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I wanted to share a story of how i met WYD as the saying goes WYD stands for that people have fun at gaming and get togther and have fun togther? well thats why i why i joined WYD but i do want to share the story since its important to me. Lets begin with me of what i have done to be here? it stared of a guy i met in the server that said he you should be admin i know the owner you would make a great one, as the many more said i should do it i contacted a guy named SOB-WYD, he showed me around and it was a lot to remeber so many things and so excited of being a admin. After a few weeks the guy that recomended me also became admin witch was cool since i grew fond of him, we did many things togther and even become good friends, even tough he had our diffrences ahahah witch i liked. as i become to work with him other admins came to light that we learned we where not alone on TF2 but some went away or still are in WYD and some even new.For example when Evevee and Kirk came first to WYD and me and the mate i worked with did not liked it at the begin since we had some bad runing with a guy that was not on the talking side so we where watching them, and sure they made some mistakes but even i did some and so did my guy i wroked with. but after time we talked about them, saying 'if they keep screwing up they do need to go' so we watched them, after time as we talked again about them i said they have changed and SOB made them council, at first we where amazed on how fast it was for them and how long it took for us. So we where talking to SOB of why they where council. as soon as i talked to some people i understood they have done a lot for WYD and earned it by right. After that i told my mate about it in WYD he said it was still unfair witch i agreed on but saying ' we have come a long way im proud of what we made, we made sure to have event get to be in the servers and help people' witch he agreed on. After some time after that some few other people came to WYD Charels-WYD, also know as Sgt.MeowMerrs, Very social and always spontaneous with humor. I liked him a lot beceuse i tought thats what WYD needs a guy who thinks diffrent and has fun and is proffesional when it comes to work. as soon the group mention that they would make him mod i agreed and did not hasitate on it a second and said 'YES' after he become mod everything was good in WYD nothing was going wrong. but after a few weeks i got into a argument with my mate about a ban, as i urged him to talk to him before banning him he talked to me saying 'he broke the rules swearing at me and name calling' now i work with many people and i learned ask why they do it, why do people swear towards others, find out what is wrong with the guy as i talked to him in steam chat giving him advice, as the guy was mad and the ban was done, i told him not to do it since it was not insulting to me and that he prehaps had a bad day? so i found the guy on steam and talked to him, i talked to my mate that banned him. And he would not hear by stating 'im the admin he broke the rules' witch was correct but we needed the members. So we got into a fight and so on. we had this many times on how things should be going and that i wanted to talk it out while my mate wanted to enforce the rules by the bundle, witch led to emptey servers. And don't get me wrong he did also did a couple of bans that where needed like hackers and such witch we both agreed on. as soon after that we did became friends again and talked it out in a respectfull way, but it only lasted for so long as the drama did go on. Since i told him i share a diffrent vission on how to treath people and he is more of strict person witch i find a good combo some times even if we had diffrences. but my vission is to see reason above anything else, but what made me angry was when a person added me on steam saying he talked to the admin on WYD making a honest apology i was mad as hell. since the WYD admin response was 'lel my feelings?' i tought how could a person not accept that and be blinded by anger that mutch, and responded like that to the guy that was banned. i always say everybody makes mistakes, as a admin you should be the bigger person and say. and that left a scar in our friendship since we did not agreed on how i found it dumb to respond to a guy making a sincere apology. But it all gone sour when the Raffle/give away group of WYD came to light. As the months passed and we did not talk so mutch i asked him for help and that we should do some stuff liek Youtube etc. witch he said ' yeah sure' and i also said 'we should get more members for the raffle/give away group so it can be bigger' witch he agreed on. so we agreed that we should do a give away, and talk it over on what to do after weeks and weeks i have not heard of him i saw he posted a raffle only that he was doing keys witch i did not mind in the beginning. but in the end it was costing members beceuse they all left so i demoted him since i was mad that he cost us members and never talked to me about re posting. so he came to me saying "power' witch i said 'if its about the powers on the group you need to talk to me since i asked you this before' and then i got a comments from him that no admin nor council should say as it was in a child like manner. i was shocked on how low my mate i used to know got to be like that i wonder still what happend to him? As things started to heat up some WYD members tought of putting this away in not to respond on it, since no one cared or had the balls to do so. a great and dear staff members that helped me and supported me dolphinbabe-WYD- very social and has empathie she takes the time to lissen and help witch i resspect very mutch and i hope there are more people of WYD staff out there like her? and i want to thank H20 MaskyPie for supporting me as well i thank you for that!

There is way more to this story but i give you the spoilers and a summit of what happend, and also yes i find it unprofessional that some admins on WYD cannot communicate with a person that has been for WYD to help the members by talking to them and trying to make WYD there home, and wanted only good for al. And if you find your self wondering who the hell is this guy, and i don't care! then i have this to say why are you here as a staff or members? i find it backstabbing that i have spend many hours on helping WYD to recive 1.Treaths 2. Offensive language 3. That i needed to stay silent. and many other things, witch is unfair no?
And by all means proof me wrong but i i find it despicable on how some of WYD staff treath me, and yet shoking that the members help me and support me. So WYD are you gonna treath me as a human being and talk to me or ignore me.

(sorry if there are spelling errors in i have dyslexia and try my best)
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