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atrophy the decrease in the size and strength of a skeletal muscle when it is not used
body composition the ratio of fat to non-fat tissue in the body
creeping obesity a gradual addition of weight over the years that eventually leads to obesity
exercise specificity principle the natural law that the muscles of the body will respond and be conditioned by the type of exercise they perform
hypertrophy the increase in the size of a muscle fiber in response to resistance training
isometric exercises resistance training that does not involve movement
isotonic exercises resistance training that involves movement
metabolic rate the speed at which the body is able to use the energy created by the digestion of food
metabolism the process by which food is changed into energy and used by the body
muscle adaptation principle the ability of a muscle to increase in size and strength to adjust to resistance placed on it
muscle endurance the ability of a muscle to move a weight repeatedly or for an extended period of time
muscle strength the most amount of weight a muscle can move at a single time
overload principle the amount of resistance and duration put on a muscle so that it will become conditioned
progressive resistance exercise (PRE); the strengthening of the skeletal muscles by adding more physical strain on them over time, thus letting them develop and adapt to this stress
repetitions the number of times in a row that resistance is applied to a muscle, sometimes referred to as reps
rest the period of time in which the muscle relaxes and recovers between exercise sets
resting metabolic rate the number of calories that the body uses when it is at rest
set a group of a certain number of repetitions of an exercise
skeletal muscles body tissue that is connected to and moves the bones in the body
tendon strong body tissue that connects the muscles to the bones
the Law of Reversibility the principle that muscles will lose size and strength if resistance training is not continued
Valsalva maneuver a harmful increase in blood pressure caused when a person holds his or her breath during resistance training
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