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Hello, my name is Lauren Guichon I am in terminal professional baccalaureate ASSP (accompaniment care and services to the person) at the high school Les Chataigniers in versailles.My professional project is under development, in September 2022 I would like to integrate an IFSI (Institute of training in nursing) to obtain my diploma and become a nurse at Samu.
Now I’m going to talk about three things that are important to me :

Riding is a sport that takes up a lot of space in my family, my father being passionate about horses and coach he gave me hearts from my youngest age, I was never enrolled in an equestrian center, it is my father who taught me everything.Riding is for me a moment of sharing with my father my sister as well as my horses, I make no competition. Having several horses, I take care of them every weekend whether for their care, their food or even their preparation. I do a lot of walks and I help my father from time to time to train the horses of a jocker friend to him when he needs them.I am very grateful to have a father coach and to have my own horses, it is a great experience of life.

Since the second I have done various internships in different fields, in crèche, kindergarten in ehpad and erea with different audiences. All these internships have allowed me to acquire a lot of skills.During these three years, I was able to provide hygiene and comfort care, to follow and help children with motor disabilities in their school learning, to do more in-depth medical care, to care for children at an early age in everyday life.I had to set up different projects: an animation project in first class, a personalized support project in terminal then I was also evaluated on hygiene care in first.I’ve had huge crush on some of my patients and great complicity. Professional teams always attentive and caring with whom I spent unforgettable moments. I’ve had complicated moments in some of my internships but I always got up. The internship in Erea was for me the best internship, it supported me in the idea of becoming a nurse.
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