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Because of Covid-19 blocking people home, media professionals should conduct a study that covers all generations. However, I think it would be more appropriate to work with face-to-face communication and interaction and traditionalists and baby boomers who exist in social life. The reason is, I think the X, Y, Z generations will adapt more to the old. For example, the participation of baby boomers in social life when television is the most effective communication tool makes them more competent than the previous generation. I think the X, Y and Z generations are well adapted to already existing technologies. While media professionals alleviate this work, the generation Z needs to incorporate the independent and competitive spirit. Last but not least, media professionals need to help the public in this way to overcome these communication challenges by gathering all generations in common and maximizing intergenerational communication.

Mrs. Cox, While giving an example of presentism, Cox introduces Plato's speech with a sentence "what will happen to these adolescents". This sentence is no different from what adults use for the current generation. She says that in every period the youth are less respectful to their elders, more effective and faster than the previous generation. Talking about the fact that adolescents live in their own personal fable at every point of their life, Cox explains that while talking about their young children, children actually think that what they experience, no one in the world. She says a boy thinks he might go upside down on a motorcycle, and he thinks there were no laws of physics before that, and that's very true. We can show this example for historicism. She conveys that this is also the effect of adults. At this point, it becomes completely meaningless to think how young people cannot think like that in a world where 8 years of compulsory and fast education is present.
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To make explanations according to the schools;
Birmingham School; The central idea evaluates young people with their innovative features. Youth ideas have different aspirations and goals besides traditional thinking. For this reason, it is necessary to look at youth with their innovations and independence, without being placed in a certain class.

Chicago School; The school, which made different studies in the 20s and 60s, generally tried to explain youth culture with urban sociology and symbolic interaction. They have organized studies on how youth cultures interact with each other with symbolic interaction.

Frankfurt School; They did not work directly on youth culture, but critical thinking has attempted to explain youth culture based on a Marxist thought. Theodor Adorno, the most important name of the school, has worked on jazz vs seialis and has made ideas on behalf of youth and youth culture.
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