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Is it safe to drink different blood type as a sanguine vampire?

yes ^^ blood-types matter when blood is in your veins, because then it can cause clotting. but when you drink it, you digest it, and it's safe

Can a person be both sanguine and psyhic vampire?

yeah, people can be both, separately (two different conditions) or as a combination

Are they called as hybrids?

yeah, hybrids is a common term for people who do both

If we were not born as a vampire, is it possible to become a vampire later? If yes how?

opinions different on that
i've seen enough believable accounts of people becoming vampires that i reckon it's possible, yeah

Can we do vampire practices without being a vampire?

of course
energy manipulation (as psi vamps do) is a skill pretty much anybody can learn and drinking blood.

if we take different blood types with Syringe it would be fatal, but if we drink it, it is safe for every person, right?

if you inject a different blood type that is extremely dangerous, yes
if you drink it, well, the donor does get a wound, so there's a risk there
and there's risks of contagious diseases
just basically, any wound carries the risks associated with having a wound. so learn how to treat a wound, and what to do if things go wrong

Should we take the blood with a syringe instead of drinking it directly?

do you know phlebotomy
if you know phlebotomy, using needles is almost certainly best
i'm a donor, and i always use needles
but i'm trained in phlebotomy
phlebotomy is the art of drawing blood with needles

Is phlebotomy risky?

with phlebotomy, you are poking around inside someone's body with a very sharp object. you could cause injury to tendons or nerves, which could be quite severe

If we are a vampire can we get rid of being a vampire?

probably not. again, we don't know what causes vampirism, or what vampirism really is, so we can't really say that one can't get rid of it. a few (not many) people say that some conditions which cause vampirism can be cured. the large majority seems to be in this for life
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