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[925 - Katzenaugen]

Weapon : Alcastor ; Dmg -25 Hp
Armor : Sentinel Mail Armor : def +18

• SS E- 75/125
Megidola -50MP PN, -75HP YDS ALL foes
Spirit Drain -15MP PN, -30MP YDS, +30MP PN (Absorb MP musuh)
Anima Freeze 15MP PN, Exhaustion Effect YDS ALL foes
Recarm -15MP PN, Menghidupkan YDH dengan HP 50%
Invigorate 2 Menambah +8 MP setiap turn.
Rainy Death -35HP PN, -45HP YDS
Regen 1 Menambah +5 HP setiap turn.
Exhaust Boost Meningkatkan efek Exhaustion (Tiap turn berkurang 20% dari max. MP)
Maragion -10MP PN, -16HP YDS ALL foes
Hysterical Slap -15HP PN, -20HP YDS + rage ailments setiap turn 5 dan kelipatannya

1. Heat Riser
100/100 Heat Riser -40MP PN, 10ATK 10DEF YDS 100/60

Megidola regen 1 75/70 (-75)

Cruel Attack
35/60 -24HP PN, -38HP YDS, -45 HP YDS jika musuh dlm keadaan Down/Dizzy 11/60

43/70 Rainy Death (-45) 8/70



2. bisa gunakan amrita jika melawan aillment atau tidak saya abisi sebelum turn ke-3.

3.38.2 = -76.
Karena balzac mengeluarkan efek rage. Sehingga defense musuh menurun 2x lipat. Jadi sama saja kita mengeattack 2x.
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Regards; Team

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