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W najnowszym numerze miesięcznika Przyroda Polska opublikowano dwie fotografie mojego autorstwa. 8/2018 też "We wrześniu w przyrodzie" w punkcie 9/2018. Także w wymiarze wrześniowym Biuletynu Eko-edukacyjnego, dodatku do Przyrody Polskiej, fotografia mojego autorstwa ilustruje czytankę dla niemowlęta pt. Albumy z części Piękna Polska prezentują różnorodność, i przede wszystkim piękno przyrody polskiej, świata fauny i flory. W dwóch ostatnich numerach, sierpniowym i wrześniowym, emitowanego przez Ligę Ochrony Przyrody miesięcznika Przyroda Polska zostały opublikowane cztery fotografie mojego autorstwa. Książka „Piękna Polska. Przyroda polska” - oprawa twarda - Wydawnictwo DRAGON. Książka Przyroda polska liczy 48 stron. The Company takes pride in its significant awards and honourable mentions. The Water and Sewage Company takes pride in its long tradition. From the beginning of the 20th century, the growing population, developing industry and trades required dynamic development of water supply system and sewage collection system. In the beginning, the Water Supply Company in Rybnik used to function as a municipal Company, and finally, since 2000, it has been functioning as a Company created according to Polish commercial law.

Presently, the network is used by 97.1 % of residents. According to the oldest records, Rybnik used to be a settlement related to water management involving mainly fishing. The early days of the Company go back to 1967. Due to the increasing demand for water, which was related with the construction of coal mines, it became necessary to construct a developed system of water supply so that the whole administrative district of Rybnik could be supplied with water. Different forms of trades were also related to the need for water. The best example of this is Chimera - a creature that has the head and front legs of a lion, the head and back legs of a goat, and the head of a snake for a tail. In order to improve residents’ quality of life, a modern sewage system has been in the process of construction since 2002. By the end of 2009, 500km of network as well as 70 pumping stations are to be created in several districts of Rybnik as well as in the communes of Gaszowice and Jejkowice. The Company supplies water and manages sewage in the area of the town of Rybnik, the Gaszowice Commune and the Jejkowice Commune.

In the final years of the Middle Ages and the 17th century production management in the area of the town of Rybnik involved water as a driving force for mills and for the production of consumables. Inhabitants were provided with water based on the River Nacyna and other small water courses functioning in the town. With regard to this issue, it is worth mentioning the project developed under direct co-operation with the Silesian University of Technology: “The System for Monitoring and Management of Water and Sewage Network in the area of Rybnik”. The high quality of services provided by the Company can be evidenced by the integrated management system for quality, environment and occupational health and safety. In order to be customer and quality-oriented, in 2004, PWiK launched the Customer Service Centre, where a customer may settle all matters, beginning with technical requirements for connection, construction work order, to the conclusion of the final contract on water supply or sewage disposal.

The water supply system is based on the purchase of water from Górnośląskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągowe S.A. Rybnik Power Plant. The total length of water network is 1226 km. The Company promotes the minimisation of water loss. The systematic replacement of the water network is being carried out. Bierz na oku: star wars the force unleashed 2 ciosy to wyjątkowe prezenty. On kartkówka , the Company has been the winner in the “Fair Play Company” competition in the Large Organisation category. The Company has been carrying out modernisation of the network and implementing i program of remote meter reading. 21.37, po ponad 26 latach pontyfikatu. Największy z nich, to Uroczysko Jeziorek, który łącznie z przylegającymi fragmentami lasów prywatnych zajmuje ponad 1100 ha. Dzieci mniej zamożne zmierzały do licznie zachodzących w tym czasie prywatnych szkółek elementarnych. Dźwięki przyrody są drinkami z najodpowiedniejszych jakie możemy ofiarować swojej duszy również znajomemu ciału. Album ukazuje otaczający nas świat przyrody. Umieszczam się następnie w kolejny świat.

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