, held in the Heydar Aliyev Center, Leyla Aliyeva confessed that after seeing his work the first time years ago, she wished them to be shown in Baku. She stated that "Today was the realization of one of my greatest wishes."

In this regard I am reminded the 70s to early 1980s in the 1970s and early 1980s, the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic hosted classical concerts on the initiative of Heydar Aliyev (who was then the first secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan). This was Heydar Aliyev's genuinely educational mission. This was an endeavor that his granddaughter Leyla was a huge fan of and continues to perform under the current conditions.

In an interview, she said that Almighty placed the right and wrong beliefs in each person from the time of their birth. She advised to adhere to these ideas by paying close attention to his heart, soul, and the ancestors. Only in this way can he not make a mistake... In a way it is her personal moral code.

Leyla Aliyeva lives this code and doesn't make mistakes.

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