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What to do if you have depression, and how to prevent depression?
If you have depression, then I have to congratulate you first, why should I congratulate you in the first place? Because you have depression is unfortunate, right? But getting depression is a great fortune among misfortunes. This great fortune has two blessings. The reason why you have depression is that something is wrong with your 'my world', because your 'my world' is the dimensional world, the middle between me and the world. There is a 'my world'. 'My world' is my life, 'My world' is my soul, 'My world' is my state of mind, 'My world' is my heart, but it is not me.
There is a problem with 'my world', and this problem has affected your psychology under the condition of long-term deterioration. 'My world' is your virtual mental state, so when your 'my world' is out of order, your mental state, your mode, that is, your mood will affect your body, as the physiological system Affected by function, you have psychosomatic disease at this time. When this functional influence becomes an organic influence, or when the functional influence is irreparable, it becomes a psychosomatic disorder.
There are two types of mental illness: psychosis and schizophrenia. Neurosis is divided into: depression, anxiety, panic disorder, phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, delusional disorder. Schizophrenia includes: schizophrenia, schizophrenia-like, delusional schizophrenia, and affective schizophrenia. Mental Illness There are 10 broad categories of mental illnesses. And is mental illness just neurosis and schizophrenia?
No, there is another thing in front, called Personality Violation. Personality disorder, also known as schizophrenia-like personality disorder, is not related to schizophrenia, but has a high comorbidity and is often a pre-diagnosis personality (pre-morbid personality) of schizophrenia. There are also 10 types: delusional, schizophrenic, schizophrenic, antisocial, borderline, affective, narcissistic, avoidant, dependent, and obsessive. This is the pathological reaction of the human psyche.
The pathological reactions of human psychology include: abnormal personality, neurosis, schizophrenia... a total of 20 kinds. That is, the normal psychological environment of human beings has not been handled properly. When your 'my world' is unhealthy, it will enter a morbid reaction, and there will be 20 kinds of mental illnesses waiting for you. Among these 20 kinds of mental diseases, the first 10 kinds of abnormal personality are sub-health state, and there is no medicine or doctor in psychiatry, only psychological treatment. Personality violations are very common. We often think that he has a bad personality and a bad temper, so there will be some deviant behaviors.
Is it possible that a person with depression has already had an abnormal personality? It's possible that it's just a difference in degree. It's not that depression is necessarily a disorder of personality, but personality disorder is very common. It is not a mental illness, but only a mental illness in the early stage. Therefore, there are many people with abnormal personality, but they have not been diagnosed. Most people jump from normal to abnormal personality. If you jump from normal to deviant, and from deviant to neurotic, you're in trouble.
Why is it said that depression is a blessing in misfortune? It is because of your state of mind that your 'my world' has gone wrong. At this time, it is equivalent to going morbid, and it has already crossed the personality. When your mood goes wrong, if you just have depression, then this is called the blessing of the ancestors, because some people jump directly to schizophrenia when their mood goes wrong, instead of going into neurosis.
Depression is a psychosis, can it turn into schizophrenia? Here is an answer for you. People with psychosis, including depression, will fall here for most of their lives. If they get better without receiving treatment, it means that you do not have this disease in the first place. So it is rarely difficult for a neurosis to become schizophrenia.
Can people with schizophrenia get psychosis? meeting! Schizophrenia is easy to complicate, depression, anxiety, panic, fear, obsession, delusional states, you can easily combine these states, and even include the entire symptom of the disease. Patients with schizophrenia are easy to combine symptoms of depression, anxiety, panic, fear, obsession, and delusions. But depression, anxiety, panic, fear, compulsion, and delusion, these six types of neurosis, rarely turn into schizophrenia. treatments of depression of neurosis is different from the pathology of schizophrenia, and they are different things.
It's as if a ball falls here, and then two forks, one going towards neurosis and one going towards schizophrenia. Those who go to schizophrenia will almost go back and join together, but those who go to neurosis will not turn around. The great fortune in misfortune is that you didn't get schizophrenia directly, you went into neurosis. Fortunately, you are not suffering from schizophrenia. Fortunately, you are suffering from depression, which is the best treatment for neurosis, and depression rarely turns into schizophrenia.
If you already have depression, there's only one way to prevent it from getting worse or worse: get treatment in the right way. There is no other way but to take medication. In the psychiatry department of the hospital, or called the physical and mental department or the clinical psychology department, only the two professional people of clinical psychotherapist and psychiatrist can help you, there is no word psychiatrist. In our country's occupational classification code, there is no word for psychiatrist, only psychiatrist and psychotherapist, but no psychiatrist.
What is the predisposition to depression? Negative motivation, negative emotions, somatic symptoms, sleep disorders, academic and work frustration, self-image, interpersonal disorders, social function withdrawal, etc.
Self-abuse, self-harm, suicide, and depression are two things. Depression may be combined with self-abuse, self-harm, and suicide, but self-abuse and self-mutilation suicide is not the cause of depression, nor is it the result of depression.
How to interpret, do you have a tendency to depression? Where does the tendency come from? It involves how to prevent it. The first battlefield to prevent depression is to prevent it in 'My World', rewriting 'My World'.
'My world' belongs to the psychological state of mind, and in this state of mind are stories one after another, and in the stories are one world view and one character design. There are many stories in the mood, and the ones that do not make up the story become fragments, but these fragments and stories hide your worldview and characters. Therefore, your Minecraft world is your dimensional world, your personal customized dimensional world, and this is your 'mine world'.
Now is the era of the explosion of ideas. Regardless of all the documents, all literature and art works, and knowledge, both ancient and modern, all literature, art, and knowledge are defined in the relationship between me and the world, to explore how the world will be and how it will be. That's why you hear a lot of people say, I'm in conflict with the world. When you are in conflict with the world, the first one is of course to change the world. If you can't change the world, you can only change myself. If I can't change the world, and I can't change myself, I can only accept this conflict and live like this for the rest of my life.
And some people think that he has no way out and must fight. You have to know that people and the world, people are an individual, the world is such a huge collective, and then people's lifespan is only a few decades, and the world is not called lifespan is years. In this situation, how do you fight the world? If I stand against the world, I become a model of binary opposition. It may have been used in ancient times, but it has very little applicability in modern times, because the truth of human beings is not like that, why is it difficult to break through spiritual civilization, and it is not caused by science, okay? Rather, in the past, philosophy, all the way to psychology to contemporary philosophical psychology, has always been in the mode of binary opposition.
In fact the human condition is: me, the world and my world. There is a 'my world' between me and the world, everyone lives in 'my world', and everything in 'my world' is my life.
This is a physical world. But you know how this physical world came from. This is an immutable physical world, right? The physical world is a parallel world to 'my world', isn't it? So do you know how the physical world came about?
The events in the physical world are placed in my head. In 'my world', there are all kinds of relationships, all kinds of circuits, all kinds of knowledge, all kinds of cognition, all kinds of values, all kinds of self, all kinds of roles, all kinds of Should not, want to think about them, I will decide later. If I like you, then I will follow you in the physical world: hi, hello; then if I decide to hate you, I will turn my head and leave; if I don't like you, nor hate you, then I will wipe with you Passing by, pretending not to see you, right? Then the results are expressed in the physical world and become the behavior of the entity.
Therefore, the behavior of the entity of 'My World' is just a result, where is the reason, the reason is that this person manipulates 'My World', this is an observable behavior expressed after each I manipulate and operate 'My World' In response, it becomes the physical world. Is the physical world created by individuals? No. There are 7 billion people in the physical world, operating 7 billion 'my worlds', and a world that expresses it is called the physical world.
How did what we call the immutable physical world come from? From chance, the butterfly effect, why is there a butterfly effect in the physical world? Because the physical world is the result of the butterfly effect, isn't it? Therefore, everything that happens to the physical events in your life comes from chance, from probability, from chance, and you are not the only one who decides what happens to the physical world, and what happens to you in the physical world.
Everyone's individual behavior and collective behavior in the physical world are influenced by 7 billion me and 'my world', and then the 7 billion me and 'my world' are virtual worlds, and these virtual worlds appear to become real The world, then combined into an immutable physical world.
The world in every moment is actually composed of 7 billion 'my worlds' that exist at the same time, and there is an interactive relationship there. You just need to observe him, see him, make a result, make a slice, and he will Define what you call the immutable physical world, this is quantum mechanics, this is the quantum world.
The quantum world puts all possibilities in it. In classical physics, one is one and two is two. Quantum has the property of being undetectable. You see it, it clicks and stops, and it stops for you to see the result. So when everyone peeks into what the world is, and decides to spy on him, he slices out a result for you, and then this result is the immutable physical world.
The instant entity event is set by us as the entity world, which is immutable and has already come out. If you go to study quantum mechanics, you will know that because human life, human world, human mental state, the intersection of human and the world and the entire mental state is fundamentally a phenomenon of quantum mechanics. Therefore, before quantum mechanics appeared, it was difficult for us psychologists to describe it, but when quantum mechanics came out, some auxiliary knowledge became mature, and the description became very clear.
We carry our 'my world', which only exists in a small corner of this world, so don't think that there is no intersection between me and this world. Say that your intersection with this world is gone, and all your intersections are in 'my world'.
How to prevent depression, there must be a new world view. It used to be that you were picking up the pieces of your life from birth to the present and piecing it together into one story after another. Next, you use this story to construct your worldview, and then write the characters in this story. We all set in our 'my world', what is my self? And what are the four characters we wrote about me? And what we wrote, we pulled him into my world, those relative characters, and what their selves were.
Did we make a character set? You have a personality for your father, you have a personality for your mother, you have a personality for your husband, your wife, your son, your daughter, and everyone you know. Our leader, he is that virtue, Xiao Zhang next to me is like a dead man, and Lao Wang next to me is like a *. And I won't talk about it, it can only be like this. The world view is not your cognition, not your values, but your world view, what world? The worldview in 'My World', you have to piece together one story after another.
How to prevent depression? Rewrite your life, rewrite your worldview, and then use new characters and new worldviews to write and weave new stories.
Since when does a person start to rewrite the self, to write these things consciously and subjectively? The legal age of 18 is 18 years old, and almost all countries in the world are defined as adults, so what does it mean to be an adult? That is, legally you must take full legal responsibility for your actions. So after 18, you can't say my biological age is 18, but my mental age is only 12, so I'm not responsible when I commit a crime, and even if I kill, I won't be sentenced, right? Including China, most countries define that the 18-year-old must be legally responsible.
What is the meaning of psychology under this definition? Before you are 18 years old, if you have any situation, your family of origin must be responsible for you. Can. You can blame it all on the family of origin. Either of you are parents, and the family has harmed them. When the family of origin came out, it became like this. You can say this, although it is not the case. As long as you are 18 years old, even if this is the case, the law considers that by the time you reach the age of 18, your physical maturity has given you sufficient psychological maturity. No matter what you think someone did to you or hurt you before the age of 18. It's 18 years old. I'm sorry. From the first day of 18 years old, you can and you have to rebuild your life. You have the ability to rebuild your new world.
At 18 you have to rebuild your 'my world', and then in your 'my world' you have to do what is reasonable and legal. If you do unreasonable, unreasonable and illegal things, then you have to pay the price, especially illegal things. Psychology should also be based on the law, right?
You know that you can't change the world, and even you can't change me. You know who is the most difficult to change in the world. It's harder to change me than to change the world. In fact, neither I nor the world can change. When your me is constructed, I and the world cannot change. The country is easy to change, the nature is hard to change, the country is hard to change, the world is hard to change, the world can’t change, and I can't change it either. What is the problem? Are the classes in 'My World' any good? The virtual class in Minecraft, the virtual family in Minecraft, that's the problem.
The worldview and characters in 'My World', as well as all the stories, were written in a daze and half-consciousness without your awareness. After it's written, sometimes when you realize it, take that thing as me. Then after a while, when the worldview and the characters can't support it, you start to change some characters, change some worldviews, and rewrite some new stories. Do we all operate this way? But some people are very strong. They don't change because they can't do it, but because they want to be better, so they keep changing.
As long as there are two principles, the first principle As long as you hit the wall, if there is a conflict, you should change your personal settings as soon as possible.
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