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C Cars help people run errands, go on vacations, and live life. Cars benefit people’s lives by helping them get to work and making everything much easier for them. Cars give people the opportunity to be able to go where they want. To be free. Cars leave people in the car for hours this isn't a negative thing especially because school and work can take up a person’s time to be by themselves.
To start off, Cars should stay apart of people’s lives because they are beneficial. According to "They didn't have to live in a city to have a job there. Businesses didn't have to be within walking distance of their customers." (Domblewski). Cars are beneficial to people’s businesses. People no longer must minimize what they want to do in the work area because of the benefits of cars. For example, someone got this amazing job offer to something there really interested in. But its 38 minutes walking there but thanks to their car the benefits of having one made things much more convenient for them. The distance is shortened and now they can do something they really want to do even though it’s not in walking distance. Cars made that possible!! To add on, from “Since 1960, the percentage of Americans who get to work by car has increased from 63% to 85%. " (Excerpt from Facts Along the Road). Getting from cars to work has improved Americans lives so much it increased all the way to more than 84%. Without cars people would have a much harder time getting to work. For instance, if someone did not have the benefit of a car, they would have to limit the jobs that they would really want for something that will probably barely pay the bills. And will work someone way out of what they can handle. Therefore, cars should stay in people’s everyday life because of the benefits.
Next, cars should stay in people’s life because they give people time to themselves. According to, "In some cities, the average driver spends more than 40 hours a year sitting in traffic. “."70% of all workers drive to work alone. Only 10% carpool" (Excerpt from Facts Along the Road). When a driver is in a car for long hours, they have way more time to themselves with peace. The fact that more people prefer to stay alone in a car driving to work more on shows that people enjoy having this time to themselves. For instance, when people are often busy with things like school and work. They have some car time to just sit, relax and listen to some beats. Something is from "riving to and from work on a daily basis, especially in areas where traffic jams are part of the daily driving experience" (Kingsley). The driving experience which may include sorts like traffic jams. Gives people some quietness which is really needed especially when getting from and back to work. For example, someone goes to work and has an argument with someone when lunch break comes around, they can take that time getting their lunch in the car to cool down. Because they were able to have some time to themselves, they were able to think appropriately and assist the situation as needed.
Lastly, Others may think that cars do not offer freedom however cars offer people to go to many places and by comparing how things where before this is more shown. Therefore, freedom is where cars are. According to "The car offered freedom. People could now jump in their cars and go new places. They had mobility any time they wanted, not just when a train schedule said they had it. People could also now live where they wanted." (Domblewski). Cars gave people the freedom to live where they want, go where they want whenever they wanted! People no longer must wait for some schedule to tell them when they’re allowed to go somewhere they were free to make these choices. Without cars people’s choices were limited. For example, if someone ran out of water in the middle of the night and there were no trains, they would have to wait for who knows what time trains start and when they were even passing by there. But instead, because they now have cars their choices or limitless, they are free to go at night, evening, or the middle of the day. In addition, the text states "45% of Americans lack ready access to transit such as buses and trains. Cars are the only option for many." (Excerpt from Facts Along the Road). Trains and buses are not always there for people! Because cars are always available there accustoming to people’s lives and their needs. Giving them more choices. setting them free of not being able to not go somewhere.
Overall, cars are an important part of American lives. They benefit there wants, offer people freedom, give people peace and quietness with the comfort of being by themselves. For these reasons cars should stay being a regular part of people’s lives. With this the best is sure to come to regular drivers.
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